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where do you write your posts

17written posts
aimeeearned bits
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aimee Avatar
Little pieces of the nothin' that fall
I used to reply directly on the forums, and this might date me but it was back when there was the lazarus form recovery plugin for chrome, so 99% of the time if I lost my post it was backed up (or mostly backed up). I took a few years break from RP though, and when I came back that wasn't a thing anymore, and I've lost way too many posts to keep writing right on site. So now I use google docs, which is convenient because I'm on a zillion different devices (mostly for work, and a few non-work related), and when I get a few free minutes I can pop over and work on a post no matter what device I'm on. I have a doc for each thread I'm in like a complete psycho, and I use tab groups to organize all the threads that I owe posts to and the docs that I have for each one.
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aliasRinse, Oakey
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pancakehouseearned bits
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I was once a type on-site gal. Until an envelope thrown across the room hit my keyboard just right, closed my browser on an absolutely monster post, and traumatized me for life. Then I moved to Google Docs. Until I had a shitty chromebook that would lag horrendously behind my typing (which I absolutely couldn't stand).

Now I use Google Keep! It's an absolute mess in there but it's safe (autosaves often), the text is nice, clean, and simple, and it's easy for me to jot down a quick thought on my phone and then elaborate or clean it up on my desktop later.

I have heaps upon heaps of notes. Most of them are just snippets of an idea, a line or two of dialogue I desperately want to jot down while it's raw in my mind, lyrics I like and may use in a post, reminders about things, vague concepts, etc. Once I start making some decent progress on any one reply though, I'll usually slap the thread title on it and "pin" it to the top of everything else. Then every couple of months or so I go through and do a (little) bit of clean-up.

I like it because all of my WIPs are right there, visible and super simple to pick up when the mood strikes to continue one.

an original powers rp
praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
886written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
notion / google docs generally because i write heavily on my phone, and i am prone to going back and forth between devices. i will write directly on site, but because i write mostly on phone (less distractions/i can pace while writing) if the site isn’t mobile friendly, then :) notion/docs it is for me

for quick quick replies, i’ll write in wordcounter LMAO
last edit on Jul 8, 2024 1:19:09 GMT by bc