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Post a Random Thought

phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,277written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Kuroya Avatar
at this, the world's end, do we cast off tomorrow~!
that awkward moment when you deliberately spoil yourself on a show because you have to know if one half of your ship is really dead and you find out that no, the character you spoiled yourself for is fine, but the other one ain't gonna be in another two seasons
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Deletedearned bits
Deleted Avatar
in order to cope with all the stress i've accumulated from the honestly outrageous amount of schoolwork i've received i've begun re-entering my childhood fandoms as a means of relaxation but i didn't realize how genuinely BAD so much of the source material is. but the nostalgia factor is working wonders to make me think its brilliant

edit: i am now gripped with the urge to use chat noir as an fc. where would a leather-clad faux-catboy be a good fc? why do i suddenly think that this is the greatest idea i've ever had?
last edit on Apr 14, 2020 18:10:02 GMT by Deleted
eepy cosy
1,570written posts
M A E !earned bits
M A E !
Part of the Furniture
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one step beyond your door, it might as well have been a free fall
minty Avatar
pro tip: during lockdowns, even if your fringe/bangs have gotten so long you can’t see and your eyes are being scratched to death... DON’T let your bf cut them for you. 

i cut mine myself and they are.... fucked LOL but the rest of my hair is fine!
86written posts
cryptidearned bits
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cryptid Avatar
the worst part of having tinnitus is finally becoming aware of it, and then it being super present in your brain every time it starts happening

i miss just thinking i was hearing electricity and being able to ignore the weird buzzing ;w;
41written posts
mintyearned bits
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nia Avatar
M A E ! Avatar
i cut mine myself and they are.... fucked LOL but the rest of my hair is fine!
literally me

ever seen lorenz from fire emblem: three houses.. that’s my fringe life now
last edit on Apr 14, 2020 22:51:09 GMT by minty
427written posts
minty Avatar
nia Avatar
literally me

ever seen lorenz from fire emblem: three houses.. that’s my fringe life now
commit and dye your hair purple
internally screaming
1,806written posts
Nekoearned bits
Neko Avatar
stressed, depressed, and probably not well-dressed
Okay - so, I normally feed my cat-brigade around 10/11 at night, just went it's pretty chill, there's no one running around, and they're all safe. Considering 3 black boops and one black and white boop showed up about a few days ago and have shown no sign of decreasing, I must do what I can to make friends with them so when the pound opens back up I can can tnr them.

There were these two girls who were just staring at me as I animatedly talk to several bajillion cats and I'm pretty sure they were judging me, but like, taming the fear out of ACTUALLY feral cats is a really hard task and treating them like they're people and just talking to them gets them used to your voice and pitch and make them feel more homey. I even got one of the black boops to boop my finger before every meal.

I know I'm the cat lady of the neighborhood behind the actually elderly cat lady who is in a wheelchair and tries to shoot people with nerf darts, but like - I hate feeling the stigma of being judged caring for those who can't care for themselves. Y'all silly. These kiddos need help. It's not like they stop needing help because you're a jerk or the apocalypse is happening.
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styrofoam eaterearned bits
styrofoam eater
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i like the cronch
cyanide darktearz πŸ’€ Avatar
minty Avatar
ever seen lorenz from fire emblem: three houses.. that’s my fringe life now
commit and dye your hair purple

minty walking into the club like

aliasjo, honey
645written posts
honey and the forgor land
Part of the Furniture
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fed up with y'all bitches
you'd think with the coronavirus and all i'd be rping more but i have just been on animal crossing and waiting for some projects i'm excited about to finally hit full forum mode
893written posts
Desmond Milesearned bits
Desmond Miles
Part of the Furniture
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we will have peace at any cost
honey and the forgor land Avatar
you'd think with the coronavirus and all i'd be rping more but i have just been on animal crossing and waiting for some projects i'm excited about to finally hit full forum mode
HonEStly tho
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