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your roleplaying application

frog on the floor
aliasfreiheit, microwaved burrito
1,539written posts
pharaoh leapearned bits
pharaoh leap
pharaoh leap Avatar
i've been having some pretty dark thoughts.



Shamelessly inspired by an old thread on GS that I've literally never stopped thinking about ever since, sdkjflhdskjfhs. In all honesty, though, I've always wanted to do a "write a character application for yourself", and... well... why not now?[break][break]

I set this up as an interview app rather than a traditional bio, mostly because I didn't want to ask people to disclose information about their life that they didn't want to, although you are most definitely welcome to write the interview section however you want - even if that means ripping out the questionaire sections and formatting it to your liking. There's also an icon and a place for a face claim at the bottom. You're welcome to either use a character you think looks like yourself if you were an anime character, or you can simply pick a face claim that you would want to look like if you were an anime character.[break][break]

Reply to this thread using this "application", and fill it out to the degree that you are most comfortable! In the very top line, you'll see a class "GROUPNAMEINALLCAPS". In keeping with the GS spirit, replace this with "MAGICALGIRL", "GUNDAM", "BISHONEN" or "TENTACLE" to change your application color. CTRL+F for width:50%, and change that percentage to the percentage of your RP confidence, RP imagination, RP muse, and so on. The label for what that percentage stands for is right above it, so you shouldn't get lost! Finally, choose a couple of the following questions to fill out for your interview-style "bio". You can pick whichever and however many, and you may answer them in any way you so desire![break][break][break]

01. you're stranded alone on a deserted island, but you're able to take three items of your choosing with you. which items do you choose?[break]
02. you get to hang out with one person - real, fictional, alive, dead - for the day. who do you spend it with, and what do you do?[break]
03. best color, go! why is it the best color?[break]
04. how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?[break]
05. would you rather have to listen to toto's africa 24/7 for the rest of your life, or hear every song ever played from here on out as smooth criminal by michael jackson?[break]
06. do you believe in love at first sight?[break]
07. describe the color red to a blind person.[break]
08. if you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?[break]
09. who do you look up to as a role model?[break]
10. which super hero do you most identify with?[break]
11. if you could replace the actor for any role in history, which character would you choose to act for?[break]
12. who were the last five people you spoke to?[break]
13. care to hear about our lord and savior mindcrime?[break]
13. what's something you think is horribly underappreciated?[break]
14. if you could swap places with one person in the rp community for a day, who would it be and why?[break]
15. describe yourself using only five words.

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frog on the floor
aliasfreiheit, microwaved burrito
1,539written posts
pharaoh leapearned bits
pharaoh leap
pharaoh leap Avatar
i've been having some pretty dark thoughts.






other names

freiheit, microwaved burrito


she / her, but anything works






lawful, good the most boring-


















positives honest, cheerful, patient, empathetic, persistent[break]
negatives unreliable, short-tempered, anxious, pessimistic, self-deprecating


Best color, go! Why is it the best color?

When I was younger, I used to be really pretentious, like, “My favorite color isn't red, it's scarlet,” but now my actual heckin' favorite color is #f5de6e, and if that's not pretentious, I frankly don't know what is. My favorite color was red for the longest time, but about three years ago, I picked this color out on a whim from the color wheel, and just... absolutely fell in love. It was used as Nikki's accent color in templates and such – and has since been replaced by #d45d59 due to him gaining an actual face claim in Akira – but I think that was really just kinda the final nail in the coffin for me loving it. It's a really calming color to me, just soft enough to not be harsh, but colorful enough to have some sense of energy to it. My only regret is that it doesn't work well as an accent on light skins at all. Oddly enough, this hex was also my boyfriend's favorite color. When I showed it to him for the first time, he was like, “Woah, that's exactly my favorite, too!” I think I still prefer more shades of red, just because yellow isn't very versatile and can easily look ugly, but this is my favorite hex of them all. <3[break][break][break]

Would you rather have to listen to Toto's Africa 24/7 for the rest of your life, or hear every song ever played from here on out as smooth criminal by Michael Jackson?

