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gamer confessions

103written posts
verbatimearned bits
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we have confession threads for essentially everything else, might as well have one for the gamers too.

i'll kick it off with a simple one, the ability to be gay or have gay romances will make a game essentially an instabuy for me if i was previously on the fence about it. especially if its an rpg.
103written posts
verbatimearned bits
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If I really like the game, I refuse to finish it... since that means it'll be The End™ of it. It makes absolutely zero sense, but I'll usually 100% everything up until the final boss/battle and then I just... stop.
this 100% like, im sitting on so many games just at the cusp of being beaten but i can't bring myself to finish them all the way. i do the same thing w/ tv shows...
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Deletedearned bits
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I've never 100% finished a game. I finish the storyline, post-story missions, and then boom. I don't collect one of everything, I don't fight that secret boss, I don't do anything like that unless it absolutely piques my interest. (Or I will make an attempt like I did in KH2:FM to fight the Lingering Will/Terra + Mushroom XIII or in KH:DDD to fight Julius, but I didn't win.)

Plus, I can never pick "mean" options in dialogue.
frog on the floor
aliasfreiheit, microwaved burrito
1,539written posts
pharaoh leapearned bits
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i've been having some pretty dark thoughts.
I play primarily RPGs because - unless you're going for, like, secret ultra bosses - there's actually not a lot of... skill involved... Like, struggling with a boss? Level grind for an hour and kick its butt. The only exceptions to this are Touhou (for the waifus), and Project Diva, where I can flount my Extra Extreme Perfects to people who really just don't care. Otherwise, like... I'm just so horrible at video games. The worst.

I love grinding - which might solely be because of how many RPGs I've played and fallen in love with and I had to force myself to like it, but these days, it's just very... relaxing. Shut your brain off, watch enemies die. I can level grind for hours without getting bored, and it's honestly super cathartic for me. Being a stressy depressy? Fire up some Pokemon or FFX and just mindlessly run through random encounters. Nice.
aliasmori, manon, saki
pronounsshe / her
661written posts
𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚒earned bits
Part of the Furniture
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i know you see yourself as a fighter. well, i see myself as one, too.

i obsess over games where you can collect ingredients and make new things from them (e.g., atelier meruru, fantasy life). i can and will play them for so long that my eyeballs are dry and burning in my skull. but i fuckin suck at games that require more skill than > select move, deal damage, win match. i wanted so bad to be into like, breath of the wild bc cooking!!! but i just... failed so bad. i don't have the patience. but maybe someday...

also, ditto on forte's confession of not finishing games i'm really into. i will go through the effort of looking up the end so i'm not completely out of the loop, but i also flat out refuse to finish my save files if i get too attached to any aspect of said game. hell, i will even replay the game up to the same point and quit again, just so i can relive the greatness. *edna mode voice* no ends!

17written posts
pollyearned bits
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my interest in video games has severely declined through working in the industry. i feel like my soul has been sucked out of me and maybe i'm just bitter towards the industry and the whole process that when i see a game i'm like "ok how many people have cried and wanted to die bc of this game" :u
103written posts
verbatimearned bits
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i wish more games had autobattle. i love grinding up to a point but i also just like letting the characters run through and get stuff done without me having to pay attention to the 9348347 goblin ive smashed in the head so i can have its bones.