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Coding Confessions

626written posts
Gingerearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Ginger Avatar
Damn this was here? I didn't have to post under staffing confessions. probably a good thing. So... Confessions, Shit I'm screwed. Don't laugh at me please?

Sorry its uhh super long.. I was planning to stop at 5.. then it was 10.. then it was 20. I talk waaay too much.

1. I cannot stand artists, Designers, Clothing styles, artwork. I can't draw for the life of me, paint, or anything dealing with damn artwork. I don't wanna spend hours working things pixel by pixel in video games. SO WHY THE HELL DO I LOVE CODING SO DAMN MUCH? I AM SO FREAKING BAD AT IT, LEGIT shows my true nature of style... THERE IS NO STYLE. Everything I do has no set theme, method, etc. I'm not cool and I hate it shows through my codings.

2. I... uhh.. well... Someone told me my skins were "unclean" and I took it as "your Fucking Chaotic Ginger"

So.... I stared at Hoenn's Recent skin.. for hours, trying to figure out why placing things in boxes made things look "professional" and "Nice"... It umm.. well.. I think.. it actually helped? I think my designing skills apparently just needed "depth"? maybe? I don't know.. Just.. Know I freaking Stared at Hoenn's templates for HOURS, and Read the Rules over and over. trying to just "Learn" that I couldn't seem to Learn.

3. I'm super super super jealous of people who Code in Teams together, I used to have similar partnership.. but it uhh ended. Anyway It just makes me jealous when 2-3 Coders can work together to create a master pieces, each picking up each other's weaknesses. I feel if I just had the person who was naturally artistic in nature my skins just be.. you know.. better.

4. I can't code github, CSS Preview, etc. Everytime I try it crashes the moment I bring it onto proboards forum. I'm a 100% sure this is because of proboards not me. but.. I don't even bother using it.

5. When I first started coding Tables, I actually would draw these boxes.. and color them in.. and then aggressive drawn different colored boxes around them.. Purposefully telling myself how the "Template" or "board" is communicating with itself. I am 100% sure my family thought I was crazy during family gatherings, when I just sat there drawing boxes. then aggressively writing <table><tbody> <tr><td> All over the pages. Legit no text, just the code. note: I cannot stand Tables in posts, if I see a Template that is Table in a post I refuse to use it. The code breaks too easy if you ask me, and spellchecker hates it.

6. I am One of "Those People" If I'm stressed out while coding I kid you not 500% name my classes ridicules names to try and cheer myself up. if you ever see a class name "HopethisBigBoxieworks" it was probably me. I don't cuss in my classes but I definitly do names that doesn't match.
Oh my boyfriend got mad at me when he found out this. Pointed at me and just went "Yooooure one of thoooose peeeeooople" When he found out I have a Literal class named "Greenie" that Is not green anywhere in the code lol.

7. When i first code my Tables I actually don't use CSS #codes colors, I always just slap in "green" or "yellow" so when somebody no idea what I'm doing walks over and sees what I'm creating they'll just see a bunch of Crayon colors inside of boxes. I just find it easier to move them around.

8. I can't for the life of me figure out how to "install" Font Icons I read Leap's thread and I still cannot seem to do it. I asked my friends turned out, they don't want me to make Skins with Icons anyway.. so I guess solves that problem? My codes won't be cleaner or fancier, but at least my friends be happy? And who knows maybe I'll create a home for people who struggle with icon stuff?

9. I used a freaking Jquery Toggle for changing the Skin color made by for dark/light To create a toggle Sidebar And change the sidebar color in Firefox specifically] I even placed a random toggle hidden in the board code to force images to appear... so yeah I don't know Sorry Elli? I guess? uhh thank you for helping me, means a lot...

10. I tried make my skins more Responsive by using percentages, spent days converting my skin to flow with different screensizes..... Joke on me Everybody hated it, so I had to convert all of it back and just decided 100% to ignore everybody else's design and "ease of use" and just keep everything defined.

11. I can't stand telling people who to do with their images and how to cut them.... So I uh I uhh code all my Miniprofiles/profiles to fit those images even if their the size of a header... It looks sloppy and its dumb.. and people will be confused.. but I just.. don't know.. want them to play with it?

12. I like.. Weird ass Specific numbers. in my codes you'll see 9.589 because that... portion of a pixel matters to me.. Even if it Freaking breaks the next computer screen size over or like.. a different browser. I just. I don't know what's wrong with me.

