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merriearned bits
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merri Avatar
I love banter between characters and those IC moments where one notices something about the other character (little actions, etc.). Sometimes I'm torn between wanting speed and plots taking their time. Either way, I enjoy it all at the end of the day.
119written posts
merriearned bits
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rabbitears Avatar
I sometimes use physical notebooks when I get stuck! It works really well!

I could be wrong, but I believe I read somewhere that there's a reason for this! the act of writing something out on a physical piece of paper uses different neural pathways than typing, so it tricks your brain into thinking in a different mindspace than typing the words does. It works almost like a change of scenery and allows for better creativity, like an artist moving from a closed room to an open field to paint or something like that.

-I could be completely wrong but I swear I read it somewhere once upon a time-

Multi-quoting happening (sorry in advance), but as someone who works in education, you are on the right track. There are multiple studies about the benefits of writing with a pen or pencil and paper versus typing. It's why teaching kids early on how to write with a pencil is so important. It's beneficial for the brain and a fine motor skill that needs to be practiced (plus it helps those lil hands gain strength holding something and using it). :nod:
last edit on Mar 29, 2024 0:17:55 GMT by merri