Smooth Criminal, because I cannot stand Africa, skdjfhlkdjshf. I would tragically lose my rock operas in this scenario, but I would probably lose my sanity in the other, so. Lesser of two evils, definitely.[break][break][break]

Do you believe in love at first sight?

For someone who's first boyfriend is her current boyfriend of six years, I've found that I'm very cynical when it comes to romantic exploits. I won't go so far as to say that “love is dead” and “no one actually cares about each other, but I will definitely say that love at first sight – or, at least, “true love”, as the sappy movies would claim doesn't exist even remotely. I think you can find interest in someone immediately, if they leave a strong impression. More than that, I think people can fall down a steep slope of adoration for someone really quickly. But “love” and “adoration” aren't really the same thing; you can adore the idea of someone, but you can only really love the person themselves. How can you truly, bone-deep, fall for someone you know nothing about? I dunno, just sounds fishy to me. I generally scorn people jumping into relationships too fast, but that's a topic for another daaaaaay.[break][break][break]

Who do you look up to as a role model?

Honestly, everyone on the staff team here is staff goals. I do really need to work on my staffing skills in general, haha. I look up to other coders like Von and Spica here in the community for their insane level of improvement in such a short time and how unique their codes look and how much they stand out respectively – there are definitely more than just these two, but that's just to name a few, sdkjlfhskdh – and my friend Deimos heckin' blows me away that they can consistently make near flawless characters and plot ideas, but continue to strive to be better and consistently get better, like. Where's your peak, Dei? You have to flatline somewhere. Too often do I settle on ideas just because they're “good enough” and it's “easier” , so I'm always reminding myself of RPers like them to keep pushing myself forward. More than anyone, though.. my biggest role model... Is Reigen Arataka... (Just kidding, it's my sister, next question.)[break][break][break]

Describe yourself using only five words.

A dumb rock opera junkie. Peace out, guys.



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last edit on Jul 7, 2018 1:54:34 GMT by pharaoh leap
0written posts
Deletedearned bits
Deleted Avatar






other names

sauvignon, wyvern, dumb bitch on main


they/them, but any work




unlocked @ friend lvl 4


lawful neutral


















positives supportive, charitable, openminded, optimistic, nearly eidetic memory[break]
negatives says "fuck" a lot, awkward, perpetually confused, cries a lot, none I'm perfect


04. how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Like seven.[break][break][break]

05. would you rather have to listen to toto's africa 24/7 for the rest of your life, or hear every song ever played from here on out as smooth criminal by michael jackson?

I'd honestly be okay with either or, they're both bops. I mean I unironically listen to both on repeat anyway.[break][break][break]

06. do you believe in love at first sight?

Oh, absolutely. Have you ever seen melted cheese all stringy when you pull a grilled cheese apart or eat a mozzarella stick? Or puppies and kittens? Or baby animals in general? That's a prime example of love at first sight. They're all beautiful. People though? I mean crush at first sight is possible, but love falls determined on getting to know the person's true character. There's a saying that goes, "bear the seasons with someone." It basically means you have to know them through their ups and downs before you can truly commit. Pay attention to the little things like how they treat others, or how they react when they're mad about something. Those little things play a big role.[break][break][break]

07. describe the color red to a blind person.

You know how ketchup tastes? It's kind of like that. It's also like anger.[break][break][break]

08. if you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Any type? Honestly, probably salad. I mean you can put anything you want into a salad. You can just cut up fruits and call it a fruit salad. I know there's some kind of dessert with marshmallows , pistachio pudding, cool whip, and other stuff called Watergate salad. The salad's sky's the limit.[break][break][break]

12. who were the last five people you spoke to?

Three various friends, my mom, and my grandma.[break][break][break]

13. care to hear about our lord and savior mindcrime?

At some point, why not.[break][break][break]

13. what's something you think is horribly underappreciated?

Honestly? Custodial staff. Like there are some nasty people out there, and those troopers go in and clean up said nasty peoples' messes. Custodians are the trup MVPs and deserve some fucking kudos, brah.[break][break][break]

14. if you could swap places with one person in the rp community for a day, who would it be and why?

I think I'm okay staying with who I am! Besides, if I switched places with someone, that means that'd be a whole day I wouldn't be talking to the friends I've made through rp. Sorry guys, you can't get rid of me that easily. :peace_sign_emoji:[break][break][break]

15. describe yourself using only five words.

