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sadrienneearned bits
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Tallygarunga is in a chaotic mess after the collapse of Victoria Magical University.

Thousands of students with their futures ripped away from them, and for those living on campus at VMU --- their homes as well. The Ministry has turned a blind eye to their predicament, listing Australia's private wizarding colleges as sufficient for any students wishing to continue their studies.

But those colleges come with a price tag that rules out all but the wealthiest of wizarding society, destroying any hope of a future among Australia's wizarding elite without being born into it. Not to mention the severe lack of non-human students permitted to study within their walls.

An eleventh hour appeal and an impossible-sounding plan has granted Tallygarunga a temporary permit to take on VMU's orphaned students and staff, cramming desks and dormitories wherever they will go.

For now, the future is safe. But the spotlight is focused tight on Tallygarunga, with the Ministry watching keenly for any mistake that might be enough reason to do what they've always wanted --- shut down Tallygarunga completely.

Tallygarunga won't go down without a fight. They'll burn down society before they let the less advantaged and less human be excluded from it.


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27written posts
sadrienneearned bits
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sadrienne Avatar
A huge anniversary for Australia’s least-loved wizarding school, and a ministry determined to address the “troublesome” nature of the disadvantaged young witches and wizards unable to afford places at the prestigious private magical schools.

It really is a long way to the top, if you want to rock and roll.

Students. Professors. Quidditch. Duelling. Ministry. Find your place in an open plot structure that allows each character to have an impact.

Backed by a friendly and welcoming OOC community with strong community values, Tallygarunga is the RP home away from home. Welcoming all members, with no requirement to know much about Harry Potter, or Australia!

Regret nothing.

27written posts
sadrienneearned bits
New Member
sadrienne Avatar
Tally might be worth looking at? Your characters sound very interesting, and I can see Eve getting into waaaay too much trouble leading my Aiden astray. He's a very -good- boy who needs a corrupting influence, and it'd be interesting to see where she falls on the species-discrimination spectrum.

Very. Very loosely HP based, and we're here for the long haul. Hit me up on Discord (Sadrienne#9329) if you'd like to talk potential plottings!