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151written posts
shanimalearned bits
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shanimal Avatar
of course i am for peace, of course i am for peace. one that suits me.
bc Avatar

i'm basically on a panfandom site with that premise, except the removal of powers. that would def be an interesting twist. for many characters, their powers are kind of integral to them, so seeing how they deal w/o powers? fun. i'd be lowkey concerned about what effects that would have on some characters, though, since some only EXIST because of their abilities. you could add stipulations, but they might prove troublesome down the line. idk, but yes.

the premise of zugzwang is going to be that your character has been invited to join the chessmaster's game, although to even the playing field they must decide whether to give up their memories or abilities, with the stipulation they can be earned back by playing the game (of which there are many ways to-- puzzle solving, combat, or just living your daily life in the city they created.) so either your character can lose abilities that make them who they are... or their memories of those close to them who make them who they are. should be heartbreaking fun!

(also just wanted to say we will be allowing characters from books and also OCs provided it's art and not RL faceclaims, OCs do have to be earned through the site shop)

THIS IS MY LAST PLUG I SWEAR /sweats and crawls back into my hole

phantom of the black parade
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4,368written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Kuroya Avatar
what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
pharaoh leap Avatar
This may be totally useless information because you do it, anyway, but I think the bigger component isn't so much stating in lore or rules that characters can be taken from anywhere - because I don't usually see that, either - so much as checking if there's a "canon point" section in the app, since if everyone is supposed to be taken from their most recent canon point, that app section is completely irrelevant. Now, granted, there will be places where MOST people play their canons from their most recent canon point, but that doesn't make it strictly so that YOU have to. If no one from the FFVII cast wants to RP with you, just... don't RP with them, plenty of other canon fish in the sea, sdljkfhkfjsh. I've never come across a panfandom site that didn't have that "canon point" section in their app, but while I do 'site stalk' a lot, I do imagine you've got me beat in that area, especially if you're specifically on the hunt for a good panfandom. *sweats*

i mean, i've seen a good few sites that do address that specifically in the lore threads, which i would think that would be a fairly common question in certain cases (like with my example with sephiroth or if someone wanted, say, maes hughes from fullmetal alchemist). i've actually not seen a whole lot of panfandoms that do ask for a specific canon point in the application, not anymore at any rate, which i've always kind of taken that as "just go through and explain the backstory in your history area, it's fine," which always personally made more sense to me because imo telling me you're taking, idk, yugi motou from season 2 of yu-gi-oh doesn't mean much to me if i'm not intimately aware of the series but saying in his app "he defeated pegasus and won the tournament in duelist kingdom" and mentioning battle city but not mentioning the virtual world arc would tell me more or less the same information with a good bit more accuracy on the exact timing of events if i'm less familiar with the series and would give me a good base for what happened to him if i knew nothing about yu-gi-oh outside of making jokes about card games on motorcycles and recognizing the wild protagonist hair.

but that being said, it's actually really fairly rare for me to even get to the app stage on a panfandom since i'm usually knocked out before that point because of some rule or another, so i generally don't even bother with checking it out since imo if i'm not joining the site, i really don't care how the rest of it is set up. but yeah no uh. i've been looking for a good panfan for... at least six months by this point, if not closer to a year, because i miss my old canons. and just... idk. by this point i really almost wonder if it's worth just biting the bullet and going back to tumblr even though i hate it because at least on tumblr i don't need to have a base setting to rp off of, i just need to be willing to suffer.

and yeah i know that to a certain extent, if no one from the ffvii cast wants to rp with me, just go rp with someone else, but i also just... really don't want to do that since half of my reason for wanting to play sephiroth from that era in the first place is because i want to do plots where he has to face consequences for actions he hasn't done yet or from meeting his formerly dead friends, so for me, it would be super unfulfilling for that to happen because i'd be throwing away at least half of the plots i'd want to do with seph, and by that point, it'd kind of defeat half of my point of wanting to play sephiroth outside of a sandbox site or off tumblr in the first place.

frog on the floor
aliasfreiheit, microwaved burrito
1,539written posts
pharaoh leapearned bits
pharaoh leap
pharaoh leap Avatar
i've been having some pretty dark thoughts.
shanimal Avatar
(also just wanted to say we will be allowing characters from books and also OCs provided it's art and not RL faceclaims, OCs do have to be earned through the site shop)

You wouldn't happen to accept rock opera (studio albums that tell a story, so like a musical without the acting/spoken parts) canons, provided I have commissioned and gifted artwork of the character, would you? 👀

Kuroya Avatar
i've been looking for a good panfan for... at least six months by this point, if not closer to a year, because i miss my old canons. and just... idk. by this point i really almost wonder if it's worth just biting the bullet and going back to tumblr even though i hate it because at least on tumblr i don't need to have a base setting to rp off of, i just need to be willing to suffer.