13. I've worked on the same skin.. for about 2 years now. And am Still working on tweaking it for a site that.. is probably going to last what. 3 months?

14. Super sucker... for teaching users. When somebody went and said to me "Hey I love what you changed in this skin. Can you help me I've never coded before" It.. was probably the most happy moment in my life.. okay not happiest moment but it meant a lot to me.. Just explaining step-by-step how to actually understand and code within Proboard's insane parameters.

15. I'm too stubborn to use Premades, and I get angry when people tell me to just.. "use better made stuff". It just.. it isn't mine, it just.. bugs me? A lot of People wish they could make thier own skins, but can't.. and they Depend on those Premades.. So when people who don't need to use premades.. do to make their lives easier.. it makes it slightly harder on those who can't code. I don't know I'm bullshitting here, I just.. don't tell me to use premades, it just.. bothers me, I'll go cry in a room or avoid talking to you for days.. Actually.. do tell me to use premades it probably best way to make me shut up around you, which is probably a good thing.

16. I can code templates... I freaking hate posting with Templates.

17. I have to relearn how to code every single time I stop coding for 3-20 months, so I'll be stuck in the basics.

18. My oldself still shocks me, I see what she created and go. "the fuck how did she do that? Wait. Why?"

< I had to clean it up a bit... i didn't use original iamges but at least you can see the text..

19. I didn't think I'd ever be coding Forum-wide stuff.. or at all... I seriously was just upset by the Early tables have clearcut lines from using images that cut off incorrectly.

20. Kinda upset with myself that I don't know JQuery, I really should take a class or something.

221written posts
sielearned bits
Full Member
siel Avatar
i love that honeymoon phase between finding a solution and actually trying it out. for that brief but glorious moment, you've cracked the da vinci code, nothing gets past you, you're detective conan pointing his finger at the criminal while the sexy sax music starts up.

and then you try it, it doesn't work at all as you planned, and it's back to the drawing board and the urge to eject yourself from the nearest rooftop. the moment before that, though... heaven.
praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
887written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
kewkew Avatar
I still to this day forget how to set up jcink so that the xml skin upload doesn’t go wrong.

u know what i completely forgot that the jcink xml is a thing in the first place
shiz maker
pronounsThey / Them
112written posts
✰ Destiny Bondearned bits
✰ Destiny Bond
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✰ Destiny Bond Avatar
Drowning in a flurry of emotions, come back to the surface stronger.
I made the mistake of creating my roleplay forum a few days before "back to school" time, so its literally isolated besides me and one other but I still have to check on it because I'M STILL STAFF. And I own the whole thing anyway.

It doesn't help that I made another roleplay yesterday.

I guess I'm just bored.

I'm going to put links in my signature T^T
626written posts
Gingerearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Ginger Avatar
✰ Destiny Bond Avatar
I made the mistake of creating my roleplay forum a few days before "back to school" time, so its literally isolated besides me and one other but I still have to check on it because I'M STILL STAFF. And I own the whole thing anyway.

It doesn't help that I made another roleplay yesterday.

I guess I'm just bored.

I'm going to put links in my signature T^T

pats.   maybe work on a skin and rolepaly of that site with the few members?  Then when summer comes around, take that skin you helped create.. make a new site with your "few members"  that correlates the story you've made, only more in-depth? Like with maybe a time-skip or alternate universe.    
last edit on Sept 30, 2020 21:48:43 GMT by Ginger
shiz maker
pronounsThey / Them
112written posts
✰ Destiny Bondearned bits
✰ Destiny Bond
Full Member
✰ Destiny Bond Avatar
Drowning in a flurry of emotions, come back to the surface stronger.
Ginger Avatar
✰ Destiny Bond Avatar
I made the mistake of creating my roleplay forum a few days before "back to school" time, so its literally isolated besides me and one other but I still have to check on it because I'M STILL STAFF. And I own the whole thing anyway.

It doesn't help that I made another roleplay yesterday.

I guess I'm just bored.

