aliasfreiheit, microwaved burrito
1,544written posts
i've been having some pretty dark thoughts.
If your forum is animanga, the images you use across the board should also probably stay true to animanga! Seeing photography can be a little jarring, and take viewers out of the element of the site. If you're struggling enough that it's not worth it to find images that match the faces of your site, I wouldn't say it's a major deal to dabble into the other (it may be off putting, but it definitely shouldn't be anyone's make or break). I'd say the only absolute no-no would be mixing animanga art and photography, unless your site accommodates both real life and animanga faces.
Finding board images is a huge pain the butt, but Zerochan has an okay selection is you sort by general thematic tags, or just browse the general 'original' tag long enough. Otherwise, though, I'm curious what other people use because... IT IS... A STRUGGLE...