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From: The T (
To: Me (
Subject: ๐Ÿ‘€

Ugh, how long has it been? It felt like weeks since I've last emailed you! Maybe even months! Oh, it's almost been 12 days. Is it 12 days? Whatever, I'm here now, so appreciate the fact that I'm exercising my fingers by emailing you instead of exercising my fingers to slam on some rich chick and her ignorant ass takes on poor people on Twitter!

On a more lighter note, I hope you've been keeping yourself well without my gracious presence, but fear not as I'm here to bless you with some exciting news!

Oh but WHERE do I begin? ...Okay, honestly it's not really much if you ask me, but for some reason our lovely "construction team" wanted me to inform you, the lovely person I'm emailing, that Pretty Savage is almost completed! As a way to thank you for your incredible patience, they (yes, it became a 2 person job. No, she's not as relevant as our beautiful creator. Yes, I was paid to say that) have decided to make a... what the hell is it called again? A Dischord server? Diskord?

Idk you know what I'm talking about. They made that so you can pop in and see the progress, ask questions, just stick around until opening so you can get bragging rights that you were there first. Just like those dumbass YouTube comments that'd always go "fIRsT!" when-

Oop, getting ahead of myself over here.

Anyway, the team and I hope to see you there! Honestly though, I completely understand if you don't join. I wouldn't join either if I have to deal with the slowness and stupidity the team has on a daily basis. It's a h e a d a c h e.

Deets are attached below!

Only Kisses,

The T.

Attachments (32 KB)

- The server thingy

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Been playing a lot of games and consuming a lot of other media that developed a jumbled but possible idea that can work out:

Set in the distant future, America's economy has crashed and suffered through another Great Depression.

In comes a major corporation called MIYAKI, based in Japan, that later brought the country to its economical peak to a point where it had no choice but to rely on these 3 corporations as means for survival. Since then, these MIYAKI became the new form of government. With such power, MIYAKI viewed America as the perfect testing site for their upcoming project:

Operation PRSRV (pronounced "preserve") is a project that had one goal: control the human race; with such a flawed species that have damned the world into sin with their free will, they must be controlled and create a controlled utopia where such harm to both the planet and its inhabitants. Those with an immense amount of wealth won't be subjected to the process.

This involved a virus created by MIYAKI called Jackal that would spread in hopes of infecting the entire American population, only to infect just a faction of the population. Those infected were dubbed the same name as the virus. They were humanoids with traits related to animals, mythical beings, and legendary creatures; they also gained powers, creating different types of powered Jackals who can spread the virus, infecting humans into their own kind. To the MIYAKI's surprise, they had no control over the Jackals.

With no trace of evidence leading the virus to the corporation, the MIYAKI have created anti-Jackal propaganda and have officially labeled them as threats to not just the country, but to humans as a whole. This sparked racism, political strained relations, and oppression while the corporation continues to hide their trail.

There may be a second corporation involved that rivals against MIYAKI but with the same intentions in mind, but for now if there's enough interest I'll have no problem diving into detail.

love it and need it asap
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From: The T (
To: Me (
Subject: I'm impressed!

You know, people who usually get the first email either try to silently transfer ASAP or get so much anxiety that they try to transfer ASAP. You, my friend, are a hard cookie for the fact that you replied with such confidence. Hell, I actually thought you were going to scatter off! Guess I underestimated you; maybe you DO have what it takes to survive in Uexsa~.

AND you're a person of culture by knowing your Kpop stuff? Ugh, a fellow fan after my own heart. You know what? I'm taking you out for lunch! You deserve it! Where do you wanna go? Wait, wait! Hold on! Oh! Alright, you maaaaay or may not have confused Savage by aespa with Pretty Savage by Blackpink. ๐Ÿ‘€ Listen, you still understood the assignment, you did the extra credit, I'm still taking you out for lunch because you still deserve it! Except YOU'RE going to have to pay.

Anyway! I'm emailing you back because I got some very good news to share, so consider this a small update!

Our lovely... uh, construction team (yeah let's call her that) have managed to land us a beautiful skin for renovating the school! Dare I say that our team ACTUALLY has good taste for once? I dare say so!

Progress is looking good the way I see it, and must I say, it is QUITE spicy (I may or may not have been paid to say that, but you didn't hear it from me).

That's all the updates I can leak for now, but let it be known that you haven't heard the last of me yet. As a matter of fact, you might hear from me again VERY soon. Until next time! โค๏ธ

Yours Truly,

The T.
last edit on Mar 22, 2022 13:15:20 GMT by Monday
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We Got Ourselves Some Prey, Besties!

by The T | Today - 10:47 AM

Do you guys smell that? It's something.... strong. And no, it isn't Ms. Dalton trying her best to hide the scent of booze from the alcohol she downed literally 20 minutes before classes start.

...Okay scratch that, it's something SLIGHTLY less strong.