"When in doubt, pinky out."[break][break][break]



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last edit on Nov 5, 2018 20:21:59 GMT by Deleted
346written posts
Mizoearned bits
Senior Member
Mizo Avatar
If you are reading this, I am beautiful.






other names





eighteen years old




chaotic stupid


















positives cheeky, humorous, honest, observant, can quote memes[break]
negativesi will never arrive to anything on time


best color, go! why is it the best color?

I really enjoy bold colors- especially burgundy. For templates, I will always return to softer colors, and my favorite color will be light gray ( maybe with a slight tinge of blue or pink ) since it's so versatile. For clothing, it's always white or black, and in general, I enjoy coral. Do you know how the sunlight looks when it filters through thick tree branches? Slightly golden, slightly white, and while I enjoy so many colors, I think that has to be the best color of them all.[break][break][break]

do you believe in love at first sight?

        Chocolate lava cake exists and if you think I'm not going to fall in love the moment I laid my eyes on it... Seriously speaking, our brains do decide if the person is suitable for us within the first 10 seconds of looking at the person, so there is no "love at first sight". I don't believe in love at first sight because it takes time for me to love a person.


if you could swap places with one person in the rp community for a day, who would it be and why?

Only one? I want to switch with at least 10 people. The first will be Von, just because of how creative his templates are, and his improvement is unprecedented. I also want to switch with Addy, because she has a gorgeous face and talent in coding. She always comes up with the most unexpected stuff, and it makes me eager to see more. I would want to switch with Ulla or Valka to learn pb or jcink coding, and do I need to say Leap's name if I'm talking about skinning? There's also Aquila and Selkie, because their graphics take my breath away and I like living, thank you very much.[break][break][break]

describe the color red to a blind person.

Red is the color of feeling so intensely that you find yourself incapable of breathing- to be overwhelmed by the vast majority of your emotions until you realize, at the very end, that it's better to lose yourself than to cling on to something that restrains every bit of what it means to live.



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last edit on Oct 7, 2021 8:53:55 GMT by Mizo

77written posts
murkearned bits
Junior Member
murk Avatar









other names

meulk (not NH meulk), lilt, rawr, nimbus, nemo, trubbish






sag/cap cusp. sounds pretentious but 99% of the time both are only 50% applicable.


chaotic neutral.


















positives compassionate, empathetic, patient, determined, humorous [break]

negatives blunt, opinionated, loud (-mouthed), short tempered, cynical-ish?


you're stranded alone on a deserted island, but you're able to take three items of your choosing with you. which items do you choose?

probably three really good books. good omens by neil gaiman/terry pratchett, american gods by the same author, and probably the glass castle by jeanette walls. those are also my top 3 books. idk i'd assume i'd probably make shit work on an island until help comes or die with the 3 things i love most in the world.


you get to hang out with one person - real, fictional, alive, dead - for the day. who do you spend it with, and what do you do?

. we watch more bad (amazing) netflix movies while quietly talking over discord again so we don't interrupt the movie. 100% would do that shit all over again it was a blast.


describe the color red to a blind person.

the one you can't see-- [break][break] it's the color of a tomato bursting with freshness; it's the color of your dog jumping up your legs when you come home from a long day; it's the color of your heart when it swells to its maximum size; it's the color of your nose when the snow finally settles; it's the color of the ripest strawberries.


if you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

casserole. put anything in a casserole. bake anything in a pan, call it a casserole. mac and cheese? casserole. lasagna? casserole. enchiladas? round individual casseroles.


which super hero do you most identify with?

spiderman because he doesn't know what the hell he's doing most of the time AND he's had to restart 3 times.


care to hear about our lord and savior mindcrime?

i'm pretty sure i've heard this spiel but sure leap tell me again.


what's something you think is horribly underappreciated?

league of legends.


if you could swap places with one person in the rp community for a day, who would it be and why?

i'm gonna say seadra bc i haven't seen their wonderful selves around in a while and i assume that means they're free and for that reason alone i, too, would like to be free for a day. livin' life rp-drug-free. ilu sea this is not meant to be mean




