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Coding Confessions

789written posts
illidan mainearned bits
illidan main
Part of the Furniture
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illidan main Avatar
tbh sans serif is actually preferred in web design because it's easier to read on a screen.

that being said, might be worth discussing accessibility needs with your members. some serif fonts are actually better for dyslexic players, and it could be worth it to have an alternate skin that changes the font for readability. even if it doesn't look pretty, letting your members actually be able to read your site content seems like a strong decision.

i am not saying serif should be a default, though, because everyone's accessibility needs are different. however, when we are running sites with multiple skin options, it feels pretty easy to make sure everyone's reading needs are met. someone who reads serif better can use the serif skin that uses a dyslexia-friendly font and larger font and better letter spacing, and someone who reads sans serif better can use the default skin.
you bring up an interesting point (re: readability) which got me researching a bit, and, well —

i discovered that serif fonts are actually more readable while sans serif are more legible.

there's an entire print history that is tl;dr to explain, but essentially serif fonts are the typewriter's old style (new york times still uses serif fonts for their body content) while sans serif is a departure of the past, which was pioneered by the bauhaus movement (1920s).

when it comes to computer screens there is little to no evidence which is better / easier to read.  it's actually more about how the body text is coded. e.g. real life rp sites are known for their serif fonts but they're also notorious for their small print (fun fact: serif fonts are easier to read on a smaller scale). sans serif, on the other hand, is associated to cutting-edge design and commerce—its also used for highway signs bc its legibility is easier to discern from a distance.

ultimately finding the right body text is a balancing act between user experience and the "aesthetic" you're trying to achieve. i personally like to mix and match different fonts and font families (though i have a preference for readable fonts over those that are simply too script-y/unreadable).
yeah i was told in web design that sans serif for body text is vastly preferred in most cases because it reads better, but then after this discussion noticed that several of the ebooks I'm reading use serif font.

That does lead into a discussion on line height, letter spacing, and font size that imo should be discussed heavily with your memberbase. I'm studying javascript so I can make a toggle for these things, too, but we'll see if it works.

avatar and hover by phobic art, commissioned for me
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That does lead into a discussion on line height, letter spacing, and font size that imo should be discussed heavily with your memberbase. I'm studying javascript so I can make a toggle for these things, too, but we'll see if it works.

Super tangential warning, but
I was joking a while back with my admin that we should make a "You Have To Design The Skin" skin where we provide a simplistic base, and then also a bunch of colour pickers and dropdowns and such to set a new dominant colour, font, font size, padding, border radius, etc. etc

Way overkill and would probably need JS on every single page, but I still lowkey think about doing it just because nothing motivates me like shenanigans
789written posts
illidan mainearned bits
illidan main
Part of the Furniture
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illidan main Avatar
That does lead into a discussion on line height, letter spacing, and font size that imo should be discussed heavily with your memberbase. I'm studying javascript so I can make a toggle for these things, too, but we'll see if it works.
Super tangential warning, but
I was joking a while back with my admin that we should make a "You Have To Design The Skin" skin where we provide a simplistic base, and then also a bunch of colour pickers and dropdowns and such to set a new dominant colour, font, font size, padding, border radius, etc. etc

Way overkill and would probably need JS on every single page, but I still lowkey think about doing it just because nothing motivates me like shenanigans
oh yeah doesn't sound practical due to the loadtimes it'd require, ESPECIALLY on mobile, but I think it'd actually be fun to do.

avatar and hover by phobic art, commissioned for me
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aliasEm, Dragon
773written posts
rabbitearsearned bits
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We're motivated by the stars that we're made of
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rabbitears Avatar
I can't figure out how to proboards spin boarders and I really want to 'cause it's super cool.
spin borders?
I've seen it done a lot in jcink and here is an example in a proboards template.
praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
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bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
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this is my murder mittens ^-^
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bc Avatar
spin borders?
I've seen it done a lot in jcink and here is an example in a proboards template.

its an animation. look up css spinning animation you should be able to find tutorials for it :o. normally you have that element and then layer the image/inside or whatever on top so it doesnt spin as well using position or margin bsing. if you're struggling w something specific i can take a look and help?
last edit on Feb 4, 2022 14:40:44 GMT by bc
The Schediest of All
90written posts
Codingwayearned bits
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She'll tell you a fairy tale, or maybe she'll show your fate....
I frankenstein my own codes because I am a lazy ass. Got stuff I want in a new template or whatever which carries an element my previous code has? I just copypasta that bish. As long as it works who cares?
Mashing my old codes together to make new stuff is the way of life. Keep recyclin’.
last edit on Feb 4, 2022 21:54:12 GMT by Codingway

The Schediest of All
90written posts
Codingwayearned bits
Junior Member
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She'll tell you a fairy tale, or maybe she'll show your fate....
Oh and: When you are trying a new css or javascript stuff and you have a shitload of tutorial tabs from w3 schools and whatnot and you end up forgetting what you are trying to do in the first place.

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i don't reuse my old codes because i believe coding from scratch is 100% more sincere and heartfelt than copy pasting. 

...jkjk. it's because by the time i actually want/can code something new, i've forgotten what do each classes do and i cbf to reread them akfhksdhf

thank god for saving up old works though. i keep having to look back on how the toggle/label trick work.
last edit on Feb 6, 2022 8:27:19 GMT by Deleted
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