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Rodent King
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where fears and lies melt away.
Whammychu Avatar
Another thought on panfandoms:  why do so many have the "characters have mysteriously arrived in this world" plotlines. Maybe this is just my view on "laidback", but that kind of set-up implies some larger mystery or arc and introduces a lot of anxiety for characters who might be really interested in getting back home. I mean, better than isekai anime "you got hit by a truck and died" set-ups, but I've always panfandoms that try and integrate the worlds a little better so you don't get that kind of implied overarching plot.

Kingdom Hearts. You basically want a panfandom that does something akin to Kingdom Hearts. Dozens of worlds all coexisting together but still separate from one another. With there being varied but difficult to find pathways between them.

I'd be down for something like that, and I'm not even a big panfandom guy.
last edit on Jul 13, 2019 5:51:46 GMT by Mouse
626written posts
Gingerearned bits
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Whammychu Avatar
Another thought on panfandoms:  why do so many have the "characters have mysteriously arrived in this world" plotlines. Maybe this is just my view on "laidback", but that kind of set-up implies some larger mystery or arc and introduces a lot of anxiety for characters who might be really interested in getting back home. I mean, better than isekai anime "you got hit by a truck and died" set-ups, but I've always panfandoms that try and integrate the worlds a little better so you don't get that kind of implied overarching plot.

I think when Kuroya was talking about layback... Okay when I was thinking of Laid back. I mean the Systems, The staff, the Roleplay itself. DEF NOT THE CHARACTERS. I think the struggles are most important part of a character and how that SPECIFIC roleplay world influences them. So don't misunderstand the laidback part, def against... Characters vacationing and giving up everything.

Also yes, thank you on the whole "mysteriously arrived" argument. I don't mind it too bit IF the staff actually had an idea... and I'd talk to them in private quizzing them, but drives me insane when they don't it feels like lazy writing. Same thing with "Oh all powers drop down to 0" or "All characters have amnesia" Where's the fun? I mean just go rolpelay an Original Character sheesh...
[ignore ginger she's a bit angry argumentative passed 3 days, not sure why. Same thing IRL wants to fight]

Mouse Avatar
Kingdom Hearts. You basically want a panfandom that does something akin to Kingdom Hearts. Dozens of worlds all coexisting together but still separate from one another. With there being varied but difficult to find pathways between them.

I'd be down for something like that, and I'm not even a big panfandom guy.

Totally down with Kingdom Hearts logic, but I do tire of the "Worlds are broken because of the Heartless" or "Oh no.. your world died because of heartless" or "You have to start in the Twilight Town... rawr" I allways felt Heartless have always been there, they just choose to make things worst or not. Kinda like You yourself, you choose to make good choices or bad.. If you make enough bad, you'll be A bad person... With dark awesome superpowers.

As for why characters can interact, I always thought the concept of "World Tears" as something to explore. Less blame it on Heartless and maybe on experimental Magic.. Or certain characters who managed to find those "Keyholes" began pushing that magic limit colliding worlds together... Or blame advanced Technology.. Hell all 3 Would be kinda cool.

more description detail:

Like Rick and morty where Rick using Portal guns all over the place, have that be a consequence of Fandom Characters who World travel... World Colliding or Ripping... and maybe the Keybladers can figure out "where" These problems are...

I mean even pokemon had world Ripping in Sun and Moon, with advances of technology.. I can totally see the Laws of the Worlds being broken colliding places or opening dimensions whatnot.
Maybe Ganon's Malice grew so Strong when it was finally Released with the body in BOTW2 somehow the world ripped open.. [ginger that's like Heartless...] HEY BUT HE'S Not.. Just saying it isn't always Heartless!! Grr

DC and MU both already have had people Ripping holes into space, I mean look at Young Justice they're just teleporting all over the place with no thoughts of consequences.

Gravity Falls LITERALLY had a Demon Break the barrier inbetween all worlds  [Not worlds themselves.. just that empty space where the worlds float. ]

Star Vs Combined a Couple of Worlds, maybe you could argue 3-4 were combined versus all of them.

All of these have consequences.....