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last edit on Jul 7, 2018 4:51:35 GMT by murk
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aliasvee, vivi
pronounsany / they
659written posts
valkaearned bits
valka Avatar
do u know... la-hee?






other names

our lord and saviour


no preference c:


six twenty-one




lawful/neutral good


















positives empathetic, laidback, thoughtful, open-minded, honest[break]
negatives hot-tempered, paranoid, self-deprecating, insecure, salty


best color, go! why is it the best color?

blue! it's a colour that i've always liked the most, and it makes me feel happy when i look at it. to me, it brings to mind a lot of things: the sky, the sea, mornings, night times, feeling relaxed, just to list some. if i had to assign a colour to myself, i'd probably say blue, because as much as i feel connected to the earth and would probably fit browns or greens better, i do highly value my imagination, and i do have my head in the clouds quite a fair bit of the time (though i'm also very down to earth at the same time [thonk])

describe the color red to a blind person.

the colour of intensity - feelings that burn, whether its anger or love. it's the dusk and the dawn, death and rebirth, endings and new beginnings. it's the colour of great changes on the horizon, both good and bad.

if you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

pizza. it's very versatile; you can have lots of different toppings, like you can go hella meaty one day, or you can go plain cheese, or you can be a weirdo and have pineapples on your pizza. pizza's great.

who do you look up to as a role model?

probably thor odinson from the marvel cinematic universe l-lol... just seeing his growth through the thor trilogy has just been a blessing, and it's something i feel like i can identify with, mostly with his temper that's mellowed out over the movies, and how he's become wise and thoughtful, and yet, still so very human, still fighting, no matter how beaten down he gets. i dunno. to me, thor's the epitome of goodness and strength and hope, and i'd like to be to others what thor is to me. someone you can rely on. someone you can trust. most of all, someone you can relate to.

which super hero do you most identify with?

okay sure, i look up to thor in my last answer, but like - i'm so hawkeye. clint's wicked dysfunctional, he's a mess, he's lazy, he sleeps a lot, and uh he likes pizza and he has a dog, and he does archery and i'd love to do archery. plus in the mcu, it's stated a lot that he's the glue that holds the avengers together, he's the guy who supports the guys who have the weight of the world on their shoulders. and he also says that he's just a guy with a bow and arrow, and that's just, so very human. plus he's sarcastic and salty. so uh, yeah. das me.

describe yourself using only five words.

"because you feel so much."



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last edit on Jul 7, 2018 6:06:43 GMT by valka
if you think i haven't been keeping up with pp, think again
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
aliasthat bitch.
pronouns"that bitch" still works tbh (any OK!)
551written posts
selkieearned bits
Part of the Furniture
selkie Avatar
a verb in perfect view.






other names

team "personally attached to my 2011 alias" unrelated to the FE character, btw


whatever you feel like, babe






neutral good


















positives adaptable, easygoing, open-minded, perceptive, is sometimes funny[break]
negatives vulgar, erratic, scatterbrained, perfectionist, "you could pour soup in my lap and i'll [break] apologize to you"


you're stranded alone on a deserted island, but you're able to take three items of your choosing with you. which items do you choose?

a pack of origami paper, a bow, and a quiver of arrows. (i'm probably taking liberties as what counts as an item, but deal with it.)[break][break][break]

best color, go! why is it the best color?

pink! when i was younger i had this big hatred of it because omg it's so girly but now i'm an adult and i can proclaim that it actually is a dang good color. it makes me think of happier times, tbh, and coding-wise it's super versatile. i also think it's super neat how the color doesn't actually exist on the visible spectrum, our brains just perceive it as a color. (this has been your science lesson for today). nowadays it reminds me of the lesbian flag, and that makes me super happy too! i started using #DF6885 about a year-ish ago as a sort of "signature" but i don't actually remember where i pulled it from. either way, i super duper love it. [break][break][break]

describe the color red to a blind person.

it's a popsicle on a hot summer day; it's the first bite of a fresh strawberry; it's a sunburn two days in; it's an emotion so intense you can't speak.[break][break][break]

if you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?.

italian food. always italian food. low cholesterol is for wimps. if you want me to be more specific -- pasta. i would die for pasta.[break][break][break]

care to hear about our lord and savior mindcrime?


what's something you think is horribly underappreciated?

use serif fonts more, cowards. (i'm including myself in 'cowards'). pokemon ranger games. chris fleming! f(x)!!! d.va's bumblebee skin.[break][break][break]

if you could swap places with one person in the rp community for a day, who would it be and why?

i'd switch with leap and make myself a full set of codes. :3c. alternatively with aquila and/or gonzo, so i can add to my mountain of d.va icons.[break][break][break]

describe yourself using only five words.