If you haven't heard, we got ourselves some fresh blood that would be a very lovely addition to the Uexsa family. What's their name you may ask? Who are they? Where did they come from? What are they like? What's their net worth? Do they wear Gucci or Forever 21?

I'll tell you this: who the hell actually cares? Not me, tbh.

But from chowing down canned pork to politely expensive Korean beef like those old ass people from 1920s noir films, I'm more interested in about HOW these kiddies will survive in our oh so unique "culture" our beautiful students and faculties alike. To locals who actually believed what I said is true, let me explain: when I say "unique culture", I usually mean a bunch of rich bitches who are SO out of touch with reality riled up against other rich bitches who are SLIGHTLY in touch with reality. Add that in with a bunch of farm folk that inherited a crap ton of money from a deceased aunt. Or how I'd like to call it, going from trailer park to Central Park.

In other words: everyone (ehh.... ALMOST everyone anyway) in every social class wants the smoke and mamas didn't raise no pussies. They did, however, rose a few bitches here and there!

Everyone in this school whether they want to admit it or not wants the recognition, the fame that comes from Uexsa and the toxic wealthy classist environment it created. A nobody wants to be a somebody and a somebody wants to be more than just somebody: relevant. HA.

Ew, how many words did I even write? 150? I feel like one of those... what the hell do you call them... roleplayers?? You know, those people Ugh, I need a manicure.

Anyway, enough rambling. Some of you have classes to go to! Or classes you really don't give a shit about, idek. I hope some of you have a terrific day! The other half? I hope you go step in a large puddle with socks on.

And one more thing before I go! Fresh blood if you're reading this, I'm going to keep it a buck with you, dear. Sure, your social class does have a huge effect on how you're perceived by every individual, but it's more important to try to not let anyone know you're new. Let's just say newcomers have a certain smell, and you do NOT want to play in the lion's den if you can't take the heat.



The T.

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The T (
To: Me (
Subject: Hey There!

Well, well, well~ If it isn't our freshest bloo- I mean, student! Faculty? Whatever, you're new. So, welcome!

Don't read too much into the blog post about you earlier if I were you. It's all fun and games! ...Kinda. Sometimes a bitch feels like stirring it up every once in a while.

So to save us both some time, I'll let you in on some crumbs on what you'll be getting yourself into.

Pretty Savage is a wlw roleplay taken place in an all girls boarding school, where parents send their precious to a prestigious boarding school called Uexsa Academy that takes students from age 18-22 in Los Angeles, California. USA, btw. Don't fret, we always have our arms open for older students! Uexsa Academy is considered to be one of the best colleges to enroll to if you have the money to afford it. Whether you're old money or you created a crypto pyramid scheme that generated $2.2 million in bitcoins, if you have money, you have Uexsa's love!

The general premise is simple: survive Uexsa's bullshit that comes your way. While the academy has legit credibility to being a top tier educational institution, it's not an ideal institution if you don't enjoy being made fun of for being lower classed in finance or rocking $10 t-shirts. In other words, it's very classist filled with narcissistic individuals, rich or not, whose heads are way up their... egos, to be more appropriate, so drama is bound to happen at every corner.

Whether you're the rich bitch from Beverly Hills or the average folk from the middle of nowhere that is the Midwest that wants to keep to themselves, everyone wants to make a name for themselves whether you want to admit it or not. What, I already repeated myself? Well, it's because it's true! Don't tell me it'd be nice to have just a TINY bit of recognition to your name. At least the good parts. Trust me, if people found out you do DnD or forum roleplay, it's a WRAP for you.

Anyway, everyone wants to have their moment, but there will only be one Queen Bee of Uexsa. Got what it takes to climb to the top, or are you more comfortable with the dirt?

Oh! Before I let you go, I've stuck some attachments in the email so you can see what else Pretty Savage has in store for you. Good luck! You'll need it.


The T.

Attachments (432 KB)

  • Jcink | Premium
  • Animanga FCs
  • Reputation System for both students and faculty. This lets other characters have an idea of who your owns are. After all, even nobodies are known for something and have some dark secrets like the rest of us. This is heavily affected by what you do in threads and can change how your character is perceived by others.
  • Gossip/Rumor Channel. More of a Discord exclusive feature with a possibility of having a forum of its own on the board, but people like to talk in Uexsa whether it's good or bad. Members can start rumors about their own characters or on other characters! Who knows, they can either come true or not. Or maybe they've already have, depending on who spilled the tea.
  • Student Council. Under the supervision of the dean and headmaster, student council "helps regulate" the flow of Uexsa. AKA, they're the ones that oversee all clubs, school activity, plan events, and more than people think. Don't worry, puny little average student. You still have the ability to change the school. Student council is just more... special.
  • Typical school stuff. Clubs, sororities, social status, blah blah blah all that good boring stuff.

I apologize for the crappy format I'm on a budget asdfyhujl