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altheaearned bits
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althea Avatar
Bump~  Happy New Year!  The first major battle of the international war has wrapped up, and it's left us with more dramatic, unforgettable, and iconic moments than ever.

One major change to the site would have to be the creation of Confidence International, an independent guild that advertises itself as an artist's collective while performing shady activities under the surface...  Either way, we're all celebrating the new year with an IC mini-event, so please consider checking us out <3
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altheaearned bits
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althea Avatar
Bump~ The site gotten a lot of new and exciting features in the last two years, but one of my favorites would have to be the introduction of some brand-new magic systems to allow for even greater freedom with stat-based combat onsite!

However, the biggest event currently is an international war between several nations in our canon. Anything that happens in the event threads will have real consequences, so please consider checking us out <3
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altheaearned bits
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althea Avatar
bump~ The brand-new independent guild has finally launched: Meliora Vitae! They're a group that strives to preserve the harmony between man and nature, very cool beans!

Also, seeing as our Staff team is currently revamping the World Map, we're currently hosting a Worldbuilding Competition! Now anyone has opportunity to add a country to the site cannon!

If you're interested, please consider checking us out <3
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altheaearned bits
New Member
althea Avatar
bump~ It's only about time until September's limited time Items of the Month drop.  And won't be soon until the next edition of Sorcerer's Magazine does as well!

Meanwhile, a new independent guild created by the members will soon be officially introduced!

so please consider checking us out <3
5written posts
altheaearned bits
New Member
althea Avatar
Bump~ Plenty of things have changed since the ad was bumped
- By now the forum is 8 years old, and still going strong with ~80 individual writers!
- Elysium was created, a dark guild whose goal is to create a utopia befitting of the image of the ones who seek to create it
- Lackbook was introduced, an IC social media platform!
- A system for plot companies and business licenses!
- The Rivalry Mechanic was introduced, giving extra bonuses to those in opposition to each other!

Please consider checking us out <3