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[newclass=.p2applyric b]color:#e6896a;padding-right:10px;[/newclass]

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[newclass=.MAGICALGIRL .p2appleft h1, .MAGICALGIRL .p2apptop2 h2 a, .MAGICALGIRL .p2appbot h1, .MAGICALGIRL .p2applyric b, .MAGICALGIRL .p2appbot1, .MAGICALGIRL .p2appstats1]color:#d96297!important;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.GUNDAM .p2appleft h1, .GUNDAM .p2apptop2 h2 a, .GUNDAM .p2appbot h1, .GUNDAM .p2applyric b, .GUNDAM .p2appbot1, .GUNDAM .p2appstats1]color:#7acc52!important;[/newclass]
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last edit on Jul 7, 2018 7:37:47 GMT by selkie
weeping omens advertisement

all my proboards templates require the style tags plugin!
pronounsif you speak of me in certain tongues, you will be dethroned or detained
108written posts
ophiuchusearned bits
Full Member
ophiuchus Avatar
gutter rappin', anti-sleepin', no half-steppin'






other names

ophiuchus, vex, vexwind, malcolm hex, the good doctor






taurus, rat


chaotic neutral, chaotic good


















positives determined, optimistic, encouraging, helpful, fine af[break]


if you could swap places with one person in the rp community for a day, who would it be and why?


Pie! because she's amazing and has an incredible amount of talent, both in coding and in digital art. She's passionate about her interests and that's just!! Incredible!! And I absolutely adore that enthusiasm; it's so powerful!
Kura because even though I have a decent level of muse, they're on a whole 'nother level. Also their cat is amazing (please PM them asking for pictures; i s2g i will kill and/or die for that cat's honor) and I love her very much. Kura's been a consistent threading and plot partner and it's been so wonderful to know them thanks for reading please shower them in love.[break][break][break]

what's something you think is horribly underappreciated?


Me; when's jet appreciation day? You're all cowards if you don't vote for it.[break][break][break]

you're stranded alone on a deserted island, but you're able to take three items of your choosing with you. which items do you choose?

This one's easy. My Kindle Voyage (since bringing my bookshelf would kick my ass; too heavy with the weight of my knowledge) for quality reads in a compact space, the Cintiq I don't own (seriously, a refurbished one is like...rent money, i'm stressdt; that's gonna be my next big purchase), and those knitting projects I desperately need to finish.[break][break][break]



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[newclass=.MAGICALGIRL .p2apptop, .MAGICALGIRL .p2appimg1, .MAGICALGIRL .p2appstats2 div]background-color:#d96297!important;[/newclass]
[newclass=.MAGICALGIRL .p2appleft h1, .MAGICALGIRL .p2apptop2 h2 a, .MAGICALGIRL .p2appbot h1, .MAGICALGIRL .p2applyric b, .MAGICALGIRL .p2appbot1, .MAGICALGIRL .p2appstats1]color:#d96297!important;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.GUNDAM .p2appleft h1, .GUNDAM .p2apptop2 h2 a, .GUNDAM .p2appbot h1, .GUNDAM .p2applyric b, .GUNDAM .p2appbot1, .GUNDAM .p2appstats1]color:#7acc52!important;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.BISHONEN .p2apptop, .BISHONEN .p2appimg1, .BISHONEN .p2appstats2 div]background-color:#4393e5!important;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.TENTACLE .p2apptop, .TENTACLE .p2appimg1, .TENTACLE .p2appstats2 div]background-color:#9360bf!important;[/newclass]
[newclass=.TENTACLE .p2appleft h1, .TENTACLE .p2apptop2 h2 a, .TENTACLE .p2appbot h1, .TENTACLE .p2applyric b, .TENTACLE .p2appbot1, .TENTACLE .p2appstats1]color:#9360bf!important;[/newclass]
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last edit on Jul 7, 2018 6:52:05 GMT by ophiuchus
189written posts
troye saivonearned bits
troye saivon
Full Member
troye saivon Avatar
we feel it with our whole body and soul






