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internally screaming
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Nekoearned bits
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stressed, depressed, and probably not well-dressed
I should just write a blog about raising these little orange fuzzballs- who A) are adorable orange tabby girls, I don't have too many of those - B ) named after guns cause my husband demands ridiculous names - C) Can't stop crying at 3 IN THE FREAKING MORNING EVEN THOUGH THEY WERE FED -

I forgot how demanding kittens were. It was so much easier when I was able to have a microwave in my room and the crate on the bed cause as soon as they started, I could feed them immediately. I only have one microwave now, so I can't hijack it from the kitchen. In other news, my husband is freaking adorable. His hands /shook/ when he first picked them up cause he was scared he was going to break them and I near cried from cute kittens and cute husband at the same time. Kill me.
internally screaming
1,799written posts
Nekoearned bits
Neko Avatar
stressed, depressed, and probably not well-dressed
Welp, kittens near died of a heat stroke, they're okay but I'm going to get them taken care of. They're just so cute. My husband hand shakes when he picks them up cause he's afraid he's going to break them and it's one of the cutest images. I told him that I wouldn't hot potato our child when I have one and he about went into shock.
internally screaming
1,799written posts
Nekoearned bits
Neko Avatar
stressed, depressed, and probably not well-dressed
I literally was up at three AM to get a drink and then had to play tech support for my awake mother. You know what I did? I turned it off and on again and she threw a pillow at my head.

But then, I heard tiny little scrich-scratching a bit later and it woke me out of a dead sleep cause I was wondering what was coming to get me.

Apparently, it's these two little adorable fluffballs of kittens and their mentally deranged mother who despite not letting me touch her or pet her for over two months, my place is the safest to bring me tiny little orange peach butt-balls. Woman, I am not getting paid for this. Imma going to get my trap once they're old enough and I will wrassle the little tortie brat in a cage and fling her into a vet.

This is the feral cat lady venting episode. Thank you for tuning in.
internally screaming
1,799written posts
Nekoearned bits
Neko Avatar
stressed, depressed, and probably not well-dressed
Coworkers - "Only nerds have fun making spreadsheets."
Me: -fumbles with my 90 spreadsheets- "Yes."

At this point for all the characters I have, the icons I make for myself, bio-metrics, even our house chore chart, I will die in google sheets and no one is going to stop me.
internally screaming
1,799written posts
Nekoearned bits
Neko Avatar
stressed, depressed, and probably not well-dressed
Person: Don't you ever get bored of making so many characters?
Me: -holds my 6 billion characters- No.

My automatic response when people bring me plots they want to play needs to stop being, "Oh I'll make another character for that."
internally screaming
1,799written posts
Nekoearned bits
Neko Avatar
stressed, depressed, and probably not well-dressed
No one:

Hahhahaha, I hate it. Also, as a native floridian, it's so hard to explain the fact that you know if a hurricane is dangerous or not just by your joints and instincts. All of the old people and me were just like, "Yeah we're fine." while a lot of the non-natives were freaking out.
internally screaming
1,799written posts
Nekoearned bits
Neko Avatar
stressed, depressed, and probably not well-dressed
Them: Oh, Until Dawn was great! It was scary as all get out.
Me: Eh.
Them: Man of Medan is going to be even scarier.
Me: ..../spends the next two hours dying of laughter because it's so awful
internally screaming
1,799written posts
Nekoearned bits
Neko Avatar
stressed, depressed, and probably not well-dressed
Mouse Avatar
I wanna make a wanted ad for a romantic interest for my character on a DBZ site. The only thing really stopping me is that I know the site it's for isn't really for everyone. I'd just do it on the forum in question but I'm like 95% certain it'll be ignored.

I just want a Bulma to my Vegeta T-T.

I would rp her in a heartbeat but I don't know if a DBZ forum would be a fit cause I can't do stats to save my life. /shot -- plus I haven't seen the newest seasons so I'm sure I would be off. I might have done her in a panfandom but I don't know if I could play her canon-current. I wish you all the luck though! I'm sure there's someone to play her- go ahead and post a check!
internally screaming
1,799written posts
Nekoearned bits
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stressed, depressed, and probably not well-dressed
pharaoh leap Avatar
Pilaf's (my cat) facial structure - but only in certain lighting - makes his face look... concerned, so every so often, you'll turn over to look, and just have this tiny little kitten staring into your soul and judging you for all of your current and past mistakes.

I have several cats with this appearance. My first cat ever, she had a look as described by my next door neighbor, a mother who judged you all the time. Like, without words she managed to come across as, "I was in labor with you for 48 hours, and you didn't even marry a doctor." Type of judging. She was sweet, amazing, and god I could talk about her and the other cats for hours on end. Some cats just have a 'look'. Also when you say Pilaf I just think of the gremlin in DBZ and I am so sorry.
internally screaming
1,799written posts
Nekoearned bits
Neko Avatar
stressed, depressed, and probably not well-dressed
We had a meeting and my boss was actually one of my bosses previously at my old job. So they decided to talk about this youtube channel or whatever about this dude scamming the scammers posing as an old lady. They said how easy it was to get screenshare working and how people need to be warned of it and we were just like, trying not to cry in laughter. I still remember how it took me two hours to get screenshare working on a woman's computer.

We've been somehow elected to fix everyone's problems - even though currently I'm in good terms with IT cause I break literally everything on their system - but please. Please. please. Yes, even if we CAN hack things, we aren't GOING to because you're a big brain who registered with a FAKE password/email to a service you haven't used in two years. Bl Just call customer support since you have access to your credit cards you're still paying on it.