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Sites You Want To See

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♕ RISSYearned bits
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You think your instincts, are your weakness. But they are your strengths. Trust in them. ❞
i would kill to be on a site that deals with reincarnation. i've been like obsessed with the consept since reading a book about it. like i would wanna see a fantasy site where when people die, they are reincarnated and then supernatural comes into play. soulmates go looking for each other, different souls are reincarnated into different lives but always find each other. some souls find a way to become immortal and look for their soulmates in a new life. however, each reincarnation looks the same, has the same soul, sound the same, but they never act the same nor have the same name, just familiar characteristics that make them...well them.
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Radioearned bits
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My updated list:

- Non-canon Pokemon
With playable gym leaders and playable team rocket and jazz like that, and not needing to start out as a 12 year old level 1 adventurer. I've been looking around and have been surprised to find that a lot of pokemon RPs have canon characters lately.

- Non-canon Pokemon Gijinka + Humans
A pokemon world where gijinka are treated like pokemon. They can be encapsulated via pokeballs, stolen, entered in contests and tournaments and gym battles, et cetera. Humans, gijinka, and pokemon (if regular pokemon are in that setting) would be playable.

I used to run a place that did both of these things and I've been highly tempted to try and re-do it with some updated mechanics. Especially since I always thought it was fun for members to be gym leaders and elite four and stuff. Member versus member battles and what not. The only trouble I ever ran into was when members sometimes argued over who deserved to win so I always tried to find a good system to prevent such troubles.

As for the gijinka and Pokemon being playable, yes. It would be pretty fun for that stuff to happen again. It would encourage member plots for sure!
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Deletedearned bits
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My updated list:

- Non-canon Pokemon
With playable gym leaders and playable team rocket and jazz like that, and not needing to start out as a 12 year old level 1 adventurer. I've been looking around and have been surprised to find that a lot of pokemon RPs have canon characters lately.

- Non-canon Pokemon Gijinka + Humans
A pokemon world where gijinka are treated like pokemon. They can be encapsulated via pokeballs, stolen, entered in contests and tournaments and gym battles, et cetera. Humans, gijinka, and pokemon (if regular pokemon are in that setting) would be playable.

I used to run a place that did both of these things and I've been highly tempted to try and re-do it with some updated mechanics. Especially since I always thought it was fun for members to be gym leaders and elite four and stuff. Member versus member battles and what not. The only trouble I ever ran into was when members sometimes argued over who deserved to win so I always tried to find a good system to prevent such troubles.

As for the gijinka and Pokemon being playable, yes. It would be pretty fun for that stuff to happen again. It would encourage member plots for sure!

I would love to see this if you do it! The issue you mentioned is tricky. So far with my battle system (though no one has formally challenged each other yet), we kind of expect things to carry out civilly... but Pokemon will definitely attract younger players as well who may be more unrelenting. You could maybe work with pseudo stats?

What I mean by that is people can distribute "points" to HP, defence, speed, power, etc., so they can choose whether or not their character is a tank (high defence), a glass cannon, well-rounded but not particularly excellent anything, etc. So, when they go up against othe players, they have to take into consideration of these pseudo stats. Say player A throws out a glass cannon pikachu but player B throws out a tank pikachu, they'd have to play to their pokemon's strengths and weaknesses. Tank pikachu might be significantly slower than glass cannon pikachu, but if tank pikachu managed to hit glass pikachu, it'd likely win. However, if it didn't manage to hit glass pikachu, but glass pikachu got in several hits on tank pikachu, then it might win.

I'm not sure if that would actually work in theory or in practise. If you come up with something, you could always change it/tweak it down the line if it doesn't work out.
352written posts
vonearned bits
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all the sites i've thought about but never got to establish.

+ small-town/urban mystery gothic supernatural rp preferably set in elizabethan, rennaissance, or victorian era

+ demon hunting horror roleplay set in late medieval ages that is inspired by lovecaftian aesthetics. with political conflicts from church and other parties.

+ science vs religion magic ala to aru majutsu no index

+ chain message rp wherein everyone who received the chain message suddenly possess powers, but they were forced to play in a death game among themselves.

+ pirate fantasy

+ evangelical rp that would mainly start about earthly political conflicts of various sects of church due to bloodline of Jesus Christ and would eventually involve heavenly/netherly beings.

+ murder-mystery-supernatural roleplay set in a big resort/hotel. Or a murder-mystery roleplay that changes settings.

+ Virtual reality asylum rp wherein patients were being treated in a VR that is modeled into Wonderland, but due to their madness, the world became a nightmare.

+ shounen rps like FMA, Naruto, Ao no Exorcist, soul eater, FAIRY TAIL, D.GRAYMAN (this is important) and WITCH HUNTER (as important as d.grayman, lol)

+ this is kinda the third idea but mostly just the science fiction side. basically there is a city wherein the IN thing among teenagers are doing research and basically doing robotics. While ofcourse it would breed villainy to some, it also plays a huge part for the new generation to help the populace with their inventions. Kinda like a superhero site, but instead of having power, you submit your character's 'study/thesis'.