other names



yr moms & yr moms a hoe


only if you're comfortable sharing




chaotic good or chaotic neutral neutral good


















positives modern scene (says kms and kys often), short attention span (will start talking 2 u and
[break]get distracted right after), advocates yr mom, listens to blackbear all day[break]
negatives mercurial, aloof, fuckboi, too into sports (and esports) and plays league


you get to hang out with one person - real, fictional, alive, dead - for the day. who do you spend it with, and what do you do?

NICK KYGRIOUS. i remember when i first saw him play and thought wow fk me - anyway we wouldn't do anything. i would see him, yell his name out and then run away screaming ahhh until i passed out. [break][break][break]

describe yourself using only five words.

you dead-ass right now bro


what's something you think is horribly underappreciated?

HUNTER x HUNTER. only because in all my time rp'ing ive only seen, like legit, ONE hxh site and holy fucking shit hxh is the truth. like hxh > every other shounen. naruto who? bleach what? one piece of dez nuts my hero aca-fuck school and black ya mudda - srs. all i want out of a rp career is a hxh site and maybe a bleach site for the nostaglia. started rping on bleach and ima die that way.
but also KUBERA. kubera is just my heart and soul and blood and blood and fucking everything. kubera > every korean web toon. if you think rachel is such a shitty person please get over yourself she aint got nothing on my main girl ASHA and leez just gets all the feels.
VAGRANT SOLDIER ARES. ima keep this short, but i love mikhael, varuna, ares and gotoh (???) and despite the art style its one of my favorite stories. honestly speaking, ares is actually right up there with nana and hxh for me.



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last edit on Jul 11, 2018 20:43:56 GMT by troye saivon
pronounsno preference /o/
298written posts
k̾u̾r̾a̾ 💩
Senior Member
k̾u̾r̾a̾ 💩 Avatar
perhaps i am faint glimmer —






other names

kafka, your highness, pianissimo, nocturne, aeon


no preference tbh


twenty four




neutral dumb


















positives enthusiastic, friendly, idk good q[break]
negatives never shuts up, fucking coward, loud, not punny enough


best color, go! why is it the best color?

red! it's a really overused colours tbh, but i love how eye catching it is! i will own all the bright red coats and look like an overgrown tomato. my favourite thing associated with red (and favourite thing in folklore tbh) are red strings of fate. tbh the whole idea of fate is something i have deep love-hate relationship with but that's a ramble for another day.[break][break][break]

if you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

does meat count? i want to only eat meat. [break][break][break]

you get to hang out with one person - real, fictional, alive, dead - for the day. who do you spend it with, and what do you do?

my current cpop idol is hua chenyu uH natsume takashi! because even tho he gets into oodles of trouble, it's always a good adventure! and because natsume yuujincho gives me such a surreal sense of nostalgia for events i've never experienced before -- i'd like to be there, even if it's just once. [break][break][break]

who are the last five people you spoke to?

the last five people in my dickscord dms are: [break]
1. jet[break]
2. whiskey[break]
3. lapis[break]
4. riley[break]
5. anchor[break][break][break]

describe yourself using only five words.

are they gonna be ok



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last edit on Jul 7, 2018 16:17:08 GMT by pharaoh leap
306written posts
Miss Melonade ♥
Spring '21 Bingo Completionist
Miss Melonade ♥ Avatar
I've Grown Tired of This Body, Cumbersome and Heavy






other names

mel, dweeb








neutral good


















positives I have an uncontrollable need to help people 8I, adventurous, romantic, dreamer[break]
negatives overshare, awkward, cowardly, emotional, forgetful, idk I kinda suck


you're stranded alone on a deserted island, but you're able to take three items of your choosing with you. which items do you choose?

