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Though I suppose the confession is really that I've just gotten rather biased against 'casual' lax activity sites, probably because of bad eggs where people take canons/limited slots/plot important roles and then proceed to not post for six months, eight months, etc, and not get so much as slap on the wrist because there are no actual enforceable rules on activity and no one wants to be mean - but even if there were a hard 'one post in two months,' that situation would not exist. (Is one post in two months really that extreme?) I agree with your post, mostly this snipped section and it made me think about my past experiences staffing and my members' reactions towards canons. In my last attempt, I tried trivializing canon positions and making a lot of canon spots would mitigate the problem (because if there's a lot of canons, they're not really special, are they?) but it still didn't stop the rat race of people fighting over positions. I'm starting to lean on the idea of closing canon positions for the first month or so when my site opens, to get people situated to the plot, and if they really like the site, they'll stick around long enough to consider taking a canon.
Now if someone can also tell me the secret on how to solve the "face claim reserves" issue because I've seen too many pre-launches where folks get salty they were asleep when reserves opened or something and their favourite claim got snatched, bc timezones.