+ adventure rp with adventure guild and all that mmo things, but you're not rly in an mmo. jsut living in that world.

+ Modern world AU wherein hollywood is full of stars, but not just normal stars, they're supernatural hunters that hunt monsters, mythics, gods, etc. But also this will have a 'crime' undertone with it because on underground, they sell supernatural creatures themselves/parts of them e.g. (gorgon's eyes, dullahan's head, etc)

+ urban setting that is full of cyberattacks and gang wars and everyone is on their phone spreading a lot of rumours that would keep the site going. There are also supernatural creatures that is on the borderline of 'urban legend' and 'real' but otherwise, the populace generally doesnt make a big deal about them aside from IC forums that's like a thread for spreading rumours. Obviously heavily character-driven site.
last edit on Jul 26, 2018 15:18:37 GMT by von
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troye saivonearned bits
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we feel it with our whole body and soul
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+ shounen rps like FMA, Naruto, Ao no Exorcist, soul eater, FAIRY TAIL, D.GRAYMAN (this is important) and WITCH HUNTER (as important as d.grayman, lol)

quoting bc of the d.grayman and witch hunter just to say KIMETSU NO YAIBA is actually p amazing and would love to see an rp set in that era. but also, if enough interest (and people know about it) maybe get something going on iwys?
30written posts
gittyearned bits
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+ demon hunting horror roleplay set in late medieval ages that is inspired by lovecaftian aesthetics. with political conflicts from church and other parties.

would happily sacrifice myself to an eldritch horror for this 10/10
born too slow
352written posts
vonearned bits
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+ shounen rps like FMA, Naruto, Ao no Exorcist, soul eater, FAIRY TAIL, D.GRAYMAN (this is important) and WITCH HUNTER (as important as d.grayman, lol)
quoting bc of the d.grayman and witch hunter just to say KIMETSU NO YAIBA is actually p amazing and would love to see an rp set in that era. but also, if enough interest (and people know about it) maybe get something going on iwys?
i havent seen the last manga yet but i know the setting is feudal japan (to which im still not a fan of except some well-executed animes/mangas). but i would like to rly see d.grayman, man, and more importantly witch hunter (no one does this, it saddens me.)

gitty Avatar
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+ demon hunting horror roleplay set in late medieval ages that is inspired by lovecaftian aesthetics. with political conflicts from church and other parties.

would happily sacrifice myself to an eldritch horror for this 10/10

im not familiar with eldritch omg :o but i reckon it's pretty similar to my idea and like i support lovecraftian aesthetics like so muc h.
last edit on Jul 20, 2018 13:13:24 GMT by von
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gittyearned bits
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would happily sacrifice myself to an eldritch horror for this 10/10
im not familiar with eldritch omg :o but i reckon it's pretty similar to my idea and like i support lovecraftian aesthetics like so muc h.

oh yeah! i meant in terms of eldritch horrors = the monsters from lovecraft. there's so much scope there for weird and horrifyingly wonderful mishaps and happening. hnng it's such an underrated genre. 

also chucking my own list here:

- vampire the masquerade-inspired site, vampire clans and politics, from the nasty to the gothic romanticism. 

- small town, twin peaks-influenced, murder n' coffee and doughnuts. 

- sky pirates and airshiiiips; this always reminds me of the edge chronciles with flying researchers? gimme gimme

- anything involving necromancy tbh; resurrecting shades, maybe an even more fantasy-based setting (abhorsen chronicles inspired?) with necromancer hunters. 

- on that note there's a really good series of books called the craft sequence by max gladstone, including demon-summoning lawyers, CEO liches and lawsuits being raised against gods. 

born too slow
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✦ MADearned bits
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- vampire the masquerade-inspired site, vampire clans and politics, from the nasty to the gothic romanticism. 


I wouldn’t mind one inspired by either Mage the ascension or werewolf the apocalypse myself.
Another one I’d like to see is one inspired by the world of Kamigawa from the Magic the gathering expansion.

626written posts
Gingerearned bits
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Since there's lots of comment on lovecraftian.... I'll love a Lovecraft lore focused roleplay, set in a modern setting... Where the aliens made their move versus staying in hiding because technology, as they predicted became too OP. The Elders and Great ones started becoming more active.

Stupid humans being caught in with mindcontrol and manipulative pawn.. Shoved in boxes.. Lol. Ghouls and monsters coming through with warnings or to enslave humans caught in the middle... Items from Space or the creatures that screw with everyday humanity life... Like that one stone if you try to take it.. just gradually goes back where it landed, and gradually turns the town insane.

Innsmouth and Arkham being the center point of it all.. Maybe like aliens are outside the towns, Shoggaths people are in Innsmouth/Sea and then Arkham the great ones and the Elders.

Course better plotted out including more lore, that's better organized, and 100% Def... Scientists encourage lots of Artists, writers, archeologist, and scientist themed characters.

//LOTS n LOTS of humand madness, mutations, Shadow melding, Dark Gods Screwing everything over, and just complete utter.. Dark horror Insanity with mixture of cocky a-holes//
last edit on Jul 20, 2018 17:14:08 GMT by Ginger