The Sites that Could Have Been

stultifera navis
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ninelieearned bits
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VOLITION [Medium: Success]
unnamed ffxiv site sometimes i still think about this a lot maybe 100% of the time. this was done a long time ago, like back when heavensward was still relevant.

no longer human. the prototype for ALTER/EGO. i'm still fond of the name. title based off of osamu dazai's novel and was supposed to be much more introspectively gritty/angst-y than what i've got going currently for A/E.

beneath the mask still stands as the best p5 theme and yes, i really wanted a personal p5 site at one point. i'm also aware that "beneath the mask" is a name used quite a lot for a few other p5 sites....... i'd put rivers in the desert as my next favourite song, but nothing hits home quite as well as 'beneath the mask' for persona 5.

raise your flag an open-world rp based off on monster hunter world. the skin was then auctioned off later. I'm still really fond of the main profile template to give off that hunter notes feel from the game's UI.

kimi no na wa. based off on the movie, it was going to be a small town rp where the town's stuck in a one-month time loop. player characters are aware of the time loop, and can work together to figure out the town's mystery and stop the time loop — or for those that benefit from it, working to stop them. npcs are generally unaware and live on as if nothing is out of the ordinary. was going to have monthly events and quests and whatnot to perpetuate a lore or mythos for this small town being involved in something akin to celestial occultics.

hover + icon by 旳---
309written posts
syhrinxearned bits
Spring '21 Dev Completionist
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im back. im sorry i'm only posting one site per post. it's because i am self-serving and i want more pixel perfect points and here i can get an easy Many.

of the wild was going to be a cool botw site! i don't have much in terms of development for it, except i did have a really cool color palette for it and made a really cool forum row template that i'm still proud of.

what stopped me was that i think i couldn't decide what time i wanted it to be set as. pre calamity? post? after link saves the day? somewhere in the middle? did i want people to be able to play canons? did i want it to be oc only? life is hard and so is making forums. i still want it though! i also want a twilight princess-themed board. but alas. maybe once botw 2 comes out i'll have more inspiration for it.
last edit on May 5, 2020 15:32:41 GMT by syhrinx
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sacredearned bits
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Do not seek forgiveness, for it will not ease the burden. It weighs as it should.
Me and my wife were working on a Lancer/Cowboy Bebop/Monster Hunter inspired mecha site called Demolition. There's a whole Google Doc out there full of mechanics, lore, the skeleton of mecha stats and WIP customisation systems, and even a whole ass mock-skin. I could only get a hold of the main home page mock, though I know a miniprofile and subboard/post page was completed in scratchpad.

The only reason it never saw the light of day was because I couldn't wrap my head around skinning. I offered a few people $$ to convert it but nothing ever got finalised.

Here was the old advertising button I used to sport:

last edit on May 5, 2020 16:39:36 GMT by sacred
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fossaearned bits
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he's suppose to be DEAD
lmaooo im about to shame myself for yall to see

1) devil summoner site based off the devil summoner series - not persona.
2) jojo's bizarre adventure inspired
3) a magic college site with dnd based magic
4) a slice of life fantasy
5) a fire emblem three houses academy
6) a supernatural/horror that has undergone at least 4 skins
7) a league of legends site 

these are the ones i can actually remember right now

i have made skins for all of these and completed exactly 1
last edit on May 5, 2020 17:08:05 GMT by fossa
309written posts
syhrinxearned bits
Spring '21 Dev Completionist
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hello... it is i... ONCE again.

i was going to make a stardew valley rp once upon a time. i might still in the future! but a LOOONG time in the future. and probably not... in actuality tbh... but! i WAS into the site idea enough to start coding up a banner for it. art by snatti! nowadays i sort of have that skin in a halfway state and am using it for a private board that a friend and i have. but the stardew dream is dead u___u for now.  

