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merriearned bits
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last edit on Jun 27, 2024 21:57:40 GMT by merri
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merriearned bits
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merri Avatar
Pulling for light cones is a joke but I decided to use my one 10 pull to try and get my Jingliu her light cone and now I'm sitting here thinking, why couldn't this have been on the character banner. I am still shocked 8D

last edit on May 4, 2024 1:16:32 GMT by merri
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merriearned bits
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scaramouche Avatar
Do people still use emojis on forums or am I looking for a nice free set for no reason?

Some places that do texting or some form of communication will have emojis for the messaging or social media-esque types of posts. I think nowadays it depends on what their use would be. I like them! They're so much fun, especially if they sometimes get added to the discord too so you can use them in both places.
last edit on May 3, 2024 0:01:29 GMT by merri
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merriearned bits
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I think I’m the one of the only people rn more excited for Wuthering Waves and not Zenless Zone Zero.

I'm already pre-registered for the May 23rd release date. I like several of the character designs. I'm going to do my best with this game to remain f2p. 8-|
119written posts
merriearned bits
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As someone who doesn't listen to T. Swift's music, listening to her new album, I have to admit that she does have a pretty good pen game. Some songs sound similar but there are 2-3 songs I've actually enjoyed.

Edit: One of the lyrics, "Died at the altar waiting for you" (or something like that) made me go, geez, wow :-/
last edit on Apr 21, 2024 19:04:53 GMT by merri
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merriearned bits
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My monitor's OSD buttons decided to stop working. I spent over 20 minutes skimming through forum posts on reddit and elsewhere to find a solution. The buttons can be "locked" so I tried the steps in the monitor manual to unlock them. It did not work. I have given up except for the fact that I was able to download the display manager to adjust brightness, etc.

Still super annoying and frustrating when I bought this monitor less than a year ago. ):<
119written posts
merriearned bits
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I will write posts as I receive them. I always liked having the alerts on jcink no longer marked as "new" or notification for an @ in the post tag channel. On rare occasions, I'll have multiple replies waiting for me to reply to (and typically because those people all replied on the same day) and I'll do them all in one sitting before mass sending them out, one tag at a time because sometimes your girl will get put on posting cooldown.

last edit on Apr 15, 2024 23:45:06 GMT by merri
119written posts
merriearned bits
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I tend to have a lot of energy for plots, ideas, threads, and such, but then that little voice in my head tells me to rein it in or sit on my hands. Sometimes I'm afraid I have too much gusto that it can be overwhelming for an rp partner, especially if I'm being speedy about replies or wanting to jump right into something because I'm super excited and muse filled. Or that voice starts trying to send doubts my way :')

Me: Let's goooo!!
119written posts
merriearned bits
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Dipping my toes into attempting to create a site (daring on my part tbh, I'd say), I never realized how hard it is to come up with a name for a site. Like... really hard. It can't just be anything, it has to fit the site's overall theme and genre. It makes me appreciate even the littlest things within the process!

This is such a mood! It definitely sets the tone and vibe. I know some people go into sites already knowing the name for it while others discover the site name once they've written out lore or general information. Wishing you the best of luck with your brainstorming and site creation and kudos to you for diving into the process!!! :)
last edit on Apr 15, 2024 1:02:52 GMT by merri