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jarearned bits
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Everyone who showed interest in being a tester -- I will reach out soon! We are working hard at the mechanic kinks, making sure the fundamentals make sense. We are still looking for help/staff, so reach out if interested!

Note: There will be 5 combat talents, 5 utility talents and 5 bourg talents. 

Each person can pick up to two talents! Which mean there are about ~100 combinations -- It will be quite easy to make a unique character. Like mentioned before, after you choose your two talents YOU get to choose your jrpg class based on your imagination and tone of the character... I really want a spellsword

Lore sneak peek: DANNU. “The Harvest Goddess.” Summon Spirit of Earth. Beloved by the people of Tir Chonaill, the Harvest Goddess has been a part of the village’s culture since its very beginning. Praised as the source of the fertile soil and plentiful crops of the humble settlement, the town’s Celebration of the Harvest is held in her honor. [Most of the lore aspects are being sourced from popular anime games.]

Graphic Sneak peek: Graphics will have an old-school game ui aesthetic. I'm really making sure that the structure of the forums is intuitive while also giving each main location feel special and a big accomplishment to travel there.

Because we are emphasizing one village in the lore, characters will have to level their exploration rank by taking on quests and simply posting! Once their exploration rank is high enough, they can start exploring the wide world. 

last edit on Jul 10, 2021 17:52:29 GMT by jar
65written posts
jarearned bits
Junior Member
jar Avatar
Update: I found a coder! Currently designing the skin! Here is small sneak peak:

The homepage is pretty much finished, gonna tackle the layout inside of threads next. 

Mechanics are slowing being fleshed out. I'm walking away from dungeon master system / dnd. We decided to go with a winner takes all system. So when battling a monster, you roll the required number to defeat it. If you don't roll the correct number, you take damage. It's that simple! There will be some nuances in there, but thats the basic system. 

Crafting will go the exact same way -- trying to roll a number and if you fail, you are done with crafting for the IRL day! 

last edit on Jul 4, 2021 3:51:24 GMT by jar
65written posts
jarearned bits
Junior Member
jar Avatar
pikori Avatar
Omg! All of this just sounds great! The light dnd aspects, the inspirations you listed, the focus on a growing settlement and a talent system!

I've been yearning for this sort of rp again for so long this is just music to my ears.

I sent you a friend request on your discord if that works with you. If not, I'm open to any form of communication. I would just love to have a hand helping this project if you need it.

Can't wait to hear from you!

Best wishes
so happy you're helping with the project! 👏

65written posts
jarearned bits
Junior Member
jar Avatar
yumyums Avatar
Was thinking of porting over my dragon OC, but if that's not allowed I'd like to play a wizard. Like the one in Stardew Valley.
Dragons wont be available unfortunately. They will remain large powerful, mysterious beasts. Ultimate danger to the Tir Chollians. Maybe a formor with dragon-like features? I will have to sit with this idea. 

A wizard would definitely work! We will have a no class system, instead we choose our two talents -- then we get to give our own fantasy / jrpg class to our character. So in terms of that portion of the profile, I'm imagining something like this:

Talent #1

Talent #2

Fantasy Class:  Wizard, Knight, Spellsword, Scholar, Farmer etc. 

Occupation / Affiliation(s): Guilds your character may be part of & your job in Tir Chonaill. 

last edit on Jun 29, 2021 0:59:36 GMT by jar
65written posts
jarearned bits
Junior Member
jar Avatar
yumyums Avatar
Hm...what races/species are available to play? Might be interested.

At the moment:

Formors (or Beastfolk) //haven't decided on the name yet.

Let me know if you have any more questions, will be happy to answer.

65written posts
jarearned bits
Junior Member
jar Avatar
watcher Avatar
As a fan of Rune Factory and farming games, this tickles my interest a lot.

...can I be an amnesiac isekai protagonist XD

At this point, I don't see why not. I LOVE that trope so mucccchhhh.

thank you for showing interest, keeping my motivation aalliive. 

last edit on Jun 28, 2021 19:19:50 GMT by jar