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gamer confessions

frog on the floor
aliasfreiheit, microwaved burrito
1,539written posts
pharaoh leapearned bits
pharaoh leap
pharaoh leap Avatar
i've been having some pretty dark thoughts.
verbatim Avatar
i wish more games had autobattle. i love grinding up to a point but i also just like letting the characters run through and get stuff done without me having to pay attention to the 9348347 goblin ive smashed in the head so i can have its bones.

I'm gonna compound my confession off this one. *wipes sweat from brow* The only game with autobattle I've ever played was OFF, where I literally only turned it off twice in the entirety of the game, and only in really dire situations where I just stepped in to heal the Batter. If I were to encounter another game with auto battle, I'd also probably just leave it on the whole time. Evidently, I could play Hallway Simulator and stay entertained. >u>'

I wish more games had the option like Earthbound where, if you would be able to one-shot all the enemies in a single turn, they just auto-die (preferably as something you can toggle on or off, should you ever feel like mowing down puddy opposition). Keeps encounter-based combat from getting stale if "press-x to murder immediately" is taken off the table.

I loved Star Wars Battlefront as a kid, but I can't so much as bring myself to pick up a shooter these days just because of how absolutely obnoxious my brothers are while playing them. Seems like a stupid reason to steer clear of something I could potentially enjoy - but it's kind of like avoiding a fandom because of seeing its really cringe-y or toxic fanbase. I'd still play the old Battlefront if my disc wasn't scratch to high oblivion.

I have a bad habit of picking up new games - usually 3DS JRPGs - on a whim (either because someone in passing said it was okay or the box art is pretty) and then, like... almost never actually finishing them, whether or not they're good. Heck, some I've really enjoyed - lookin' at you, SMT: Strange Journey - but I always just kinda... hit a wall at some point where I put the game down and don't touch it again for at least a year.

I could finish those... or I could beat Stella Glow for the third time.....................
last edit on Nov 28, 2018 21:25:02 GMT by pharaoh leap
62written posts
meleearned bits
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mele Avatar
I realize it's illegal, but I wish it was a whole lot easier to rip the Japanese text from Japanese games. Like it'd be nice to be able to translate everything at my slow beginner Japanese ass pace so I know what my beloved babs are saying in otome games.
aliasvee, vivi
pronounsany / they
659written posts
valkaearned bits
valka Avatar
do u know... la-hee?

i want genesis and angeal to be canon in the ff7 remake thanks
(i actually really liked them and how they humanized sephiroth. honestly, i just like humanized villains, which is why i love ardyn izunia from ff15 so much.)

last edit on Nov 29, 2018 3:18:37 GMT by valka
if you think i haven't been keeping up with pp, think again
18written posts
lirrielearned bits
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lirriel Avatar
i don't have any hope of being forgotten, i'm comfortable like this
gonna +1 the "is it gay?" instabuy.

but god I wish i could play more than one game at a time hnnngh. (cut to me chaining ten thousand eevees in let's go eevee for a shiny) 

and also didn't have 12 million alts in FF14 with backstory for all of them b/c i'm not even on an rp server god why. (also i wish i didn't have tank anxiety b/c i have no problem maining super salty healers in mmos but for some reason having to be dungeon leader just makes me urk -- and i wish i'd get over it so i could actually play the dumb dragon girl warrior i made ;w;)
pronounsShe / Her
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shadeearned bits
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shade Avatar
Out of sight, out of mind, out of sight.
Y'all, I need this

But anyway, most of the time I'm bigger on the soundtrack behind the game rather than the content itself. Almost 9/10 I'll be ranting about the music and listening to it rather than paying attention to the game.

I also tend to play a good portion of a game then suddenly switch to another and focus on that one. Which is why a lot of my games aren't played all the way through and I switch back and forth and don't even remember what's going on half the time.
284written posts
kappaccinoearned bits
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kappaccino Avatar
welcome and well met, my brave little spark
If I like a game, I will play it a billion times instead of picking up more games. This year I've played Persona 5 and Breath of the Wild so much I probably have them memorized. 

If it's a game that lets you make decisions or date someone, I basically never change how my character is or who they get with on replays. Even if I intend to. Lol. 

I can never select the mean responses in games. It's a problem. 

And add me into the 'if it's gay, send it my way' list here. Persona 6, c'mon, it's time. 
144written posts
サンダラearned bits
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kappaccino Avatar
If I like a game, I will play it a billion times instead of picking up more games. This year I've played Persona 5 and Breath of the Wild so much I probably have them memorized. 

