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Gingerearned bits
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Im replying mostly because Id be annoyed somebody just likes my post and doesn't tell me which the liked... soo.. I'm always down with joining a Kingdom Hearts roleplay.

I wouldn't mind a Soul Eater Roleplay, buuut I would only join if the weapon-person system was set differently and not die moment rpiers left...
**gross-sob** it's my bad I gave two options XDD

Honestly like I love KH so much but my concern i give myself is like I dunno if it would get much traction or whether it'd be better off being one of them closed forums sorta things ya'know

And my idea with the Soul Eater partnering system, mainly in regards to if your partner dies or whatever, that you would be able to gain a new partner and such? But like both forums I'm like hella open to discuss and such because I've never really opened a forum, just been staff and apart of Leap's forums since To-Bitter-Endings XDD so -sweats heavily-

Def agree with KH probably not catching traction. could use Ludo's idea and sneak KH in there.. coughs.. not HP but coughs anything else.... coughs sucker for Heartless.

as for Soul Eater, still doesn't solve that "well this person went inactive so i can't use my weapons.. and we can't kill character because it isn't ours.." problem. you can't just kill characters because ppl have lives, it'd start a RP Riot if you have bad luck.

as for Bitter endings.. goodness that's a long time.
last edit on Sept 6, 2020 14:45:35 GMT by Ginger
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Sparky ⚡earned bits
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**gross-sob** it's my bad I gave two options XDD

Honestly like I love KH so much but my concern i give myself is like I dunno if it would get much traction or whether it'd be better off being one of them closed forums sorta things ya'know

And my idea with the Soul Eater partnering system, mainly in regards to if your partner dies or whatever, that you would be able to gain a new partner and such? But like both forums I'm like hella open to discuss and such because I've never really opened a forum, just been staff and apart of Leap's forums since To-Bitter-Endings XDD so -sweats heavily-

Def agree with KH probably not catching traction. could use Ludo's idea and sneak KH in there.. coughs.. not HP but coughs anything else.... coughs sucker for Heartless.

as for Soul Eater, still doesn't solve that "well this person went inactive so i can't use my weapons.. and we can't kill character because it isn't ours.." problem. you can't just kill characters because ppl have lives, it'd start a RP Riot if you have bad luck.

as for Bitter endings.. goodness that's a long time.
Yeah, like a slight idea I had with KH is allowing Canon & OC's but the idea of allowing other fandoms would actually make cool and interesting other worlds to visit in all fairness XDD 

Hmmm you're actually right with that SE problemo, I think I mis-read what you were meaning XDD but I think that would be a possible thing [both ideas in regards to KH and SE ] to come up with and to solve the issue if I can get staff and finalize stuff lmao XDDD 

(rofl)  and yeah, a long time since TBE -sweats-
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Def agree with KH probably not catching traction. could use Ludo's idea and sneak KH in there.. coughs.. not HP but coughs anything else.... coughs sucker for Heartless.

as for Soul Eater, still doesn't solve that "well this person went inactive so i can't use my weapons.. and we can't kill character because it isn't ours.." problem. you can't just kill characters because ppl have lives, it'd start a RP Riot if you have bad luck.

as for Bitter endings.. goodness that's a long time.
Yeah, like a slight idea I had with KH is allowing Canon & OC's but the idea of allowing other fandoms would actually make cool and interesting other worlds to visit in all fairness XDD 

Hmmm you're actually right with that SE problemo, I think I mis-read what you were meaning XDD but I think that would be a possible thing [both ideas in regards to KH and SE ] to come up with and to solve the issue if I can get staff and finalize stuff lmao XDDD 

(rofl)  and yeah, a long time since TBE -sweats-
While soul eater ideally would be cool if you could write as the weapons, i feel youre better off making it more akin to bleach and have the player write as both their protag and weapon (while not fully roleplaying the weapon) like a spirit of sorts. But then you lose the essence of it being SE really.

Food for thought.
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willowearned bits
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Ok, hear me out.