----- SORRY I just woke up and very very talkative when it comes to plot ideas. ;-;

Too Long to Read:

1. Layback as in the Roleplay itself, not the characters. Characters should 100% BE GOING THROUGH HELL.. mwhuahaha

2.  Ginger's obsessed with blaming World Ripping due to technology advances; That it has consequences.

3. Ginger is hyper and talks waay more than she should.

4. Mysteriously arrive feels lazy, unless the Staff have an actual plan.... They usually don't. Amnesia and lvl 1 lazy too.

last edit on Jul 13, 2019 13:02:22 GMT by Ginger
547written posts
Ludoearned bits
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Someone should make an Aggretsuko roleplay, I'll even help! I can't fully run it because time and shit otherwise I'd be making one RIGHT NOW. But I'd be open to lending a hand if anyone DID wanna make one. Also also undying support.(I just wanna RP Haida I love him ;lkfs;ldsdf)
phantom of the black parade
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Ginger Avatar
I think when Kuroya was talking about layback... Okay when I was thinking of Laid back. I mean the Systems, The staff, the Roleplay itself. DEF NOT THE CHARACTERS. I think the struggles are most important part of a character and how that SPECIFIC roleplay world influences them. So don't misunderstand the laidback part, def against... Characters vacationing and giving up everything.

i was actually trying to reference mainly the activity requirements (since most panfandoms right now have their minimum activity requirements structured more after rl sites than animanga sites, which is understandable but also personally disappointing as someone who has a lot of outside responsibilities and doesn't want to feel stressed to post or pressured to jump into threads i otherwise might not). but that being said, there also are a lot of rules for panfandoms that tend to come off a bit micromanage-y for me, which again, if that's what they want to do then that's their choice and i can support them in that but it's definitely a disappointment for me, where i'd actively consider joining a panfandom if it weren't for those rules.

that being said though, i definitely agree with ginger in that for as generic as the "canons have all mysteriously appeared in xyz original setting" run-up is... while it's not the greatest, it's a lot better than some of the other options (since i mean if you're choosing to go to a new world, it raises a lot of questions for why and can get messy when you get into everything they leave behind; and if you leave the option open to bounce between worlds a la kingdom hearts, it has a lot of potential to fragment the site in ways that could dangerously stagnate or clump plotting). i honestly don't think there's a way to make an entirely slice-of-life panfandom with zero hint of character development in the backdrop, but y'know, that's kind of the point of a panfandom at all. if i didn't want to challenge my character to develop and grow and change in an unfamiliar setting with distant possible consequences for their cross-series friendships, i might as well have just dropped them into a canon-only rp for their original fandom and left it be.

honestly, my preferred panfandom "backdrop" is actually something more along the lines of having an external reason bring them there (ie, a bored deity brings together their favorite characters to see them interact) and leave it ambiguous whether or not they can go home. it's still a little bit messy, but it creates a world state that everyone's equally familiar with, allows for a bit of internal conflict and growth via wrestling over staying or going, gives a good ic reason to limit the setting so people can interact with each other and experience different things from different fandoms, and allows for some hand-waving on what canon point people use for their character and for keeping development from threads with characters who "disappear" because of an activity check.

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Whammychuearned bits
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Will just say that these are all fair points on panfandoms. I just have a preference towards more slice of life stuff, so I always felt a bit weird with a bigger plot going on in the background. I guess to get the vibe I was thinking of you'd probably really need to restrict to a particular genre where it wouldn't feel "weird" for them to theoretically live in the same world to start with (Marvel-DC cross-over sites, Disney sites, etc.), which I guess isn't quite in the spirit of panfandom.
the waking storm
aliasLuxu, Galeforce, TenebraeQueene
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tenebraeearned bits
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i bit the tongue behind my teeth (it was never good enough for me)
dbz vrmmorpg. a refreshing twist on the usual dbz site. canons are npcs. ocs are trapped in the vrmmorpg due to an ever evolving malignant virus trapped within the confines of the game and thus must follow the game's rules (ie start at lvl 1, can't lvl boost it's shit). kill the virus, go home.

devs are the good guys, who give the game constant update patches in order to even the odds a bit. gmods are also trapped in the game but try their best to help newbie players alongside beta testers. site starts on earth, but eventually has sagas that have them go to namek, etc, etc.

saiyans are playable because the devs knew fans would want them and the game's plot isn't 100% canon so they have leeway. site would probably have a basic battle system, quests, raids, monetary system, and power levels.