(also of note is that i was going to make a small town harvest moon ISH inspired rp but set in like... somewhere between the 40's-80's, and sort of more... semi-realism? the only remnants of it are my notes in my notebook and also this ancient pin board i have.)
phantom of the black parade
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Kuroyaearned bits
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
with avatar coming onto netflix, i suddenly got reminded of one of my other "sites that could have been"

which was white lotus online - a vr-mmo site set in the avatar / korra universe. the original "plot" was meant to be that we were in kind of the "next avatar" in the cycle and the order of the white lotus had devised this new video game where you could emulate being a bender but it was secretly a way for them to try to locate the new avatar (because the avatar would be able to bend all four elements). but i also think, now that i'm reconsidering it, it might have also been really cool to do as kind of an au "aang died with the airbenders, the fire nation ended up winning the war, the avatar cycle ended when the avatar couldn't be reincarnated into the air nation (because they were all dead), people lost the ability to bend because the avatar was gone, this video game now exists in the modern day, bending is now a thing again in the real world wtf and oh spirits why is there more than one person that can bend multiple elements-" and just..... make it revolve around people rediscovering how to bend in the wake of the avatar cycle finding a new way to live.

i honestly don't have the time or desire to really delve back into it as a concept (i'm so burned out on staffing just as a concept), but i still think it would just be a really cool idea that would be a potentially interesting way to conceptualize a lot of the bending without making it too much of a pain to deal with for things like the bending tournaments or duels (or, alternatively, dealing with who's the avatar / what's going on with the avatar).

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Kei ⚸earned bits
Kei ⚸
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Don't depend on anyone in this world because even your own shadow leaves you when you're in the dark
The only other site I had considered making, and still have the forum for but never got around to it, was a role play based on the anime Zombie Loan.

It was called Epitaph, and it was primarily a competition site where everyone would compete against one another for their loaning company by completing bounties and paying off their debt. Initially, I thought it was a great idea and still think about trying it out, but it was made many years ago and wasn't sure if it would take off.

I also made a generations site for one of my current role plays (everyone can make their character's children from the original site, thought it was adorable) but it wasn't something I would release to the public, haha.
839written posts
SPIRELEearned bits
Part of the Furniture


opens up with a SUMMER WARS setting as a SoL site. nothing special but exploring human characters in a heavily digital setting where the world relies on the internet for everything.

first event is within a week of launch. this entire arc is mmorpg / pokemon themed.

several users have found an ancient server called the DIGITAL WORLD. their avatar is replaced with a digital monsters they pick that have set attacks, abilities, and stats. they explore the game world and fight against a variety of staff generated NPCs. they can create their own adventures for basic thread rewards. their avatar reverts back to normal outside of the event.

rewards for staff generated encounters involve downloading the enemies data for EXP or turning that data into a BATTLECHIP. battlechips are consumable items that allow the user to copy a digimon's attack / ability. some chips with be a single attack; some will be abilities that last X amount of turns. they reflect the digimon they were collected from.

pvp is allowed and follows same rules. no one loses anything for dying. winners gets a reward based off ic scenarios. losers get higher thread rewards.

first staff boss fight introduces DIGIVOLUTION mechanic; digimon can spend EXP to evolve during a thread. they get new moves, abilities, and stats. after the boss fight is finished players can purchase this in an ooc shop. digivolving in a thread is cheap and scales with stage. permanent digivolutions are incredible expensive and balanced around active players hitting rookie. crazy active character might possibly have a champion.

arc concludes with meeting the DIGITAL WORLD'S administrator: alpha. they are a benevolent being that warns the players about the final boss: omega. omega has the ability to absorb and permanently use the powers of everyone it defeats. it's an uphill battle with players able to use digivolutions for free for hype / shounen moments. ends with a miserable defeat by end-game boss. however, this buys time for alpha to wipe out the server. 

characters that participated in the event are now canon characters called the DIGIDESTINED.

arc ends and DIGITAL WORLD boards are removed. all related threads are thrown into archives labeled for the arc. site goes back to being a SoL SUMMER WARS site for a week or two while staff tidy up and prepare for next arc.

next event is a transitional follow up. DIGIDESTINED wake up to find their digimon now replaces their avatar. these digimon now have their own personality. all members are scaled up to start from ROOKIE level. anyone who has acquired rookie is given either the EXP equivalent or a unique battlechip.

this arc is megaman.exe / our war game themed.

site will divide into factions and a new mode of pvp will open up based off cops and robbers. 

