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Staffing Confessions

446written posts
wolfeearned bits
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Every time I stick to my guns and say a certain concept or other is not something that my site does I am always pretty happy with myself.

Having a heroes only site and having people commit crimes against humanity in their backstory but feel really sorry about it before doing more before coming really isn't something I wanna deal with at all. Certain concepts simply cannot fit if the RPer is insistent on it with the theme/point of the site and I'm glad I'm actually willing to say that now more consistently rather than half-ass and waste everyone's time like I used to.

Like if someone really wants to play Goku, that's fine. But you're not having a planet destroying saiyan fighting aliens in a slice of life site set in a small town in Maine or something. That's not the theme/point of the site.
last edit on Sept 2, 2019 17:54:46 GMT by wolfe
Any way the Wind Blows...
123written posts
Scaramoucheearned bits
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Scaramouche Avatar
I learned a hard staffing lesson recently. Watch for warning signs. And make sure you trust someone before letting them on your team. Some people will walk all over you.
last edit on Sept 6, 2019 23:32:00 GMT by Scaramouche
151written posts
shanimalearned bits
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shanimal Avatar
of course i am for peace, of course i am for peace. one that suits me.
Scaramouche Avatar
I learned a hard staffing lesson recently. Watch for warning signs. And make sure you trust someone before letting them on your team. Some people will walk all over you.

it can definitely be difficult to put your foot down when it comes to other staff (especially if they're friends and the warning signs have been something you've repeatedly hoped would improve.) do it too harshly (even if it's a necessary bluntness), and the whole site can come crashing down, which is an experience i've been in before and it's very unpleasant. even when they're not rude though and are just flat out shirking their duties it's rough though. i... admittedly have a similar case of where i post important information in the staff chat so my other staffers can familiarize themselves with the rules and a couple of them are just in complete radio silence. i know i should probably give them an ultimatum, but i think i'll ask how life is treating them first.

i hope things go better though! since it's early on it shouldn't crash and burn things. c:
last edit on Sept 6, 2019 23:37:55 GMT by shanimal

Any way the Wind Blows...
123written posts
Scaramoucheearned bits
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Scaramouche Avatar
shanimal Avatar
i hope things go better though! since it's early on it shouldn't crash and burn things. c:
I'm not worried about it so much, just was a hard lesson to learn, is all. 

Love the icon btw ;D
151written posts
shanimalearned bits
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shanimal Avatar
of course i am for peace, of course i am for peace. one that suits me.
Scaramouche Avatar
I'm not worried about it so much, just was a hard lesson to learn, is all. 

Love the icon btw ;D

that's good! tbh one of the hardest things as staff to learn is when it's time to take off the kiddie gloves and be stern. i think everyone that staffs still struggles with it to an extent.

thank you with the two of us it looks like theyre subtweeting dimitri

0written posts
Deletedearned bits
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shanimal Avatar
Scaramouche Avatar
I'm not worried about it so much, just was a hard lesson to learn, is all. 

Love the icon btw ;D
that's good! tbh one of the hardest things as staff to learn is when it's time to take off the kiddie gloves and be stern. i think everyone that staffs still struggles with it to an extent.

thank you with the two of us it looks like theyre subtweeting dimitri

I think I was the opposite. I used to have to remind myself to put the gloves ON and realize not everybody was making mistakes out of spite!
Any way the Wind Blows...
123written posts
Scaramoucheearned bits
Full Member
Scaramouche Avatar
The guilt you feel at taking an evening to yourself and watching/reading a new (to you) anime/manga...
It has over 300 chapters and I wanna finish it but I need to staff why do I do this?
last edit on Sept 9, 2019 11:18:07 GMT by Scaramouche
445written posts
fossaearned bits
Senior Member
fossa Avatar
he's suppose to be DEAD
i like to make sites 90% on my own because i know i am Insufferable and need things certain ways so it's just easier to do everything By Myself rather than constantly tell someone Not Like That

this is probably why i also can't finish sites ever
last edit on Sept 24, 2019 20:09:31 GMT by fossa