Out of curiosity - and I think this counts as 'sites you want to see' discussion, so here I go asking it - what, to you, qualifies as a "good panfandom"? What would make or break one for you? This isn't me trying to nitpick or anything, sdkljfhdkjfhs, I'm actually just genuinely curious to hear what you value out of a site like this, since I'm interested in doing one later down the line (probably not for a LONG while, though, since Revo's still kicking, and I have an RP I wanna do after that already), and wondering what some of the do's and don't's are from people interested in the genre. :O

So, I guess - what are the all the necessary elements, and what are the things that would turn you off no matter how nice the site is otherwise?

151written posts
shanimalearned bits
Full Member
shanimal Avatar
of course i am for peace, of course i am for peace. one that suits me.
pharaoh leap Avatar
shanimal Avatar
(also just wanted to say we will be allowing characters from books and also OCs provided it's art and not RL faceclaims, OCs do have to be earned through the site shop)
You wouldn't happen to accept rock opera (studio albums that tell a story, so like a musical without the acting/spoken parts) canons, provided I have commissioned and gifted artwork of the character, would you? 👀

funny you should ask that, i have a musicals/rock opera expert on staff for this very purpose! my caveat is basically "well is there art? go for it" because i will admit to just not liking the RL/animanga fc split in panfandom because it's harder to imagine them coexisting... but with art that goes away in my head, at least. JKNFJKLSD tl;dr yes allowed 100%

phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,368written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Kuroya Avatar
what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
pharaoh leap Avatar
Out of curiosity - and I think this counts as 'sites you want to see' discussion, so here I go asking it - what, to you, qualifies as a "good panfandom"? What would make or break one for you? This isn't me trying to nitpick or anything, sdkljfhdkjfhs, I'm actually just genuinely curious to hear what you value out of a site like this, since I'm interested in doing one later down the line (probably not for a LONG while, though, since Revo's still kicking, and I have an RP I wanna do after that already), and wondering what some of the do's and don't's are from people interested in the genre. :O

So, I guess - what are the all the necessary elements, and what are the things that would turn you off no matter how nice the site is otherwise?

oh! uh. when i'm looking at panfandoms these days, honestly, the biggest knockout for me is the activity requirements - i'm fairly slow on posting, so i can't even consider anything that asks for more than one post per character per month, and while it's possible to find a few that ask for that standard, there's usually some other things that end up breaking the site for me (word counts, death-enabled sites, combat-oriented sites, limitations on how many characters you can play). but from there, the next biggest reason i'll close out of a panfandom is typically because i end up seeing like. 20+ ic boards with extensive descriptions of each area, 4+ lore threads with thousands of words each to explain the history and setting and location and member groups, 2-4k+ words worth of extensive rules that are just exhausting to read through - point being, i end up getting too overwhelmed with the thought of having to read and digest all that information and absolutely terrified of getting in trouble because i can't keep track of all the setting details or iced out of the site because i picked a small fandom in an unpopular area that makes it hard to thread outwards. (also panfandoms don't usually ding on my "i only join jcink sites" problem, but y'know, that's something that's absolute make-or-break for me these days too that i'm sure would be relevant for you.)

which for clarity, all of this is stuff that would turn me off on a normal site too (no seriously, i've been looking around a few other genres in rl lately too, and it's the same problems for them too). i just feel the panfandom a lot harder since i've been looking for so long because i have been longing to play three specific animated canons (pre-nibel!sephiroth, ph's cheshire cat, and mello) for a long time now and i do not have a possible outlet for them the same way i do my other rp urges.

