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gimmick Avatar
Where. The frick. Are these flies coming from!!?? I've killed 13 of them in the past three days and there's still a few new ones every day. There's no garbage! None of the windows are open! Gdi!

Every time you swat a fly, two more take its place.
90written posts
FINITEearned bits
Junior Member
Well, I can now say I've gone through the process of recovering a stolen account now. Playstation was quick to fix the issue as soon as their live chat was open.

Note to self: Just because you've used something for 5+ years with no issues doesn't mean you don't need to regularly change your password and turn on all the security bells and whistles.
90written posts
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pharaoh leap Avatar
My voice has been gone on and off for the last week. I can't talk worth crud right now, but I can still sing just as well as ever???? Please, someone explain this to me -

Have you ever heard a choir teacher talk about head voice, chest voice, and speaking voice? You may have lost one, but the other is still there.
90written posts
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Coyote Avatar
I recently watched Monsters Inc. and Monsters University again and I feel like there's an untapped world there that could be super fun to play with as an RP setting, even JUST the University aspect would be super fun? IDK how it would work since animanga/real life face claims wouldn't work and no one would go for one with art/descriptions BUT the idea is fun!

There used to be a Monsters Inc. site that used animanga fcs, and it was more that they could turn into their monstrous form but otherwise had a more humanoid form for the sake of fcs. It was a really neat concept. Slap that into University for shenanigans and it'd be great.
90written posts
FINITEearned bits
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Mouse Avatar
I hope it's okay that I tag you. I've actually come across an issue that I've been trying to solve for the last 30-45 minutes or so and just can't seem to.

For whatever reason, the personality boxes are slightly bigger than the boxes for history and extra info. I thought it might be because of the table I'm using for the traits but I removed that and its still bigger. Do you perhaps know why that might be and a way to fix it?

I know the answer is probably something simple but I just can't seem to figure it out.
You're missing closing divs for each main section, so it's grouping everything together and subtly making each section smaller.

Make sure there are three closing div tags after the description text for each section. You might have to delete extra closing tags afterwards, but switching between BBCode and Preview should display them for you.