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What is your RP passion

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Macchiatoearned bits
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What is a RP-related topic you're passionate about?

For example, i love talking about the functionality vs the idealistic vision of plots and events. There are many events/plots that might be AMAZING in theory, but how can we turn those theories into reality. Love that. 
local boogeyman
aliasbex, jeepers cats
pronounsshe/her or any pronouns
802written posts
profit of doomearned bits
profit of doom
Part of the Furniture
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they pull the axe out your face and say "was it the boogeyman?"
for me, writing is all about the melodrama and being someone else. almost all of what i enjoy writing is like, opposite of anything i am capable of doing or even experienced; good or bad (see: the ability to drive LMAO) 

but also for me, getting to be apart of other people's stories has been important for my writing process. some of my best characters, some of which i still use to this day, started out as wanted ads at one point. but i love getting to be that evil dad from your character's history. there's probably some deep psychological reason for why i enjoy playing the worst middle aged man you know, but everybody has a niche.........i guess?

anyway some of my fav tropes/plots/subjects to write about include:
  • unhealthy/toxic family dynamics (specifically like, the emotionally distant father figure and their angry child. chef kiss)
  • codependent and independently bad people 
  • sunshine & stormcloud partners
  • deeply flawed people in general tbh. some of my favorite characters are the blatant mustache twirling supervillains, but i also love a deeply flawed morally gray character. 
  • "how do we handle our shared trauma together when neither of us have been perfect people?"

aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
1,532written posts
ditto become human
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maybe wallace being my fav was foreshadowing
yeah samesies - i love getting involved of other people’s stories. Not in a nosy way but simple linking of small things… i am obsessed about small impacts the most. I learned this from fmab, you know where hawkeye grew her hair long bc of winry. A simple comment that makes a person create a choice for themselves. I love those unintentional changes the most bc of how organic and true to life they are.

Another is (and related to above): I usually have my characters recall people theyve rped with in other threads. I like the callbacks and make things feel like i’ve progresssd. And i also want to show off the fun people i’ve met, you know? I’m proud of what me and a stranger wrote and what we’ve accomplished. And i want to show that it has left an impact on my character

(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
97written posts
scaramoucheearned bits
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one spark baby!
my passion is super angsty romance stuff
but i also like it to have a fun fantasy backdrop, like i don't want to just do angsty stuff with a boring rl background.
it's gotta have crazy magic stuff going on to make crazy magic plots

i also enjoy smutting but it doesn't seem to be looked upon very nicely by the animanga community???
but imma do me and do it anyway

10written posts
ironearned bits
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i love love LOVEEEEEE lore, if you count that as a passion related to rp lol.

i love diving into a site's lore and seeing how the ic world functions, its conflicts, any potential ruling or opposing factions, etc. it doesn't have to be lengthy or anything, but i just enjoy getting to know the world my character(s) will be in and how they'd adapt. +1 for being able to actually contribute to worldbuilding and musing around with other members and their perspectives on how they see the ic world!