I'm going to put links in my signature T^T

pats.   maybe work on a skin and rolepaly of that site with the few members?  Then when summer comes around, take that skin you helped create.. make a new site with your "few members"  that correlates the story you've made, only more in-depth? Like with maybe a time-skip or alternate universe.    
okay, but... i know nothing about making skins, i usually steal borrow from Punki. Although that does sound like a good idea... making some kind of alternate universe when the summer rolls in.
phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,354written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Kuroya Avatar
what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
i literally just figured out how to block guests from using the post macros on jcink and this is an absolute delight because it always annoyed me seeing site adverts using them when that's absolutely not what they're meant for

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
aliasthat bitch.
pronouns"that bitch" still works tbh (any OK!)
551written posts
selkieearned bits
Part of the Furniture
selkie Avatar
a verb in perfect view.

happy to announce im back on my bullshit. i'm keeping the typo for posterity
last edit on Oct 29, 2020 1:30:55 GMT by selkie
weeping omens advertisement

all my proboards templates require the style tags plugin!
0written posts
Deletedearned bits
Deleted Avatar
I'm stuck in an eternal loop of wanting to skin a site for myself, to getting demotivated when I see all the good skins that surely, surely couldn't have been coded by one(1) single person alone. ...But they are, and then I get daunted by how long they must have spent on those super good skins with so many of those little design details.

Super doubtful I'll get to that point, but we'll see. ;; For some real confession:

Sometimes I mess up my paddings/margins and the layout looks kinda weird, but then it can also look kinda intentional, so...

...I hope for people to think it's the latter. ;D justkidddingifixedit
17written posts
☆ Junitoonsearned bits
☆ Junitoons
New Member
☆ Junitoons Avatar
amethy Avatar
I'm stuck in an eternal loop of wanting to skin a site for myself, to getting demotivated when I see all the good skins that surely, surely couldn't have been coded by one(1) single person alone. ...But they are, and then I get daunted by how long they must have spent on those super good skins with so many of those little design details.
Don't worry, eventually you'll get to that point, too! The sooner you start, the sooner that point will arrive! Trust me, I've been exactly where you're now and I can CLEARLY see improvements in my own skins from when I started 'til now. YOU CAN DO IT, I BELIEVE IN YOU! :pom poms:
frog on the floor
aliasfreiheit, microwaved burrito
1,539written posts
pharaoh leapearned bits
pharaoh leap
pharaoh leap Avatar
i've been having some pretty dark thoughts.
amethy Avatar
I'm stuck in an eternal loop of wanting to skin a site for myself, to getting demotivated when I see all the good skins that surely, surely couldn't have been coded by one(1) single person alone. ...But they are, and then I get daunted by how long they must have spent on those super good skins with so many of those little design details.

This is such a mood, though. :'D Any time a new pretty skin comes out, I'm immediately taken aback by how good it looks - and then spend weeks mourning the fact that that could never be me.
0written posts
Deletedearned bits
Deleted Avatar
☆ Junitoons Avatar
Don't worry, eventually you'll get to that point, too! The sooner you start, the sooner that point will arrive! Trust me, I've been exactly where you're now and I can CLEARLY see improvements in my own skins from when I started 'til now. YOU CAN DO IT, I BELIEVE IN YOU! :pom poms:

pharaoh leap Avatar
This is such a mood, though. :'D Any time a new pretty skin comes out, I'm immediately taken aback by how good it looks - and then spend weeks mourning the fact that that could never be me.

Aw, thank you both! It's both hopeful and humbling haha. Here's to hoping I don't compromise all the way until I settle for post templates only. Whine less work more, gotchya!
17written posts
☆ Junitoonsearned bits
☆ Junitoons
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☆ Junitoons Avatar
amethy Avatar
☆ Junitoons Avatar
Don't worry, eventually you'll get to that point, too! The sooner you start, the sooner that point will arrive! Trust me, I've been exactly where you're now and I can CLEARLY see improvements in my own skins from when I started 'til now. YOU CAN DO IT, I BELIEVE IN YOU! :pom poms:
pharaoh leap Avatar
This is such a mood, though. :'D Any time a new pretty skin comes out, I'm immediately taken aback by how good it looks - and then spend weeks mourning the fact that that could never be me.
Aw, thank you both! It's both hopeful and humbling haha. Here's to hoping I don't compromise all the way until I settle for post templates only. Whine less work more, gotchya!
And given how many great coders there are around here, you'll have plenty of people to ask for help if there's anything you're ever wondering about or if you get stuck <3 keep at it!
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