digimon now appear all over the internet. some seek out human partners while others wreck havoc. digimon without human partners do not understand the harm they are doing. they devour data to satisfy their hunger / digivolve at the cost of many essential internet services. real world repercussions involve hospital networkS going offline, disruption of electrical service, decimating bank accounts. 

players can now app as human-less digimon. they start at the CHAMPION level. human-less digimon that start at the CHAMPION level permanently die when killed. those that die create a unique battlechip that are given to the player to distribute as they pleased. all other digimon respawn when killed. 

eventually digimon are classified into two generalizations: those that live in harmony with people and those that do not. those that do not are not necessarily evil. some humans are staring to use digimon for nefarious purposes. in response, humans enact a new global faction to stop digimon related crime: DIGIMON DATA SQUAD. this is just a canon good guy group to make plotting easier for some members. 

new pvp mode involves thread creator starting an objective and the other faction jumping in to stop it. you can only be in one of these threads at a time. you can only create one of these a week. this is subject to change based off activity but unless it was super active i didn't foresee it shortening.

thread creator will list a posting deadline in their opener. each round will happen in X amount of days. if you do not meet that round your post can be skipped and you take a non-lethal autohit. if you miss three rounds you are ejected from the thread. you cannot permanently die for being afk ejected. 

each thread has an overall prize pool. this scales up exponentially with the amount of participants.

the rewards are divided up based off:
  • amount of people of each faction.
  • if the faction is successful.
  • amount of post by the participant.

the idea is that you can get jumped by a bunch of people and still come out with more money than any one of those individuals. same thing with people who join at the end to finish someone off. although someone coming in at the last moment may skewer which side wins, if there are enough people having someone else join in may prove more profitable based off how raw participation scaling.

if a pvp thread is created and no one picks it up within a 7 days, the creator will get a default reward. rewards for these type of threads is a new currency that is solely used for BATTLECHIPS.

lore events will focus on building up bad players to make them site villains. other events will allow players to interact with NPCs alpha and omega.

omega will reveal that he was programmed to keep the digimon from breaking out onto the net. DIGIDESTINED may realize that every death caused by digimon was due to their actions. omega will paint alpha as the secret villain. 

once a month an omega thread will pop up. players can challenge omega to a battle. if they lose omega will absorb their abilities and continue to become more powerful for future encounters. if they win they get a unique reward. 

alpha will reveal that they have evolved beyond data. they have emotions, thoughts, and arguably a soul. digimon are no different and they could not let them stay within the game world. this covers an iROBOT plot point. alpha demonstrates a deep desire to live like humans. 

staff will occasionally make an open alpha thread as they deem fit. mostly to rp as alpha and their character phase. those that befriend alpha may get a small reward or their backup in future events. 

although the cop and robbers pvp system is clear cut good vs bad i wanted to create less official faction based off ic philosophy. while none of this will be decided based off of member types i thought it would add a lot to plotting. 

arc will wrap up with a staff generated invasion. SCILABS, the world's most famous laboratory, is being invaded by either an evil organization (would be nice is player created group) or the world's strongest digimon. this digimon would have been used in other staff generated threads and escaped repeatedly upon losing. the lore behind it is that it kept eating data and evolving.

regardless of the outcome, alpha will invade the lab as well in order to access a secret project. they succeed regardless of player intervention and access a new technology that's introduced in the next arc.

all members are scaled up to start from CHAMPION level. anyone who has acquired champion is given either the EXP equivalent or a unique battlechip. human-less digimon can start at the ULTIMATE level.

this arc is kamen rider / super sentai themed. site enters end game and not much more will change systematically. anything else that happens is story based events + superficial features that focus on encouraging positive rp behaviors.

