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Romeoearned bits
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Would anyone be interested in one of the following ;

legend of Zelda / breath of the wild , slice of life, quests and bounties , etc

steampunk / low fantasy slice of life

Ancient Greece / Rome slice of life , low fantasy
Every single one of those ideas sound so charming to me, especially the low-fantasy slice of life one and the zelda one. I'm late to the hype and haven't played breath of the wild or tears of the kingdom but a zelda rp in general would be fun!
It really does, the ancient Greece / Rome one, possibly Steampunk.

This also sounds super unique!

i have this in my head for quite some time now so i'll be just throwing things, if anyone's interested:

a semi-dystopic high fantasy rp taking inspiration from south and southeast asian myths and legends—using concepts from hinduism and hinduism-based concepts, e.g. devas and asuras, avatars, reincarnation, etc.
set in a fictional country run by noble elites, gangs, and mafias with superpowers and high-tech weapons. the entire civilization is plagued by the existences of shadow creatures that feed on humans, where the city in which the primary setting of the rp is among the last vanguards of humanity from extinction.
features a faction-based conflict that is driven by semi-heavy site lore with member-made plots—members are encouraged to develop the world as they create their characters and experience the world for themselves
playable characters are humans who are binded by contracts with primal spirits that lend them supernatural skills and abilities; the spirits are able to "evolve" as the story progresses, expanding the skill sets of characters contracted with them
simple combat system with class and skill progression
taking inspiration as well from genshin impact, persona, aot, promised neverland, magi
keywords: gangs, mafias, mercenaries, high society, cyberpunk, magic vs technology, dungeon crawling, adventure, factions, devas, asuras, nagas, mandala

last edit on May 7, 2024 8:51:44 GMT by Romeo
6written posts
Romeoearned bits
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Romeo Avatar
Oooh, an original magical girl site? I'd be interested if it was Jcink hosted, especially if it had premium. I'm not much a fan of Proboards these days.

Is Uminari City set in the real world, and if so any particular country - I'm assuming Japan? Or is the world something like Hunter x Hunter's world?
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Romeoearned bits
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Admittedly, I'm not exactly sure when the site will be open ready. It's probably in a 'soft open' stage. It's pretty much ready to go and I did make a banner for it, but I'm not entirely happy with it. I'm in the process of trying to sketch something out, probably a Goku VS Superman but given my rudimentary this is taking forever lmao. The site will be set post Loki season 2 to explain how all the worlds are coming together. The DC and animanga worlds will be explained as just some "other" timelines and realities of the Marvel verse.

I've been going back and fourth whether I wanted to have a mix of RL FCs and illustration / animated FCs, but I think I've finally landed on the decision to just have illustration / animated FCs for simplicities sake.

The site will primarily be set in New York, and the greater United States, although obviously there's going to be a more general board for threads and plots to take place outside of America, but essentially imagine Deku at the Xavier Institute
. There's already a Discord made, so if you do want the link just reply or DM but just be aware I'm not sure when I'll be comfortable to open, I'd need to sit on the current banner I have before I do so.

Site will be on Jcink premium.

If you're at all interested this is the site plot:

When Sylvie plunged that blade through Kang's chest. She accomplished much more than Loki realized; than either of them realized. Sylvie hadn’t given back free will to everyone; she opened all the gates. Every timeline. Every universe. Every reality. When she plunged that blade through his chest it all opened in the form of rips in space-time.
Down in Queens, New York City. Michelle Jones was among the first New Yorkers to look skyward.

“Uh, guys. Peter, Ned”. MJ asked her two best friends. She could not believe what she herself saw. In those few short seconds, it took both Peter and Ned to turn around and look up. Tears in time and space had already increased exponentially.

"We're not going to get blamed for this, are we?" Ned asked with a nervous laugh, and he was only joking halfway, always trying to ease any tension.

“For once I don’t think this was our fault”, came the last of the musketeers. Only then did his familiar sixth sense prickle to make his hair stand on end.

A fine, piercing laser no larger than a needle shot through a tear, downward to the city below. In the same motion, Peter sprang into action to leap for Ned. As he does so, he twists and with all his might and pulls Ned free out of the laser’s path.

Then it came. A laugh that was so sinister it was enough to send a shiver down even the most hardened of spines.

“Ho, Ho, Ho”. The delicate voice of pure malice comes before its owner appears through a tear. By all appearances, the plain-looking alien descended through the rip in space-time.

MJ then coughed blood into her hand, and with a panicked and airy gasp, “Peter?”

Peter’s eyes grew wide, and his face became horror-stricken at the sight of MJ lying on the sidewalk.

“No”, both Peter and Ned cried at once.

Peter fell to his knees at Michelle Jones’ side and pressed both hands firmly to the wound in her chest. He repeats “No”, as if he had lost the ability to speak.

The alien pointed to the back of Peter's head. Its finger began to glow with a purplish hue of energy before a thin streak of energy shot forth.

Faster than a speeding bullet it soars toward Peter Parker. Its aim is true; when in a flash of red and blue something, someone shields the boy hero. “Who are you?” Ned said in awe.

Peter turned a little and saw the red boots, his eyes rose ever so slowly, then came the blue tights. The red cape comes into view with what looked like a symbol of an ‘S’. Finally, as Peter’s eyes travel higher, he sees the broad shoulders and slicked hair of a superhero. One he had not seen before.

“You’re safe now, citizen. I’ll handle things from here”. Superman looks across his shoulder. He tells Peter to run before his attention was right back on the alien in the sky.

Both aliens watched one another for a long minute, each waited for the other to make their move. The one in the sky frowns and spits its disgust that the boy survived his attack. He surrounds himself with a purple sphere of energy. With both arms outstretched, he rockets downward like a blazing nova.

Superman only a second after rockets himself skyward to meet this fiend. As the two super beings clashed, they caused a thunderous sonic boom to ripple throughout the city.

last edit on May 6, 2024 7:03:04 GMT by Romeo
6written posts
Romeoearned bits
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A Hunter x Hunter site, either including the canons, or an AU, or semi au.

begging on all fours planting my face on the ground stumbling against concrete tar and brickwalls while half-mumbling , half-whispering plsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplspspspsspspspspspspsplspslspls
I'd legitimately join a cult if it would spawn a site. Admittedly, I'd have to catch up to the manga (in the process now) if it's set any time after the Hunter election, but an AU would be ideal, like, just let my boy Meruem have his redemption! 
6written posts
Romeoearned bits
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Romeo Avatar
A Hunter x Hunter site, either including the canons, or an AU, or semi au.

A site based on the fairly recent game FOAMSTARS. Could be interesting given in the game lore the competitors are essentially influencers.

A Lies of P based site that but expanded to include other fairytales.

An Elden Ring site.

A Simpson's / Futurama site, seriously. One of these would make such a wacky and zany with all the hijinks the characters could get up to. A Simpson's site could basically just be slice of life, or even school / college based, and a Futurama site would could just double as a sci fi site.

A site based on Dragon Ball Evolution. There I said it! But just imagine, treat it as an original martial arts site with fantasy elements, could even make it school based for all that teen drama shenanigans. 
last edit on May 6, 2024 5:01:21 GMT by Romeo