on the flip side of it, what i really would be looking for in a panfandom would be just.... a slice-of-life style setting that's somewhat limited in scope but really open in terms of lore details (like having everything set in a city but everyone sort of shrugs things off if weird stuff happens). honestly i'd be so over the moon if there was some kind of romantic plot-thing or something because i would love that (like no for real, i would be over the moon if there was a site built around something like the "kill the dj" episode of black mirror, because please) but. i'd settle for something a little along the lines of what i used to have for vixero - it was a super basic panfandom premise of "a bored goddess steals characters from her favorite stories and universes, shoves them into a universe of her own making, settles in to watch what happens in their new homes, and occasionally might interfere (aka here's where you can live, here's a random roommate, if you die you just wake up in your bed the next day, you can come from any point in your canon, etc, etc") where it was super hand-wavey on the little details so that people could instead focus on exploring relationships in a fairly low-stakes environment and just dive right into things.

and honestly that whole concept is just. not something that really seems to be popular in panfandoms right now so. yeah.

no but also real talk. super loose slice-of-life panfandom in a small city. bored love deity creates a universe and shoves random characters in it. gives them all a place to live and puts them on a dating app that randomly pairs characters up for xyz amount of time (members can determine it or do their own pairings if they don't want to thread roulette them). once a month, staff will randomize anyone who signs up for a new pairing. people appear and disappear at will and everyone shrugs and moves on. there's rumors that if you please the love deity, they'll grant you a favor (so that if you want to go home, you can try to). i would love for someone to take this if it was done in a system i can enjoy it.
last edit on Aug 8, 2019 21:12:05 GMT by Kuroya

626written posts
Gingerearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Ginger Avatar
stop teasing and just give us an Open site with a link

I HEARD MAGI MODOKA....... in that one paragraph you wrote several days-hours ago.... IM in, Panfandom with multiverse shoving characters jumping around.....
--------- Kinda reminds me of this old Pokemon Site.. The staff pick a Setting-Event Each Weekly... and it went wild. At one point the characters ended up in majora's Mask each given a Mask related to their Plotlines.... Then during halloween they jumped world to world.

yeah, a lot of the rules are part of the reason I avoid fandoms... Thaaat and the Fandoms seem to attract not the quite best of people [at least my experience] probably why they have the rules.. but ehh....
------------- For your very last post, I kinda like the idea with the Deity Randomizer..... W/ Teams and Small homes.. maybe apartment complex? So we can blow it up Wahahahahahhahahaha every other week.. The deity just like "GUYS QUIT"

Could you link me to that panfandom site? I'd like to check it out

To stay on topic-ish

I'd Like to see a site I get to host Events... I am dying to Staff Something, and I keep having to cancel Rp site projects due to other people having IRL in the way. UGH, let me Host Events!! Or Roleplay, I just wanna ROLEPLAY... I mean cough, I would like to join an engaging community that understand you won't log in a Whole week... And that Activity log-ins are not that important as long as you make ALL your replies, staff duties, and You Love me.
last edit on Aug 8, 2019 21:42:24 GMT by Ginger
626written posts
Gingerearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Ginger Avatar
[I'll check out the panfandom tomorrow ]

go rot in a grave, teasing son of a cat. Worst part, in pit of my stomach i know it'll be a Jcink......

& & Could we make a panfandom that starts in BOTW, that changes over to a different world after everybody got their LOZ fill? Like how Smash bros work, with the characters trapped in different world...... They'll have homes in each world, but just it kinda swaps over after each RP Season [Winter, Fall, Summer or Major Activity Swings]

------------[Honestly if it was Panfandom characters trapped in Nintendo Worlds, I'm sold in general]

------------ ADDED: Maybe they get unique Ability Traits for being active during that world Period? Like LOZ they might get a triforce piece, master sword, or maybe even a Beast Orb...... Or Like Pokemon they can get Pokemon or Pokeballs[haha catch characters]  OR Magi MODOKA they Get Wish LVL depends on post Count..

