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gimmickearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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All birds and men are sure to die but songs may live forever
What is it about scratchpad that people want to see in an alternative?
The fact that it updates live? The fact that it’s online? Both?

If you’re looking for just the live updating aspect, I’d get Brackets. It’s a lightweight code editor that can open a live preview function in your browser.
aliasvee, vivi
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659written posts
valkaearned bits
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do u know... la-hee?

been watching a crisis core lp w a friend and just
when u fight genesis, he does little bounces/hops in battle and it's just the cutest thing i love him so much

if you think i haven't been keeping up with pp, think again
84written posts
cinearned bits
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If this is not love, what should we call it?
gimmick Avatar
What is it about scratchpad that people want to see in an alternative?
The fact that it updates live? The fact that it’s online? Both?

If you’re looking for just the live updating aspect, I’d get Brackets. It’s a lightweight code editor that can open a live preview function in your browser.

ive been using scratchpad a lot bc i can view it from multiple computers & get a real time live preview bc i dont have a desktop or anything to hook up w a dual monitor so i have the dumbest set up of coding on my chromebook w my actual laptop open full screen on the preview of my coding. 

but it's just really nice to see what im doing without having to flip back & forth or having to click "full view" or anything, bc i am, what they call lazy

edit: i forgot to add, but i use this as both an alt to codepen & scratchpad – webmaker and ive been a pretty big fan of it! it just doesnt have multi-platform view like scratchpad has! but you can save stuff under your google account and it's private so pple can't go into your things!

last edit on May 18, 2020 23:50:06 GMT by cin

309written posts
syhrinxearned bits
Spring '21 Dev Completionist
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i decided to make that tutorial directory that i mentioned earlier. but ... it means ... i have to ... mess around with... javascript. which is not my friend. it is in fact my mortal enemy

it is second only to my most important mortal enemy, messaging people out of the blue, which is surely what i will be doing once the tumblr page is ready. :'( but hopefully it will be a helpful resource ?!??!! at the very least it will be helpful for me and That's What Matters
22written posts
aloeearned bits
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she was all bad-bad, nevertheless

i whipped up a quick scratchpad-replacement on heroku here.

it's just your simple in-browser live-refresh HTML/CSS/JS text editor, but doesn't have the functionality to save & share code urls (because that requires a database/backend server/money to pay for that ;___;). i'm looking to see if there's a way i can save the code to your browser so that when you refresh you don't lose everything, but hopefully this is helpful for those who just want a simple editor & like scratchpad's interface. hopefully this is helpful to someone!
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avanearned bits
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she's the wicked witch of the EAST bro
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i wish i was left handed

i can't tell you how many times i've wished the opposite lol XD

being left-handed means being stuck on the inside booth (always bumping elbows if you aren't), not being able to open anything with a hand-crank can opener, having the biggest struggle with most pairs of scissors that are conveniently around (my work thankfully ordered me a specific pair of left-handed scissors), and struggling in college to try and find the ONE left-hand desk that's available. not to mention that apparently according to some studies, left-handers have a higher chance of dying sooner than right handers (no doubt because we are trying to use tools built in a right-hander world *le sigh*)

on the brightside: people always think it's cool when they DO find a left-hander! c:

445written posts
fossaearned bits
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he's suppose to be DEAD
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i whipped up a quick scratchpad-replacement on heroku here.

it's just your simple in-browser live-refresh HTML/CSS/JS text editor, but doesn't have the functionality to save & share code urls (because that requires a database/backend server/money to pay for that ;___;). i'm looking to see if there's a way i can save the code to your browser so that when you refresh you don't lose everything, but hopefully this is helpful for those who just want a simple editor & like scratchpad's interface. hopefully this is helpful to someone!

i love u
445written posts
fossaearned bits
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he's suppose to be DEAD
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What is it about scratchpad that people want to see in an alternative?
The fact that it updates live? The fact that it’s online? Both?

If you’re looking for just the live updating aspect, I’d get Brackets. It’s a lightweight code editor that can open a live preview function in your browser.

1) ease of use. open scratchpad. get to coding. no setting up anything extra. i'm trying to adjust to using brackets (as i've tried it in the past when scratchpad went down), but i honestly don't find it nearly as easy and convenient as scratchpad. the live editor likes to give me trouble and it can be a pain to set up sometimes.
     a) tying into this, i also like having it all in one window and not having to have multiple windows open as i work. with brackets, i usually end up shoving the preview to my second monitor which isn't the worst but it's not the most convenient. it just makes alt-tabbing a lot less annoying for me.

2) easily shared. don't need to screencap or anything. just slap the url down and show it to someone for easy critique. going with this, the live editing and ability to see the code is very useful for collabing.

3) interface. i like how completely and utterly simple the interface of scratchpad is. sure, it has its limits that can be a pain - like not being able to use the icon version of fontawesome. or not being able to use javascript. but i liked that it's all on the left side of the screen with the preview next to it. i don't have to fiddle with multiple areas for the css / html. this is probably also b/c i have a large screen. if it were smaller, i might find the interface a lot more frustrating.

but i will say brackets is a nice program and not a bad alternative. i'm probably doing something wrong which is why i find the live preview feature such a hassle. also it has a plugin that beautifies ur code so if ur like me and a hot mess it does make life 100x better.

last edit on May 19, 2020 13:15:52 GMT by fossa
the endless hunt
aliasleto, blobert, crow
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ullaearned bits
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in turning divine, we tangle endlessly

update on the scratchpad situation: general assembly finally got back to me to inform me that it's back up in read only mode until june 19 but that the service is going to be cancelled thereafter.
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