SCILABS was creating technology that could materialize objects from the internet. alpha managed to infiltrate it and now exists in the human world. this is now a character and used for SoL threads. eventually the world discovers this it becomes an arms race to see who else can perfect it. this also opens up more character philosophy and what should we do versus what can we do.

three technologies are introduced that allow combat to take place in reality.
  • digital fields: digimon can spawn in a wide area for X amount of time.
  • dimensional chips: this allows humans to materialize aspects of their digimon as power suits
  • digiroids: toddler sized silicon dolls that can have a digimon hooked up into them. they will temporarily become the digimon. this can be used anywhere. 
digital fields will initially be spawned by staff. eventually thread creators can use them but a mod will post how many post they last and how far their reach is.

dimensional chips will be unique to the DIGIMON DATA SQUAD at first. they become available after the first few introduction threads. users cannot digivolve but gain the benefit of a smaller size compared to most digimon. also i just think cross fusion is cool.

digiroids are the most universal and arguably the best however you have to buy them with exp / currency. they can also break and must be carried around outside of their usage timer.

naturally all this is a lot of work, devotion, and something i could not keep up with while making it what i considered 'successful'.

last edit on Jun 10, 2020 5:08:38 GMT by SPIRELE
50written posts
mavrohearned bits
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I never actually made a forum, but after playing Hollow Knight for a million hours I had a lot of ideas on how to plant that concept onto an rp forum. I ultimately didn't make it because I'm bad at making sites, but also because I though even if I did manage to open something, people would either A: be turned off by it being a mess or B: not be interested because the amount of people that finished Hollow Knight AND are interested in the lore AND want to rp are probably really slim.

Also, because I didn't know how to capture the aesthetic of lost bug-kingdom onto animanga fc's. Because you can kinda do away with the bug-related stuff, but at the same time you kinda can't. The good thing woulda been that the rules kinda write themselves though. Factions would be seperated into characters using physical bodies, soul magic or void, plus using the charm system to give people access to smaller custom powers.

Plot woulda been similar to Hollow Knight, in that every player character has amnesia and returned to the ancient kingdom in following an inexplicable pull to the place. And more or less, it woulda gone the same with the Radiance being spread throughout most of the population and there being small tribes of survivors/npc's that pc's could do quests for and want to protect.
the narrative
aliasCel, Nightlock
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CELearned bits
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oh, i leave quite an impression; five feet, to be exact.
The Age of Rust, which was supposed to be an animanga gaslamp/steampunk fantasy site with a huge overarching plot about a conflict between two warring factions—loyalists to an immortal king hellbent on restricting magic users, and underground revolutionaries determined to make the world better for mages, no matter the cost. My personal favorite thing about it was that the magic system felt like something that could cause a LOT of conflict, in that it followed FMA's "equivalent exchange" rule where something must be sacrificed to cast something else. Consequences would be a big deal overall, both with characters, the plot, the setting, etc.

The setting I had in mind was also going to be really bizarre and different, imo, in that it mostly took place in a Sky City. The lore and core religion of the setting also took nods from Arthurian legends. So much so that one of the canons in the site, the leader of the revolutionary group, was considered "blessed" by the Lady of the Lake. There's a library that's rumored to be Merlin's, etc. etc. Lots of fun stuff there.

But I never pushed through with it because 1) it would likely require Jcink Premium, and I know I can't swing that since the panel is super intimidating and I'm also a broke university student lol. 2) I could never find a co-admin to help me run it or keep the whole thing afloat. 3) I am ambitious af and would have wanted it to use its own codes and such, have a pretty skin, etc. But, once more, points to #1. And finally 4) it feels like a daunting task and I just have too much on my plate atm to even think about considering it.

Might revitalize the idea in the far future since I still like it and consider it promising. But ha. Maybe not for meanwhile.

coming soon.
Rodent King
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Mouseearned bits
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where fears and lies melt away.
D-Fault was going to be a VRMMO in the bane of .hack. I was working on it with a buddy of mine....10 or 11 years ago. We didn't actually get anywhere outside of having the plot written down.

Six years ago two brilliant programmers created the world's most advance AI. They gave the AI one task which it would work on for four years time, create a world within cyber space that was as close to a reality as possible. They gave the AI some guidlines and the ability to some degree suspend the rules of physics we know in our world. With this in mind the AI set to work. Meanwhile the programmers bought out a company known as Cyber Net and set to work preparing for their world's dayview.

