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the waking storm
aliasLuxu, TenebraeQueene
314written posts
Galeforceearned bits
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Galeforce Avatar
covered in scars but roses are coming through the cracks
1) an old school/early 2000's styled AU KH site or Post KH3 roleplay. Based less on keyblade wars, Guardians, and Darknesses and more on that good ol' Early KH Disney/FF nostalgia. Nobodies! Heartless! Disney Worlds! Character interactions and plots! None of that "end of the world(s)" nonsense for once! xD

2) a Final Fantasy XIV AU RP where the Scions and WoL didn't survive after Big Daddy Bahamut was sealed away. The site could focus on the beginning of ARR where we just play normal adventurers blessed with the Echo.

3) Animanga Superhero VRMMORPG rp where the biggest twist is that the Developers aren't "literally satan" and trap the players in the game! Just let it be an actually fun VRMMORPG where players create their superpowered characters and do super powered things! Like a nicer .Hack/ rp...? xD But with superheroes/villains!

the waking storm
aliasLuxu, TenebraeQueene
314written posts
Galeforceearned bits
Senior Member
Galeforce Avatar
covered in scars but roses are coming through the cracks
Benetnasch Avatar
I keep running into northerners who don't know that the "a" at the end of Chelsea is supposed to be silent...

wait, the 'a' is silent? o.O ....what?! *confused pennsylvanian noises*
the waking storm
aliasLuxu, TenebraeQueene
314written posts
Galeforceearned bits
Senior Member
Galeforce Avatar
covered in scars but roses are coming through the cracks
nara Avatar
Galeforce Avatar
crazy site idea i wanna see:

panfandom pokemon roleplay. basically, animanga panfandom where characters are taken from their worlds bereft of their powers, abilities, partners, and anything that made them special - and thrown into the pokemon world forced to partner with pokemon to survive. they could become a trainer/breeder/coordinator/gym leader/evil team member/etc in either an original region, one of the canon regions, or maybe all of the regions??? it would cool if it was a route based site cause i miss those and i haven't seen a decent one in many years. :c i would make this site if i knew wtf i was doing and knew how to run a pokemon rp. so instead i'll out this here for anyone who'd want it! c:
Hell to the yeah to the please Im actually beggin you

like i said, i couldn't make this site myself. no experience or clue what i'd be doing ^^; anyone who's willing to, can make it! i'd join in a heartbeat! lol.

edit: i'm all for helping brainstorm tho!
last edit on Apr 5, 2019 15:46:03 GMT by Galeforce
the waking storm
aliasLuxu, TenebraeQueene
314written posts
Galeforceearned bits
Senior Member
Galeforce Avatar
covered in scars but roses are coming through the cracks
crazy site idea i wanna see:

panfandom pokemon roleplay. basically, animanga panfandom where characters are taken from their worlds bereft of their powers, abilities, partners, and anything that made them special - and thrown into the pokemon world forced to partner with pokemon to survive. they could become a trainer/breeder/coordinator/gym leader/evil team member/etc in either an original region, one of the canon regions, or maybe all of the regions??? it would cool if it was a route based site cause i miss those and i haven't seen a decent one in many years. :c i would make this site if i knew wtf i was doing and knew how to run a pokemon rp. so instead i'll out this here for anyone who'd want it! c:
last edit on Apr 4, 2019 15:50:19 GMT by Galeforce
the waking storm
aliasLuxu, TenebraeQueene
314written posts
Galeforceearned bits
Senior Member
Galeforce Avatar
covered in scars but roses are coming through the cracks
Kitten4u Avatar
Galeforce Avatar
a non-bnha hero school rp. like sky high or x-men evolution, possibly? maybe instead of a "hero school" it can be a "villain school" or a even a "villainous reform/rehab/juvie"? ooooh, a villain juvie/rehab where villainous youth attempt to be "reformed" to modern societal standards? maybe a darker (and edgier) look at superhero society where those labeled "bad" are treated like criminals regardless of their character/exploits?
Ascendant might work here. The academy is pretty bad at being an actual school because they encourage the students to fight each other and force their will on the world, so that might fit a supervillain-esque school thing. Maybe a similar kind of feeling at least.
not exactly what i was looking for, but thanks!
the waking storm
aliasLuxu, TenebraeQueene
314written posts
Galeforceearned bits
Senior Member
Galeforce Avatar
covered in scars but roses are coming through the cracks
a non-bnha hero school rp. like sky high or x-men evolution, possibly? maybe instead of a "hero school" it can be a "villain school" or a even a "villainous reform/rehab/juvie"? ooooh, a villain juvie/rehab where villainous youth attempt to be "reformed" to modern societal standards? maybe a darker (and edgier) look at superhero society where those labeled "bad" are treated like criminals regardless of their character/exploits?
the waking storm
aliasLuxu, TenebraeQueene
314written posts
Galeforceearned bits
Senior Member
Galeforce Avatar
covered in scars but roses are coming through the cracks
Kuroya Avatar
Sharp Avatar
I'd enjoy something with an old school final fantasy vibe to it, or even just a site using the FF fandom as reference with its own original world but with familiar things like chobowhats, moogles, and classes rather than the usual panfandom/canon character mashups that final fantasy sites tend to do.

i mean. it's an entire mmo based around the concept of working and interacting with the world with your own ocs and i know i saw a site start and die on this and just. why has someone not picked this up, this makes me sad, someone please, i beg you, just do it.
YES. YES. Y E S. ALL OF MY YES. I'm hoping to resubscribe for September and i haven't played for 200+ days (not counting that free 7 days from the returnee event) and I NEED THIS IN MY LIFE.
the waking storm
aliasLuxu, TenebraeQueene
314written posts
Galeforceearned bits
Senior Member
Galeforce Avatar
covered in scars but roses are coming through the cracks
i'd love a ready player one inspired rp! none of the actual rp1 plot (since i haven't seen the movie or read the book) but i love the concept/idea i've heard/seen about! a fun virtual reality escapism rp where players can be anyone or anything they want.

i just love anime/game based rps with mmorpg settings and this would def scratch that itch i've had lately xD

if someone made one i'd be enthusiastic! (and praise you forever!)