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villaearned bits
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genuine sentiment. if you think there's an RP draught right now, then think what role and contribution have you done to keep your previous sites (or current) alive. what i'm seeing is how people say they will support some site, but when it's time to show it, they're not around. member list is full, yet there's no attempt to build ooc/ic connections with each other. everyone's waiting to see what happens. all posts rely on the admin/staff, and when they slow, the entire activity screeches to a halt.

it's pitiful to see some admins try so hard to make things work, only for their effort to fall on deaf ears. meanwhile on pixel or on group chats, people bemoan how there's no sites. seriously? what gives. people say sites are closing too fast at the first sign of inactivity, but when people won't even give those sites a chance because they're dyinnn', how's the site supposed to 'pick it back up'?

meanwhile and ironically, people flock to already big sites with numbers so good that they feed into the admins' egos, that before you know it they're telling the entire server to go get laid because truth to be told, they hated all of you (except you of course. you're in our publicized nice list).

all this 'draught' feels deserved at this point. there won't ever be perfect sites with perfect admins, so maybe next time if something goes wrong, try to help in a positive way, maybe? the number of people automatically assuming bad faith is startling, and it's actually hurting your supply of sites. how many admins can genuinely say they enjoy building a community so easily explosive nowadays?

psst. no need to list out reasons on why you don't have time/effort/muse to engage. by now it's all been said. i've seen sites with a large staff team that is nothing more than a friend group. they thrive despite staff doing jack shit because the rest of the community actually bothers to make it their home. it takes two hands to clap, people. i'm looking at an admin burning themself out currently and it's really just sad.

p.s. generic 'you'.