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aliasBlue Totoro
2written posts
I'm not going to disclose my name, but here's the story I guess.

It's fine. I used to hate it. Originally, I was going to be Jack Sebastien (middle name chosen by brother) or Summer Whitney (middle name chosen by sister). They couldn't figure out my gender while in the womb, and even incorrectly announced me immediately after birth before correcting themselves. So, someone recommended my name to my mom before I was born, and it worked as it was a gender neutral name at the time (still is) and my mom loved the meaning. Whatever my middle name would be would wait till I was born as my siblings got to choose depending on my sex. If I ever get my last name changed for whatever reason like marriage, I'll probably combine both middle names to honor both siblings. So like "[F] Sebastien-Whitney [L]."
last edit on Aug 25, 2024 23:11:48 GMT by Your Neighbor Totoro
aliasBlue Totoro
2written posts

a clean looking, lowfi cyberpunk city where it's got those blues and pinks but a little more subdued/chill
but with nit and grit under the surface like a dystopian
with playable ais and cyborgs and so on
and holograms like holo tvs, or other cool devices like teleporting things instead of like stairs or something, hover cars
fandom or original, don't care. not a panfandom or fandom characters, you know. could be pokemon for all i care.
i don't wanna make or run a site, just wanna see one made