If it's a game that lets you make decisions or date someone, I basically never change how my character is or who they get with on replays. Even if I intend to. Lol. 

I can never select the mean responses in games. It's a problem. 

And add me into the 'if it's gay, send it my way' list here. Persona 6, c'mon, it's time. 

idk how many times i replayed KOTOR but i always chose the light side and got together with the same guy. because it was like a book with a great story where i didn't have to change anything.
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cyanide darktearz 💀
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kappaccino Avatar
If it's a game that lets you make decisions or date someone, I basically never change how my character is or who they get with on replays. Even if I intend to. Lol.

Me with FE:A. I just can't not s-support Chrom. I have a weakness for dorky lords like him.

Another confession is that I bought a dead/dying console just to play a very niche genre of "games" with only a handful of titles available in English. No regrets. And I'd do it again.
aliasvee, vivi
pronounsany / they
659written posts
valkaearned bits
valka Avatar
do u know... la-hee?

i hate bc she never finishes games but like my confession here is more of an oath
i will make sure she finishes horizon zero dawn, since hzd has been something she's really wanted to play since it came out, and she's done everything she can to avoid spoilers because she really wants to experience the game for herself, so i'm going to do everything in my power to make sure she finishes it and gets that satisfaction

if you think i haven't been keeping up with pp, think again
839written posts
SPIRELEearned bits
Part of the Furniture
valka Avatar

i hate bc she never finishes games but like my confession here is more of an oath
i will make sure she finishes horizon zero dawn, since hzd has been something she's really wanted to play since it came out, and she's done everything she can to avoid spoilers because she really wants to experience the game for herself, so i'm going to do everything in my power to make sure she finishes it and gets that satisfaction

GET HER. i'm rooting for u w/ all my heart cuz fuck .

tbh i can't be assed to finish god tier single player games even tho i should. witcher 3, skyrim, fallout 4, horizon 0 dawn, last of us, etc. i'm too much a people person to divert time away from multi player QQ
129written posts
Y A M S ! ! !earned bits
Y A M S ! ! !
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for some games i enjoy just watching let's plays more than i do playing them myself but that sometimes hecks me up

'oh, wow! you know a lot about this game yams! wanna play sometime?'

'haha yeah sure :)' i say, like the liar i am, because i don't even own it, i've just watched people play it for hours
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Deletedearned bits
Deleted Avatar
i actually have the opposite problem where i enjoy rping as an evil bastard very much. as such, a pet peeve of mine is games where the option to be evil is there, but is poorly integrated. the original red dead redemption, for instance, was annoying to me because the option to be an asshole was there, even though it didn't line up with the story, have any real effect on cutscenes/dialogue, and the rewards, especially compared to the good route, were abysmal. the max-evilness reward, which took you an age to get to even if you were basically just gunning random people down at every opportunity, was literally a horse that would persistently respawn whenever any other horse you owned died, despite the fact that it was straight up worse than a horse you could get only a few hours into the game. fallout 4, infamously, has similar problems.

either put the option there, or don't. but don't put it there half-assed, poorly thought through, and incongruous.

conversely, this is the same reason why fallout: new vegas is one of my favourite games of all time. one of my favorite little examples is: there's a collectible item in the game that eventually leads to a reward. the first time you pick up one of them, a guy will soon spawn and inform you about them. when you ask him if he collects them himself, he says he gave up a long time ago. playing through the game a first time as a generally good guy, i let him go. second time around though, i got curious; i had my character shoot him in the back of the head as soon as he turned away. he had six of them on his corpse, more than a tenth of what you need to collect in total. that's how you integrate being an asshole into a game properly, rather than just giving the character moronic, anti-social variants of story-progressing dialogue lines.

on an unrelated note, i'm really bad with multiplayer, competitive games, in the sense that i can't stand to not be good at them. if i don't think i have the interest/what it takes to invest hundreds, maybe thousands of hours into becoming remarkably proficient at it, i probably won't play it at all. at least not on my own.
last edit on Nov 30, 2018 0:34:44 GMT by Deleted
77written posts
murkearned bits
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i spoiled myself on smth major the day before i played it but thats okay--

gamer confession: i find it really really really really hard to beat games.
gamer confession 2: i love pokemon, i've never beaten a single pokemon game.
gamer confession 3: i bought a ps4 recently because i'm sick and tired of sony having all the good exclusive games. also because the last of us season 2: the one where ellie is gay as fuck. sign me up.
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