//I've decided From this Day Forth, if I EVER end up joining a Jcink Forum.. I'll just pretend to be some Fan obsessed Person on the Discord who goes by that Fandom Character, and NOBODY know who I am. Dare Thee to take my Proboards login identity!//

last edit on Aug 9, 2019 3:26:20 GMT by Ginger
phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,368written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Kuroya Avatar
what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?

tbeh that wouldn't appeal to me as a panfandom site - it would ding too close to my "i don't like joining fandoms i don't know because i'm not comfortable in settings i'm entirely clueless about" rule. (plus the changing site settings would probably really annoy me for a good few different reasons, so even if it was all settings i knew, it'd still drive me nuts enough to be a deal-breaker.)

and on the earlier idea from that premise i had... while the idea of things being random teams with fairly harmless fights isn't one that would turn me off as long as it was something more along the lines of like "we're playing capture the flag, here's your teams" than "this is your commander in this war," it's still not really what i was going for. since what i had was legitimately meant to be a romance concept because honestly where are all the old slice-of-life romance sites, but yknow, if you don't want that, it's random roommate simulator (or you could get out if you're a small child or ace/aro or otherwise already spoken for like maes hughes). just. no real big huge conflict to worry over. no plot stuff to make it more difficult to thread with people. an atmosphere that makes destroying the entire city kind of pointless, explains if people poof out of the site, and otherwise lets people jump right into things instead of getting caught up on the little details. an official site method to help force people out from bubbling with familiar friends and fandoms. the possibility of entirely unexpected crossfandom ships.

me: please...... for the love of naga....... just give me....... a slice-of-life panfandom.......... with a setting that won't take me hours to read and understand........... and no super dark or demanding plotlines.......... and super lax activity requirements......... please......... i beg of u......
last edit on Aug 9, 2019 12:27:16 GMT by Kuroya

28written posts
Whammychuearned bits
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Whammychu Avatar
Kuroya Avatar
me: please...... for the love of naga....... just give me....... a slice-of-life panfandom.......... with a setting that won't take me hours to read and understand........... and no super dark or demanding plotlines.......... and super lax activity requirements......... please......... i beg of u......
Same, really. Unfortunately, I think doing so really requires some restrictions on the type of characters allowed on the site. A panfandom where, say, The Joker and Disney characters share the same space would have serious tonal issues. It's why I've dabbled with the idea of a "genre" panfandom where the idea was to restrict characters to a particular genre where all the characters could plausibly live in the same world (slice of life / school-life / rom-com or drama / etc. animes: think your Ouran High School Host Clubs, Lucky Stars, Clannad, etc.), but that's obviously not what you're looking for.

Honestly though, and I had this conversation before in this thread I think, it's kind of hard to set up. The traditional "everyone kind of got teleported here" set-up implies a potentially darker or serious plotline but has convenience of providing a setting of sort, but the only alternative would be a sort of Toontown / Wreck-it-Ralph "they're all actors living in the same world" setting but that implies the events of their respective thing was just acting and therefore not "real".
11written posts
Cindersearned bits
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Cinders Avatar
let be what is, let be what isn't / it's a natural world in which we're living
carapace Avatar
is anyone going to make a fire emblem three houses site or am i gonna have to do it
In the process of beginning! Join the Ideas Discord here!
151written posts
shanimalearned bits
Full Member
shanimal Avatar
of course i am for peace, of course i am for peace. one that suits me.
Whammychu Avatar
Same, really. Unfortunately, I think doing so really requires some restrictions on the type of characters allowed on the site. A panfandom where, say, The Joker and Disney characters share the same space would have serious tonal issues. It's why I've dabbled with the idea of a "genre" panfandom where the idea was to restrict characters to a particular genre where all the characters could plausibly live in the same world (slice of life / school-life / rom-com or drama / etc. animes: think your Ouran High School Host Clubs, Lucky Stars, Clannad, etc.), but that's obviously not what you're looking for.

Honestly though, and I had this conversation before in this thread I think, it's kind of hard to set up. The traditional "everyone kind of got teleported here" set-up implies a potentially darker or serious plotline but has convenience of providing a setting of sort, but the only alternative would be a sort of Toontown / Wreck-it-Ralph "they're all actors living in the same world" setting but that implies the events of their respective thing was just acting and therefore not "real".

tbh i think that's really the only way to go about having something that's plot/conflict free? since even if you handwave the "everyone kind of got teleported here" in your lore and don't make it a big thing, there's absolutely characters that are going to take beef with that and want to go home. having an AU slice of life setting where everyone is forced to make their canon characters adhere to the setting could work too but that's also not everyone's cup of tea.