The sweet, sweet love child of My Hero Academia and God of Highschool with a panfandom and Hunger Game twist. Characters are pulled from their world by what are essentially deities who are bored. Some of the gods choose to 'sponsor' the characters and grant them bits and pieces of their power and hold large tournaments. In addition to the tournaments, the deities have also unleashed hellish beasts (wyverns, lycans, hellhounds, etc) into the new world the characters are pulled to, requiring some to take arms to keep the cities free of these creatures for those who are either unable or refuse to fight. The winner of the tournament brings fortune to their 'house' essentially, granting them additional luxuries until a new victor from another god takes over.

Would any one be interested in this if I were to create it?
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Ludoearned bits
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Man re-watching Onward and thinking that that is actually a REALLY fun world for an RP to be set in? So here's me asking if anyone would be interested in a modern fantasy RP set in the world that Onward takes place in? Some deets:

- Would be Jcink
- Would probably be 3-2-3? IDK I have premium I can transfer to it.
- Fairly relaxed as far as activity goes, no word count
- Might use the ending of the film where magic is starting to come back into use as the conflict, since change is scary
- Canon and OC, but the emphasis will be on OCs(there's not a lot of canon characters anyway)
- Governmental positions would be open for people to play, can introduce some plots that way
- Face claims would be animated OR aesthetics with a written description.
- Species would mainly be: Elves, Centaurs, Merfolk, Pixies, Satyrs, Cyclops, basically any species you see in the film, those are just the main ones! No humans would be present, elves essentially work as the human stand in!
- Even though the site would be set in the world, it wouldn't necessarily be heavily focused on the story because it takes place _after_ the movie, so you don't need to have seen it to get involved, as it wont draw too heavily from the plot of the movie!(but everyone should watch it bc it is GOOD)

Seriously I'm rarin' to go for this concept, I adore the world and the setting so much.
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cowbellearned bits
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Man re-watching Onward and thinking that that is actually a REALLY fun world for an RP to be set in? So here's me asking if anyone would be interested in a modern fantasy RP set in the world that Onward takes place in?

I could SO picture the world of Onward as an awesome setting for an RP! I’d certainly be interested to see where you would take this concept!
547written posts
Ludoearned bits
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Man re-watching Onward and thinking that that is actually a REALLY fun world for an RP to be set in? So here's me asking if anyone would be interested in a modern fantasy RP set in the world that Onward takes place in?
I could SO picture the world of Onward as an awesome setting for an RP! I’d certainly be interested to see where you would take this concept!
I'm currently in the process of building this site so it's cool to see some interest in the concept!
61written posts
erbalearned bits
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I have three major rp ideas I wanted to see if people were interested in, will give a brief summary of all three and just tell me what you like either on here or through messages.

1. An Rp inspired by MOBAs were people make a character who fights in a world between the multiverse, you have SKINS which are basically different versions of you from the multiverse. You can swap to them to use their power and gear and the site would focus around exploring this world, with various game inspired modes to practice on the site.

2. A fully original fantasy rp that takes place on a continent with magic arenas, where people compete in various magical games for glory. The site would focus on life in this ancient period, build your story and go from a peasant to a glorious king, or make a wandering warrior who goes through the lands testing the warriors. This is an rp for those wishing to try combat but also much more as there will be plenty of stories and plots run by staff to help fullfil your itch wether it be for action, drama, mystery, horror or more.

3. A Sci-fi Survival RP inspired by game shows. Players will make one of three different types of characters that changes how you compete in this game and how you work compared to others. It would take place on an alien planet were people would watch you try to survive on this planet, deal with each other and the threats that they send your way. You would either be A Hunters (Human with hi-tech gear, cyborgs, maybe physic), Survivalists (Mutated Human-Animal hybrids which adapt to their environments) and Zealots (Humans who wield Ancient alien tech that grants them powers at the cost of it being their sole focus)
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Elaysaearned bits
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I'm actually a cat person
An idea that has been at the back of my mind for a while:

➵ Fantasy RP set in feudal Japan
➵ Inspired by sengoku jidai - Japan is split between smaller factions that fight for territory and absolute control over the country
➵ Playable yokai and oni characters, though regular humans would be playable as well
➵ 3 factions - potentially one of them consists of demon hunters that wish to eradicate the yokai, the other two could be a mix of yokai and regular people
➵ Samurai, warlords, ninjas, miko, onmyoji are all a thing
➵ Historical setting
➵ Members would be able to create their own abilities for their yokai characters, as long as it's not too overpowered
➵ Conquest, political intrigue, political marriages, conflicts between the factions and all that jazz
➵ The game Onmyoji + sengoku jidai, basically

I think that's the gist of it..? Dunno, my muse for making sites is quite low atm, but I have like 5 character ideas for this setting, like whaa–

I had a site with a similar premise about two years ago, it had a solid run. I have a soft spot for fantasy RPs set in feudal Japan, so I think I might be willing to give this one a shot. 

