The Sites that Could Have Been

local boogeyman
aliasbex, jeepers cats
pronounsshe/her or any pronouns
802written posts
profit of doomearned bits
profit of doom
Part of the Furniture
profit of doom Avatar
they pull the axe out your face and say "was it the boogeyman?"
- 70's era animanga crime/mob site
- a site where the entire premise was that it was as melodramatic as a soap opera
- animanga warriors series
- dystopian/cyberpunk crime
- 1940s noir
- borderlands inspired
404written posts
scyllaearned bits
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sacred Avatar
bc Avatar
dystopian animanga idol/k-pop
Hear me out

Idol/k-pop work culture is already dystopian B)

I was about to say, aren’t some idol groups like under a totalitarian lifestyle and go through like multiple hours of painful rehearsals (especially female idols) and constantly have fucked up bodies and mental health coping mechanisms because of it???? Sounds pretty dystopian to me…

They literally have schools to prepare idols to be treated like commercial items and not people lmao
last edit on Jul 21, 2021 14:45:55 GMT by scylla
569written posts
PHIMBOearned bits
Part of the Furniture
So, too, is Death possessed of infinite strategies and a gaunt nature.
devil summoning aka chainsaw man rp set in good ol' au america

here are the notes that have been w/ me since... last yr

- The Admin is the Devil. when a player makes a Devil Hunter, the admin has an IN-CHARACTER DM conversation with them where details are hashed out. make a list of 5 possible powers before the start of the Bartering, and then possible aspects the player could give up/sacrifice in exchange for "power".
- it'd be a very fluid system, with the vibe of literally bartering faustian contracts w/ the Devil (which involves some DM rp which ppl like these days and gives the player some agency over what they want).
- allow room for the player to suggest what they want / find a compromise that is shittier the more powerful the Devil.
- hybrids probably on a canon-esque system because there can only be one hybrid of a human weapon at a given time lore-wise.
- Primal Fears = off limits except for events.
- Deep and Lower Fears = the Devils players can make a contract with (or be a Fiend of).
- high-risk events (read: dungeons) to get a contract with a Primal Fear (e.x. Darkness Devil, Control Devil, etc) or a piece of Primal flesh etc could be really fun.
- Deep Fears have steeper contracts and offer fewer, but more bullshit, powers*
- Lower Fears weak ass contracts, but more versatility ability-wise*

* Both have the potential to grow via infamy/fear system into bullshit, much like how the Chainsaw Devil obtained the power to literally consume abstract concepts via fear.
431written posts
Asuearned bits
Senior Member
Asu Avatar
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.
I had an angels vs demons RP partly written out, though me and my friends at the time had lost muse. It's really funny to look at it now when I was still on my Hetalia binge, and that we'd really worked on it very on and off, but that was nerfed by the high school to undergrad college career and the fact that we all kinda fell out of the supernatural binge and Hetalia.
phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,354written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Kuroya Avatar
what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
ngl, if i had more time, i absolutely would have done a pokemon panfandom site

probably would've done it where like..... the background premise of the site was that the video game industry was testing out character ais for kingdom hearts 6 inside of an upcoming pokemon vr mmo shell, so all of the characters are "waking up" inside of a room in a little core city. if they wanted to, they could entirely ignore the pokemon aspects + just use it as a sandbox to do individual threads (and like imo it's a video game, you wanna break the city, it'll just reset itself when you're out of "render distance", you wanna kill people, they'll just respawn in their bed nbd); alternatively, they could have their characters answer the call of the "rangers association" to get a single partner pokemon and a power limiter that would allow them to take quests out to "corrupted zones" where they could gain reputation for finishing quests along with getting rewards (evolving pokemon, getting rolls for new partners, etc) and everyone would be on an "equal" playing field since the individual character powers wouldn't work for questing purposes, only pokemon stuff would.

probably would've pulled a smol digimon where the partner pokemon was the only one you could interact with outside of the corruption zones / outside of battle (and had a special purchase to evolve it outside of battle since it's basically your flavor companion) but you could also collect other pokemon you could call upon for quests (both for active battling and for passive skills like using a flying pokemon to fetch something up on a cliff or a fire pokemon to get across lava). would've likely had a set site pokedex with slow additions (to somewhat standardize evolution thresholds + establish clear passive abilities + consolidate movesets + so on) and with all the "modding" actually done by members (since imo if you're "cheating" to give your friend 50 eevees, you'll eventually reach a point where there's nothing left for them to do progression-wise, and even so, they'd still have to be active on the site to see the rewards since they're not just handed out "for free").

sadly, working full time (and also being more tired than i was when i was in school) means i do not have the kind of free time to do this sort of thing anymore ;;;;;;;
last edit on Nov 25, 2022 5:18:21 GMT by Kuroya