My wife, my brother, and a magic lamp[break][break][break]

you get to hang out with one person - real, fictional, alive, dead - for the day. who do you spend it with, and what do you do

I was gonna say my wife but I already spend every day with her, so my boyfriend, and we'll just sit and play board and video games all day indoors. It'd be great!![break][break][break]

best color, go! why is it the best color?

Pink. Cause it's pink. Also cause I wasn't aloud to like it as a kid cause it was to girly, and girly girls were stupid. SO FUCK YOU SOCIETY.[break][break][break]

do you believe in love at first sight?

I'm the kind of person who falls for people REALLY quick. Man, you're nice to me, and I'm crushing HARD. But I still gotta say no? Cause I still have to get to know the person before I can really say I'm in love. What.. if you look at someone and they end up being a huge asshole??? idk I just can't see it.[break][break][break]

if you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?


who were the last five people you spoke to?

Tato (wife)[break]
Tiger (boyfriend)[break]
The Clerk at Culvers[break]
My Dad[break]
My Brother[break]
I've also been talking in various group chats but that's not 1x1 so I didn't count it.[break][break][break]

describe yourself using only five words.

a little awkward chubby bunny[break][break][break]



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last edit on Jul 7, 2018 13:52:32 GMT by Miss Melonade ♥
pronounsThey/Them, He/Him
35written posts
Combo Breakerearned bits
Combo Breaker
New Member
Combo Breaker Avatar
I am the defender of freedom.






other names

thoticus, dad jokes extraordinare, that one time at band camp








chaotic good


















positives energetic, eccentric, daring, caring, sarcastic (it's a positive to me)[break]
negatives anti-social, awkward, short-tempered, lazy, dumb


would you rather have to listen to toto's africa 24/7 for the rest of your life, or hear every song ever played from here on out as smooth criminal by michael jackson?

toto's africa, of course. who wouldn't want to BLESS THE RAINS DOWN IN AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFRICAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.[break][break][break]

which super hero do you most identify with?

honestly, i think i'm more of a blue beetle. i can be witty in moments where it's needed and useful sometimes.[break][break][break]

best color, go! why is it the best color?

purple, hands down. why? because you can never go wrong with purple, unless it doesn't match, which then you go wrong. never go wrong kids.



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[newclass=.p2applyric b]color:#e6896a;padding-right:10px;[/newclass]

[newclass=.MAGICALGIRL .p2apptop, .MAGICALGIRL .p2appimg1, .MAGICALGIRL .p2appstats2 div]background-color:#d96297!important;[/newclass]
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last edit on Nov 22, 2019 17:08:29 GMT by Combo Breaker
105written posts
lumiearned bits
Full Member
lumi Avatar







other names

baked potato, krispy kreme, la cucaracha








chaotic neutral


















positives imaginative, sensitive, selectively persistent, open-minded[break]
negatives extremely lazy, antisocial, sassy, impulsive, dependent


you're stranded alone on a deserted island, but you're able to take three items of your choosing with you. which items do you choose?

A taco truck that doubles as a lifeboat, my imaginary best friend for moral support, and a stack of printed fanfictions enough to last me a year.

best color, go! why is it the best color?

Blue. Because it sounds weird and looks pretty. Bluuuue. Bleuuu. Blu?? Do you ever just stare at a blue raspberry jolly rancher like it's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen? Have you ever googled up pictures of Hawaii just to marvel at the beauty that is the deep blue sea? Blue is also just a great combination with pink and purple. I wanna be buried at sea k thx.

if you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

CURRY!!! Specifically mutton curry because that's A+ and there's hundreds of ways to make curry so it never gets stale. My favorite curry is beef korma because the meat is tender and has a spicy kick to it ~[break][break][break]

would you rather have to listen to toto's africa 24/7 for the rest of your life, or hear every song ever played from here on out as smooth criminal by michael jackson?

wELL DAMN, hit me with those bops. I'll go with smooth criminal because I can choose when to listen to music. Hearing any song 24/7 would drive me banana nut muffins.[break][break][break]

describe yourself using only five words.

Stressed, depressed, and coding obsessed.[break][break][break]

if you could swap places with one person in the rp community for a day, who would it be and why?