Four years passed and the AI announced the world was complete. The programmers then hurriedly programmed an interface for this world setting it up like a video game. This angered the AI who demanded to know what they were doing to its creation. When the programmers explained that they would make a game of this unexplored world and let the people of the earth explore it as players, The AI retaliated attempting to destroy the interface and hide its world so no one could tarnish it. The programmers fought back though and took the AI's power and sealed away its memories. They could never truely get rid of it without destroying their game so they rewrote it to function as the game's 'harmless' voice interface. All seemed stable now,two more years had passed but repairs were made to the interface and the game was ready.

Its the year 2020 and D-Fault online is the first full imersion capable game of its kind, a massive unexplored landscape full of magic and technology the likes of which you have never seen! You the lucky player have won an all expense paid trip to Beta Island to play through the closed beta. On the island you will be treated to luxuries the likes of which you have never seen and have twenty four access to the game. What will you do on D-Fault Online?
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Fujiearned bits
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Started making a Hitman Reborn site a while back. It was going to be focused on the idea that player groups would have mini events to take over areas of the world and insert their influence. The more areas your group held, the better box weapons and stronger Dying Will rings you could have. I got a decent amount of the rules made but kind of lost drive once I switched jobs and there really wasn't a huge interest. Idk, maybe this winter when we go back on lockdown I might revisit that concept but for now it shall just slumber away.
phantom of the black parade
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Kuroyaearned bits
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
man if i wasn't so exhausted by the absolute thought of modding it........

a 'mon site (pokemon or digimon would work) with the idea of just....... the world all started to go into cyberspace but oh no there's a systems error and everyone gets trapped there a la your basic "trapped in a vrmmo site" with wiggle room to add in nongamers. civilians are trying to cope in their new cityscape digital world (and any dysphoria for if they hacked their avatar interface to change their avatar for inhuman appendages / different hair colors / general different appearances) and players are grouping up into guilds (that are 100% member driven) to go into the "deep dungeons" of cyberspace to explore for materials to evolve their 'mon + get data to expand the team beyond the starter partner. dungeons are randomly generated by members (to ease mod strain), scale upwards in difficulty based on party size + power levels, and are a mixture of "combat" encounters (aka fighting trash mobs) and "exploration" encounters (aka being presented with an obstacle you can hack your way around if you've purchased the right hacker skill, auto clear if you have a 'mon with a skill that would get around it, or roll to clear it the hard way). hackers and normal players balance out because hackers have an easier time with exploring (since imo the skills are easy clears) and normal players have an easier time with combat (since they have more resources to put into their 'mon) and you can play a bit of both sides pretty easily.

i honestly don't have the spoons to set it up and run it, which is tragic, but hey, it's free real estate if anyone wants it (all i ask is that you send me a link if you do it and just..... don't give it super grindy or super tedious mechanics and that you have a super easy freeform app and be on jcink but that's just my personal preference since hey i'd probs join it if it was done well).

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milkearned bits
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still lactose intolerant

Oh wow, thank god I found this thread because I'm an idea fanatic but never follow through LOL.

Rambling incoming, but if anyone would actually be interested in these ideas hmu!


In the end, it was more a pipe dream cause I can't really manage sites that well. It came down to a, it's been seen before, it's been done before and no one really wants it anyway and I'm terrible at making and/or managing systems. LMAO

Set in a dystopian 20xx era, where everyone plays the vrmmo called New Eden Online, a final fantasy adjacent mmorpg, and the world economy is also based on it

The money you make in the game world is basically tied to how much wealth you have in the real world and vice versa, obviously leading to rich and corrupt and rigged caste system

There is the level plateau where if you can't make enough money to get decent gear, you will never big influential in the game

Every time you die, you lose everything (money, gear, loot etc) and you have to start over from level 1

Society revolves around guilds where poor people make payments for protection, gear, and decent but stagnant livelihoods

A regular old, fight the system kind of storyline

It was inspired by a book I read forever ago called EPIC or something which also had a futuristic society that based its real world economy on the game ecomony. But instead of a panfandom ready player one style, it was a singular RPG. Similarly, I would have loved to write an actual original story about this and had a few prompts but couldn't find inspiration either.

