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aliasNoodle, Longboi
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Danger Noodleearned bits
Danger Noodle
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Honestly, I'd love to see a Pokemon site based on Galar, with the gym challenge being a tournament being part of its focus. It'd be crazy cool if there was an original "bad guy" team implemented in it, like a new threat to the region? Yeah.

last edit on Mar 20, 2020 9:36:21 GMT by Danger Noodle
aliasNoodle, Longboi
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Danger Noodleearned bits
Danger Noodle
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I'm currently unable to afford anything until the end of this month, however, I do plan on picking up the game the moment I'm able to.

In theme with me being a nerd, I'm gonna probably go with Zora Isle for mine! I think its set on an island, right? It makes sense then.

aliasNoodle, Longboi
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Danger Noodleearned bits
Danger Noodle
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I honest to god couldn't, if I could I would. I ended up having to just delete it (archive in jcink sense), because it was so broken it wouldn't let me edit, delete or even quote the post.

back button :squint: is this not a capacity people have? b/c u definitely aren’t the first person i’ve met who has broken something so bad that they can’t edit/delete/quote - normally they don’t even think to back button out and i’ve never understood why since i use the back button like,,, constantly -

why... didn't I think of that. -facepalms- Oh my god I'm so stupid.
aliasNoodle, Longboi
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Danger Noodleearned bits
Danger Noodle
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Don't you just love hate when you mess up the coding in a template, and in turn it breaks your entire skin on that page?
deadass yesterday i broke the hecking ass outta an entire site because i forgot the closing tag for the style. 9/10 if something just broke the shit outta something, actually go and parse through your tags and make sure they have fuckin’ pairs man. it’s a bitch to do, but u gotta work hard for the small things when it comes to coding rip

I honest to god couldn't, if I could I would. I ended up having to just delete it (archive in jcink sense), because it was so broken it wouldn't let me edit, delete or even quote the post.

aliasNoodle, Longboi
118written posts
Danger Noodleearned bits
Danger Noodle
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For Us All is a new site currently looking for staff, it is 90% complete, it just needs a few skin and graphic adjustments and it should be finished. That being said, here is the synopsis of the site:

Humanity is on the cusp of a breakthrough in advanced technology, and with this newfound technology, people have started going missing. Regardless of age or placement, they appear to disappear into thin air through blue particles.. almost as if they're being dematerialized and rematerialized somewhere else. Several theories have sparked among the human world as to why, however, in the end, those who have disappeared reappear in the Digital World. They have been brought by the digital world in order to save itself, from the Digimon known as Apocalymon who wishes to destroy it, rebuild it in its own image, and delete the very god of the world itself- Yggdrasil.

What am I looking for exactly?
- Dungeon Masters who are willing to create and manage dungeons and crest quests.
- Administrators to help me manage and maintain the site as a whole.

What are the requirements?
- An overall welcoming, friendly behavior.
- Must know and understand Digimon
- Be able to stay active, keep up with the site.

Administrative Tasks
 Doing ads at least once a week
- Managing link backs on site
- Making sure members stay in line
- Moderating the discord
- Overall maintenance
- Reviewing Character Apps
- Answering Questions

Dungeon Master Tasks
Handling Dungeon moderation
- Moderating the discord
- Creating and overall managing dungeons, their plot, etc.
- Giving rewards for completed dungeons.
- Assigning Crests to members who complete Crest Quests
- Managing Crest Quests
- Help come up/manage site wide events w/ the site owner.

If you want to take up any of these rolls, feel free to message me here or on discord @ Link Salty™ Jr.#4677! You can also reply to this thread, if you want.
last edit on Mar 18, 2020 22:07:31 GMT by Danger Noodle