Dunno, if you want to see this idea see the light of day, my PMs are open (´∇`)

Rodent King
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Mouseearned bits
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where fears and lies melt away.
Been toying with this idea of a Panfandom set in the Kingdom Hearts universe. With the whole, "Every star is a world." it wouldn't be too hard to explain either.

Just say that barriers once keeping Fire Emblem or Mega Man's world closed broke down. It be interesting to say the least.

I still have my old KH site up too - so it just be a matter of changing up all the info to fit the new setting. The site would be on proboards unless I found someone willing to convert the skin I have to jcink.

Would anyone even be interested in something like this tho??
last edit on Nov 17, 2020 11:52:12 GMT by Mouse
547written posts
Ludoearned bits
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So I've been dying to have another Disney/Dreamworks based 'panfandom' site, I'm thinking of taking my idea I posted at the top of this page(or page 23 if this bumps to the next page) and using it for said idea?

- Jcink, I'm already actively working on the site
- Disney/Dreamworks characters will be playable, with very little restrictions as to what films you can pull characters from.(yes animal characters will be allowed too!)
- Semi-personified? Characters are still going to use their own canon animated faces, but I'm running it more like a personified site in spirit? Your character essentially just believes that the canon stories they came from are a dream and the life you write for them on the site is the life they've always known. They're aware of their canon story, but most of them just assume it was a weird ass dream. I don't think I'm explaining it well but I'm doing my best...
- No wordcounts, roll-call style activity checks with no posting requirements, you basically just have to give a heads up that you're there and tell us which characters you're keeping and dropping.

The gist is a college town with a big ass magical school(they teach normal classes and fantastical classes, kind of like hogwarts meets a normal ass university), the playable locations will be contained in this town and the larger downtown area, it's a blend of modern meets high fantasy and magic. Animal characters can speak and attend the school, use their paws like hands ala all dogs go to heaven, that sort of thing.

It's all very WIP information wise, but I'm curious how many people might dig the idea! TBH I just miss having a good Disney based site to haunt and wanna hang out with other Disney/Dreamworks people and write characters from that stuff.
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Fujiearned bits
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So since this seemed to get a lot of likes in the Sites You Want to See thread, I thought I might get a more accurate temperature check on the community. The idea is a more loose site based on Hunter x Hunter. I started a site earlier this year with that in mind but somewhat lost the drive in the early stages. I'd like to see if souls would be interested in starting a site with this sort of concept. 

Here is the link to the site that I started. I like the concept of people that are in the same tier would be relatively all in the same bracket in terms of skill and to extents. There is not a grind to gain all these different stats, I see it as your stats will naturally rise as you do. I do have an idea for a strengths / weaknesses concept. Strength would put you +1 tier stronger than you really are and a Weakness makes you 2 tiers weaker than you are. That would be decided at the start of your character getting made. This could change for the better or worse depending on how you model your own character arc. Instead of players having to grind missions and events to level up, I think a better way to allow players to make personal arcs for their characters. Think of them almost as you would in anime. A player could rise a few tiers in a single arc if it is as badass 

I'd like to think that the world in HxH is pretty big so I'd really like to see players build the world itself. I'm not too sure how to handle that yet but I think it would be a blast. I think for Nen abilities, I'm honestly open to letting them be super open ended and like constantly evolving and becoming odder. Nen is such a weird power system and it has so many options open to it. Again, I'd love to see the communities creativity.

Let me know if you'd be interested in a site like that or more importantly, in helping start a site like that  :D

Here is the link to the site I started but was left quite a bit unfinished hunterxhunterrp.proboards.com/