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mulesearned bits
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if this was based off of King's Avatar, then why not. But if not then I don't really see much interest being gathered for this. But don't let me deter you from it if you really want to give it the old try.
I getchu, that's the main reason I thought of just posting something like this to gauge interest before I go ahead and spend lots of time and effort into something I'm only really interested in aha been away from RP for a while and not 100% sure what people's interests and wants lie with
2written posts
mulesearned bits
New Member
mules Avatar
Hey there o/

Just thought it might be worth posting here in case anyone was interested, as I've had this idea sitting in my head for some time now and was wondering if there'd be any interest for it (or hell even if a site like this already existed). I'm a huge fan of competitive gaming/esports, and I know there's some crossover between people who are fans of competitive gaming/gaming in general and these kinds of RP forums and such. I've also had a lot of fun over the years messing about on Entertainment RP forums, I think the idea of a hook to keep you wanting to keep going back and interacting with the world, posting, and so on is a healthy thing for any forum to have.

Anyway, my idea is that you could create some sort of entertainment RP spin off type site where the main focus is competitive gaming. Likely in a setting where it's much more mainstream, perhaps set in the not so distant future. Players could have the freedom to make a character in a number of different member groups. There's some potential for variance in the character roles, for example you could make a professional player who plays on a team, or you could perhaps be the owner of a team, or a coach. You could even make a character who is a game dev, there's also the potential for characters who are content creators/streamers, broadcast talent/commentators, or a fanatical fan, and so on.

We could host regular tournaments/leagues and have some sort of system which could integrate player post counts to reward participation and activity, and players can earn currency, possibly have some sort of an IC store system. And then of course some RNG based stuff to determine who wins matches and inevitably the tournament/league.

Still a very much bare bones idea right now and I for sure would need some help bringing it to life if there was interest there, but I think it could have legs to it, let me know what you think?