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Quick Interest Checks

Rodent King
1,729written posts
Mouseearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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where fears and lies melt away.
Mouse Avatar
A Digimon site with a setting similar to Digimon Survive. Teens & adults transported to the Digital World and forced to figure out why and make their way home.

You can pick your partner and its evolutions (no restrictions on who you can and can't use). Digivolving is temporary (unless an upgrade is bought) and you have to spend points earned from posting to do it???

Include a town builder element akin to Digimon World 1 maybe??


I've started working on this whenever I get a spare moment. The skins all set up and boards created. Time for the LORE!!
aliasrico, holly
pronounsshe/her, they/them
87written posts
ricochetearned bits
Junior Member
ricochet Avatar
you say, "how can you love me this way?" i say, "it's easy but i can't explain"
considering reviving my panfan pokemon idea, instead of doing spirits it could be that people are stripped of their supernatural abilities/equipment and given pokemon instead. either way, i'm making :eyes: at it because i'm genuinely interested in the concept

so. ye. pokemon panfan again.
61written posts
erbalearned bits
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erbal Avatar
I don't know if anyone here watches Dimension 20 but Ive always loved them and I've been loving a court of fey and flowers, inspired by that how about an rp set in a world of fae, yokai, and other such creatures that deal with not only long lifespans but a life of shifting dynamics as they try to bring themselves into a higher social standing. There'd be traditional rp elements where people could battle if they want but there'd also be a focus on the political, cultural, or ect fields of life.

Long story short: Rp about court/nation politics between spiritual races with focus on raising position in society in multiple ways (With fun stuff like Archfey, Daiyokai, champions, or ect)

If there's any interest in this rp which would have esthetics from druidic gaelic, feudal japan, and even more as the world gets built I can come up with a bigger interest check with more lore. (Also looking for people to work with if anyone wants to be apart of it in any way)
12written posts
jakkuearned bits
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jakku Avatar
im just gonna belt out the ideas i had for rp over the years but never really had the structure to put them together hhhh

I. a pokemon x animal crossing(?) x overgrown post apocalypse setting involving a mayor's son making the journey to his old hometown, which is far from the outskirts of the remaining civilizations. mayor's son tries to pioneer this new place as a place to rebuild and calls for people to move in. nothing about zombies, wanted something more nature-y, like grass type pokemons gone wild or something sort of scenery. some town events relate to the community working together to build new town structures like in animal crossing (donations via earned money might be a thing too so that the money can be used outside of buying things for your character, though an in-game house does sound great, as others might be relegated to sleeping in tents at first..?)

not so much battling, though sparring could still be done as a past-time to recall the old days, but the focus is more on town rebuilding, community, and exploration

if someone is actually interested in working this one with me i would be down to exchange ideas via discord! Peony#9759


II. etrian odyssey x isekai x dead and revived in a dungeon to come back to life (i guess this sounds like TWEWY?? but the setting is the labyrinth??) the concept i had in mind seemed to work better as a GM with a DnD group type of thing, especially since etrian odyssey is usually a five person party thing, but i wanted to figure out a way for people to solo explore the labyrinth or work together to climb it and eventually reach their end game prize (or give up and live with the 'NPCs' for eternity).

another defining feature is that i had an idea of a total character limit, which is part of in-game lore. there can only be 100 people on the 'server' at a time, and when someone dies, another soul immediately washes up on the shores of the island town (the only way out is the Yggdrasil labyrinth located in the center of town). thus, some older adventurers act like a welcome party and show them the ropes, and maybe tell them if they want to go to the labyrinth or not. the server's number can adjust but i really dont imagine for there to be more than 100 active characters at a time on this site, idk lol.

though i also had this idea that to prevent people from just always staying in the comforts of town, there is an invisible timer wherein if a player stays in the town for too long, they slowly get affected by a 'curse' that draws them to the labyrinth. its possible that they need to stay in the labyrinth for perhaps at least a day before they feel the curse ebb away for the mean time.

btw, people kind of lose their memories when they enter this game except for a few choice basic information, and if they successfully ascend the floors, they end up recalling more memories. they may not always be good tho skldhksl

this one is pretty hard and ambitious but its just a brain child that's just been sitting in my mind shelf for years lol. i had more ideas for this but i think they've been lost hh
31written posts
syraearned bits
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syra Avatar
LF bleach roleplayers and staff for a one piece site for a friend
My current interests are both being filled by my own hands as I made a Bleach site and making a Jujutsu Kaisen site (mainly because I was tired of looking and finding little so be the change you want to see). Now if only I could find the staff for JJK and the members for Bleach! The only other roleplay interest I have that could be quenched would be something Genshin Impact Oriented. If anyone has, is making or wants to make a Genshin Impact board please reach out!
last edit on Sept 25, 2022 13:27:59 GMT by syra

HALYCON DAYS: a canon bleach rp forum
547written posts
Ludoearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Ludo Avatar
Oh, Frabjous Day!

It's gonna be a cyberpunk roleplay set in Wonderland hundreds of years after Alice arrived and never left, the Queen of Hearts acts as a dictator-like business woman who rules everything with an iron fist, the only acting police force are her underlings, and beheadings are as commonplace as ants. Alice has founded a counter resistance movement in the hopes of de-throning the queen of hearts and returning Wonderland to the people who live there.

The short version is basically: Wonderland went to shit under the queen of hearts and became a cyberpunk dystopian drug trip and now everyone is trying to deal with that.

- Would be illustrated face claims, original art included, Or aesthetic images with a written description.
- Background plot with opportunities for characters to push the narrative based on missions given by NPCs, basically it has a plot but isn't 100% reliant on it.
- Factions are led by Alice in Wonderland canons, who will be NPCed, but higher ranks will be open for OCs!
- Extremely relaxed character creation, it's Wonderland! You could make a sentient talking lamp post if you wanted to.
- Probably pretty low activity expectations, no word counts

That's the jist of the idea I'm chewing on, it's a touch out there, but I figure I'd post it to see what people thought!
pronounsshe, her
209written posts
clefairy ๐ŸŒ™
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syra Avatar
My current interests are both being filled by my own hands as I made a Bleach site and making a Jujutsu Kaisenย site (mainly because I was tired of looking and finding little so be the change you want to see). Now if only I could find the staff for JJK and the members for Bleach! The only other roleplay interest I have that could be quenched would be something Genshin Impact Oriented. If anyone has, is making or wants to make a Genshin Impact board please reach out!

There is a Genshin site, known as Stellar Reunion if you're still in the mood for a genshin rp
547written posts
Ludoearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Ludo Avatar
Something set in the setting of Arcane, I just enjoy the tension between Piltover and Zaun, all the political drama and corruption, maybe canon based? Maybe not. IDK. I know absolutely nothing about Runeterra's lore outside of Arcane so I would have to read up on that, but I just absolutely ADORE the backdrop of Piltover and the undercity and think it would make a really cool setting with a lot of shit to do.

YES I have arcane brainworms HOW COULD YOU TELL?!
20written posts
ragsearned bits
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remember, my standards are devilishly high!
Animanga/Illustrated Dragon Age AUโ€ฆโ€ฆ mainly set in Ferelden. DA universe with entirely original characters (or maybe with a few of the origins). 

Iโ€™ve been thinking about this for a while and may or may not be working on a skin ๐Ÿ‘€