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aliasrav, birb
pronounshe / they
418written posts
ravyn ⭑earned bits
ravyn ⭑
Senior Member
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the heat has been so bad that i have tension in my jaw and it hurts me so.

but at the same time i bought a swimsuit for the first time in..... ten years and i feel so weird having it in my dresser now. why are swimsuits so weird looking?
aliasrav, birb
pronounshe / they
418written posts
ravyn ⭑earned bits
ravyn ⭑
Senior Member
ravyn ⭑ Avatar
hiya! name's ravyn, but most people just call me rav!!

i don't really have much to contribute to this here site, but i am p good for random conversations and just shooting the shit tbh. i'm a shy birb who's p much terrified of everyone, but i try to make due.

i've been roleplaying for about ten years now, since i moved from ireland to the states. english is actually my second language, so if i happen to say something that doesn't make sense, well, we're in the same boat since i probably don't understood what i wrote either it's a problem, ok?. you've probably seen me around chaos theory, as former staff and resident birb, though i also make my second home one event horizon, and have been on a few iterations!

i absolutely love dogs. please send me pictures of your dogs. i might mention the name setesh or set from time to time, mostly because he was my baby before i lost him. i still reference him a ton, and love talking about him since he as my first fur baby! i'm currently fostering another dog at the current moment who's name is frito, affectionately called cornchip when he's being a dummy.

some other interest include: rp (obviously), pokemon, dnd (adventure zone is a love tbh), READING (PLEASE SEND ME BOOK SUGGESTIONS), and trying not to cry as i dive back into breath of the wind after a few months away.

this turned into more ramble than i meant, oops. but uh. i lurk around a lot! and will probably poke that cute little heart a ton as well, so plz don't think i'm weird when you get a random like!

alright, i'm done. i've rambled enough, please save me from typing