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crunchearned bits
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i do the phone shit at walmart and i am getting so goddamn sick of people refusing to learn how to do the most basic shit on their phones, especially if they've had it for years

"oh teehee im not very tech-savvy" ok become tech-savvy. you literally don't have any excuse. i don't like it either but that's the world we live in now you can't expect everyone to bend over backwards and wipe your ass for you just because you don't wanna learn how to use a printer for fucks sake
oh no my mother found you
and i am sure she is very sweet and nice, but i'm gonna have a fucking coronary if another ancient stegosaurus of an old person stumbles into walmart and acts like it's my fault that they can't remember the four-digit passcode to their fucking phone

on a more positive note i just chuffed two PB+J's and i feel great
29written posts
crunchearned bits
New Member
crunch Avatar
i do the phone shit at walmart and i am getting so goddamn sick of people refusing to learn how to do the most basic shit on their phones, especially if they've had it for years

"oh teehee im not very tech-savvy" ok become tech-savvy. you literally don't have any excuse. i don't like it either but that's the world we live in now you can't expect everyone to bend over backwards and wipe your ass for you just because you don't wanna learn how to use a printer for fucks sake
29written posts
crunchearned bits
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crunch Avatar
in singleplayer games, i gravitate towards spellsword-type classes/builds. there are usually too many cool weapons and cool spells to neglect, so I try to get the most bang for my buck by building for both, usually with damage and utility in mind. it sometimes feels like the "OC donut steel" option cuz martials and casters are so divided in a lot of games (vidya, tabletop or otherwise), but fuck you it's cool.

in multiplayer games (or tabletop stuff), i still like to mix it up with melee and cast some spells on the side. i don't want to be the one solely responsible for dealing damage *or* healing people so i like to do a little bit of both, which usually means going for the "paladin"-type class.
29written posts
crunchearned bits
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was already said a few pages back but i will reiterate; some muhfuggin nobledark fantasy. castlevania, dark souls, berserk, darkest dungeon, warhammer fantasy, you name it. weary and tired heroes clinging to scraps of hope in a dying world, and all the crushing pressure that comes with it.

been playing a lot of elden ring recently and i thought it'd be a cool if in such a site, all the PCs are some kind of accursed class of people like the tarnished are in elden ring, or the undead are in dark souls. whoever they are, wherever they came from before the HAPPENING, they share a common struggle, just to promote some kind of camaraderie between PCs against the world without them needing to know each other.

29written posts
crunchearned bits
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been really getting into cursed, afflicted, or otherwise completely fucked-up heroes. disfigurement, burns, scars, stitches, infections, lost limbs. dents in their armor, rust on their weapons. tattered, dirt-stained capes and cloaks. people who've been chewed up and spitten out by the world, forsaken by fate but still keep going despite their bodies telling them to stop. i'll go for an FC with a mask, helmet, eyepatch, bandages, or some face-covering and leave the nature of their affliction up to the imagination. offers up some fun storytelling about who or what they were before everything went wrong.

in that same vein, FCs without a face. dudes in full armor who rarely, if ever, remove their helm, especially if they're a knight or crusader in a fantasy setting. they could be a murderous psycho or a mysterious hero, but they have to be losing their grip in some way.

so, yeah, berserk basically.
29written posts
crunchearned bits
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i saw a few threads here that i wanted to post in, but i thought it would be awkward if i didn't make one of these first. i've been lurking here for fucking ever anyway so i figure it's high time that i make an account.

heya, my name's crunch. i've been around the animanga rpc for a little under four years now, though i've been doing online roleplaying/writing stuff in various different ways for way longer. i'm trying to be a little more reliable when it comes to roleplaying stuff now that i'm living the simple wagie grind. i'm trying to actually be good at writing so that i might be able to run cool games for my friends, maybe even write my own cool shit. i like crusty old video games, tabletop roleplayin' and wargamin', cool rad music, fine dining, and breathing.

happy to be here and to see you all - wish you the best