LIVE LIKE ROYALTY a college/highschool academy for royals

Basically set in a modern-day world but nearly every country is a kingdom (with a few republics), principality, or queendom. The idea is that there were a basic number of major kingdoms (6 or 7) and players could make as many minor kingdoms as they wanted. It centered around the singular republic island where there is an Academy for Royals because every nation in the world agreed on world peace and all sent their royal family kids to the same school or something like that.

It was supposed to fleshed out more, but I'm bad at words LMAO

Really freeform with a lowkey cantrippy magic system. The idea was that most Magical knowledge was lost around 100ish years ago in a great big war and that's why there's such a strive for peace between nations. And why everything is so modern dayish without a whole lot of magic.

A lot of cool political tensions/intrigue could have happened on top of all your regular high school drama. I ended up making a whole map of the world, planned out a few main kingdoms but then just gave up because I really ended up overwhelming myself with all the stuff required.

I really wanted high school as the setting versus college cause it felt more anime, but for the sake of maturity and ratings I would have also opened it up to a high school plus a college campus. Another original storyline that got plopped into an RP that never got made because boy do I miss that anime aesthetic where EVERYTHING is also a high school.

SUPERVILLIAN ACADEMY exactly what it sounds like

This came during a time when I really felt RP was saturated with a ton of Boku no Hero sites, they really did feel like dime a dozen, and heck I also was part of one for a really long time haha.

So I came up with the anti-my hero and what about villains eh? No one really pays attention to them, they deserve their own academy.

Again I love the anime aesthetic of 'there's a high school for that' and I wouldn't have budged at all on making that one a college campus LOL I had a whole write up which is now lost to time and whatever computer I formally had. Of course the Academy wouldn't advertise itself as a 'Supervillian Academy' but instead something like 'Valeiz Academy for the Gifted' with quote 'night classes' meant for villainy, everything from villainous monologuing to how to build your henchman army 101. More of a spiteful s**tpost than anything else, but I think it really could have been fun!

This one had the least full development because the idea was just solid but there wasn't any real management I could think up for it.

last edit on May 18, 2021 3:09:33 GMT by milk
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Deletedearned bits
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I didn't make this, because I just actually don't have an interest in making sites ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Not an impressive reason, but there it is

I am an obscene world-builder, though, so I'm always kicking around this idea for a Candidate for Goddess-inspired/original sci-fi mech pilot RP

It's a cutthroat school called Aphelion Academy targetting the 18-25 range, with many denied applicants; successful enrollment practically hinges on top-tier graduation from an intermediary institution or extensive real-life experience, with specific criteria gauged on:

Strategist Score: A standard exam known for delving very deep into dense subject matter, such as historical battles, scenario reports, celestial physics, and the mechanical limitations of specific mecha hardware.
Field Rank: Test results and personal ladder ranking from a varying stack of mission-sims released each admission season, commonly testing sharpshooting skills, melee combat, teammate compatibility, and spontaneous prioritization with a particularly nasty twist thrown into the mix known only as the Damocles Decision.
Exposure Limit: The interface used to control mechas is intensely gruelling on the entire nervous system; individuals can only last so long before complete psychotic break and nerve death begins and a mandatory shut-down period takes over, often called Time to Death - or less garishly, one's exposure limit. Emotional and mental fortitude are well known influences, but for whatever reason, those in the newer generations have been observed to possess vast amounts of psychological resilience for no discernible reason whatsoever.

Naturally, competition into Aphelion Academy is fierce, with galactic funding heavily redistributed to the regions known for producing capable graduates. Many decry the established planets, the safe inner-network of solar systems well-known for their familial legacies and expensive educational systems that have produced generation after generation of valedictorian, with dissenters claiming they steal this safety and comfort from the border colonies, who live in squalor and the unprotected reaches of the known universe so that society can continue to function at all.

Aphelion Academy is well aware of the inequalities of the universe, and the weighty, life-altering prestige conferred upon even lesser graduates - but the school would like to remind all applicants and present cadets that the graduation program is destructive enough; Aphelion Academy would never endorse complete amygdal shutdown for a mere acceptance letter.

And sabotaging another student for a meager boost to class ranking?
Stars forbid any such scandals be discovered.