I had a dream and it had a neat magic/superpower system I like. Basically, the people with superpowers could do a thing, or they could possess another power user and amplify their power somehow. Someone with superspeed might increase the speed or range on someone's power for example. It was a dream so really weird things were happening, like one pair had a person running and leaving cookies in their wake or something.
I think it could be fun for RP. It has the advantages of some partner-based systems without having to worry about what happens when your partner flakes since it can be done with everyone.
Unfortunately, I'm not in a position where I can run a site right now, so I can't do it. I could maybe help with skinning or systems, but I'd have to be 100% normal member after, and even that much help is 50/50 right now. I'd love to be an early member though.