Anybody with good muse and confidence, which is something I severely lack. Because life would be much more fun that way 0/



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[newclass=.p2applyric b]color:#e6896a;padding-right:10px;[/newclass]

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last edit on Jul 7, 2018 15:52:02 GMT by lumi
0written posts
Deletedearned bits
Deleted Avatar






other names

Penguin, Lucky Cat


-Points up-




Leo Rawr~ / Rooster


chaotic neutral


















positives assertive, skilled, clever(?), goofy, resolute, logical (to a degree)[break]
negatives irritable, unmotivated (IRL stuff), uncreative, stubborn, unresourceful, possessive (of items)


you're stranded alone on a deserted island, but you're able to take three items of your choosing with you. which items do you choose?

Knife, rope, pot (as in kitchen pot) [break][break][break]

what's something you think is horribly underappreciated?

A certain manga that I refuse to name to keep to myself XD and Mushi-shi. [break][break][break]

do you believe in love at first sight?

I believe in “pheromones at first sight.”[break][break][break]

describe the color red to a blind person.

It’s hot and festive, like spicy sauce. [break][break][break]

best color, go! why is it the best color?

The rainbow, because colours look best in pairs or groups. If I had to choose, it’d be the colour of the trees and skies in summer, when you look up.[break][break][break]

if you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Broth ♥-♥ If I had to choose a food and not a liquid, then steak grinders. (I’m sorry for abandoning you, chili!)[break][break][break]



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last edit on Aug 28, 2018 18:30:35 GMT by Deleted
117written posts
Crownauticearned bits
Full Member
Crownautic Avatar
swinging swinging in this world dyed in so many colours ~ ♪






other names

lazy cat, she who cries over nonsense






scorpio, ox


chaotic neutral


















positives determined, intense, passionate, resourceful, diplomatic[break]
negatives blunt, detached, says "sorry" too much, untidy, cries a lot over anything


which super hero do you most identify with?

eraserhead (shota aizawa). i too carry a sleeping bag, sleep in it forever with cats about me. absolutely love cute things but has no sense in fashion. and have terrible eyes that look red all the time. i have no clue what a proper smile looks like, because every time i smile, my mother comments that i'm about to kill batman[break][break][break]

describe the color red to a blind person.

hold my hand. do you feel my fingers holding you tightly? or is it too soft? here, let me try this again. hold my hand. do you feel it squeezing you? do you feel a sharp pain on your skin? the feeling of my nails digging into your skin. the aura of violence you feel and hear from my voice.[break][break]let me tell you again about the colour red. do you feel the wind? do you feel it rushing against your face as your legs carry you to where i'm leading you? the adventure of destinations unknown can be so thrilling.[break][break]let me tell you about the colour red. do you feel an electric sensation on your back? my fingers lightly touching you, just focus on my touch. my lips lightly grazes on your ear, whispering such sweet nothings to you. i see you blushing, such a sweet innocent person you are. a temptation of my touch.[break][break]let me tell you about red. the passionate kiss. the innocent touch. your heart is beating fast is it not? will you hold me close? just don't hold your breath, for every second i'll be the one to take it away.[break][break]wow i'm bad at explaining things so... lemme just sleep[break][break][break]

who do you look up to as a role model?

i've always looked up to my best friend and girlfriend, ! while she doesn't rp much anymore -- she's a brilliant person to talk to and is too smart for me. her writing literally takes my breath away (because i write a lot of purple prose and i cry), and her drawings are absolutely the cutest. she's quite stubborn in her passionate way of keeping me to herself, and honestly? sometimes i find it amusing. other than her, i have always looked up to batman. not because he's a rich man who literally has a city in the palm of his hands --but because he is doing his damn best to make sure the city is safe. and adopts all these orphan kids as his own and just,,, ugh, i wouldn't have him as my father -- he's a great role model if you are looking for someone who's just a human being protecting his city from harm.[break][break][break]

best color, go! why is it the best color?

purple is obviously the best colour. no one can prove me otherwise... other colours don't matter :shrug_emoji:[break][break][break]

describe yourself using only five words.

confidence of a chicken nugget. the tired cat who yeet



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