(i tried making a site for a hot second, had instant regret and deleted it lol, let someone more capable make this shit, pls.)
last edit on Jul 13, 2019 23:22:55 GMT by tenebrae
aliasjo, honey
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honey and the forgor land
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fed up with y'all bitches
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why can I only like something once like hello I wanna hit like 20 million times right now because I'm so excited!
Depending on the details, I'm up for an MMORPG site. Had an idea for one but have ended up doing something else, but still kind of want to give it a try again.
WH  E N .....

i'm still dying for an mmorpg site like an sao-based thing with crafting, leveling, drops, pve, pvp, all the 9 yards
28written posts
Whammychuearned bits
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Whammychu Avatar
Depending on the details, I'm up for an MMORPG site. Had an idea for one but have ended up doing something else, but still kind of want to give it a try again.
WH  E N .....

i'm still dying for an mmorpg site like an sao-based thing with crafting, leveling, drops, pve, pvp, all the 9 yards
I will say that there are two things I'd like to see that I usually don't see in sites like this (minus, like, one site that was based on Log Horizon):

1) Cross-play
2) Non-human or human like races (like elves).

Opening up player character design offers up a lot of fun opportunities for characters and/or humor as people get freedom to explore those type of things I also have artwork of a lizardfolk OC I'd like to be using more often..

I will admit I'm not quite big on the death-games aspect of SAO, though, but I can also see why having some stakes set out of the game helps make it a VR-MMORPG intead of just a fantasy world with game mechanics.
the waking storm
aliasLuxu, Galeforce, TenebraeQueene
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tenebraeearned bits
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i bit the tongue behind my teeth (it was never good enough for me)
i know the franchise has been dead for forever now and barely anyone will probably remember it, but give me a good old fashion DotHack Roleplay! I dunno, maybe after the upteenth time CCCorp fucked up with it - the game finally was unsalvagable so a new Dev Team recreated it from the ground up and rebranded it as The World: Reborn, or w/e? It could possibly be within reason to have canons recreate their avatars and stuff but give them none of their bullshit Protag powers since it's a brand new recoded game. And OCs can just be... old or new players to The World? I just wanna experience it again! I was just hit by a massive wave of nostalgia. ;w;
last edit on Jul 15, 2019 22:54:40 GMT by tenebrae
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UMUearned bits
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I'm going to change, one step at a time, even if you won't forgive me
you're like my new friend because you keep thinking of neat mmo stuff thanks. reminds me of the time I had 3/4th built a naruto mmo site oh boy that was fun to think about.


also I would gladly hug passionately whoever ended up making a pokemon site with a breeding system that's just as funky as my first one was. first one was 2 random moves selected from both parents - even if your pokemon couldn't learn it. so you had explosion ratatta's and icy wind oddish's.... can you imagine with all the new moves they added since OwO I'd breed the prettiest, and weirdest pokemon combos you've ever seen
last edit on Jul 17, 2019 18:45:53 GMT by UMU
Army-Crushing Star
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Benetnaschearned bits
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All my attempts to rp end in failure, so now I'm a solo act.
I'd kill for another Log Horizon site, tbh. Or smth based off Mage & Demon Queen.

A VRMMORPG site is one of the few concepts that can drag me out of retirement. I just don't have the energy for SOL stuff anymore.
547written posts
Ludoearned bits
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I proposed this elsewhere but like man, I re-watched Monsters University(the Pixar movie) and that would make SUCH A FUN SETTING for an RP. Maybe a pre-reform setting where they still use screams instead of laughter, semi-canon? There's so much fun stuff to play with in that setting, and lots of fun BG characters to play with...PLEASE someone put this together, lemme help! I'd love to help! IDK how to code or anything but man I'd love to see this happen!