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Staffing Confessions

praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
888written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
spiritfoxxy Avatar
Dec 3, 2020 5:28:12 GMT @spiritfoxxy said:
I have a test site that I use for codes and stuff. I'm somewhat excited on the idea of seeing what it will look like once V6 comes out. With how much broke and stuff.

if it ever comes out
257written posts
styrofoam eaterearned bits
styrofoam eater
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i like the cronch
I had a couple people offer to help but I realized 'wow delegating sucks actually!'

I'm constantly afraid I'll ask too much and they'll nope out, or that I won't be able to express what I want well enough, etc etc.
839written posts
SPIRELEearned bits
Part of the Furniture
i'm a lot more extroverted and likely to call people out positively when i'm staff. altho a lot of it is due to admiration i also want people who are a little less extroverted to get the attention they deserve. i mean this in regards to highlighting a character or talent to help them transition and assimilate.

cool post, bio, graphic, format, w/e as a member? i dm u a compliment and let u know keep that shit up cause i'm eating.

but when i'm staff and ur open to being active in public, usually disc, i'll tag u in the appropriate channel and let u know i dig that shit.

Rodent King
1,735written posts
Mouseearned bits
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where fears and lies melt away.
Part of the reason I want to make this DBZ site a thing is so I can make use of all the OC artwork I spent so much money on. But also - I'm kinda starting to feel like it's not even worth it to finish. I've been so sparotic with my progress on it that I'm starting to think I'm not that passionate about it.
frog on the floor
aliasfreiheit, microwaved burrito
1,539written posts
pharaoh leapearned bits
pharaoh leap
pharaoh leap Avatar
i've been having some pretty dark thoughts.
Mouse Avatar
Part of the reason I want to make this DBZ site a thing is so I can make use of all the OC artwork I spent so much money on. But also - I'm kinda starting to feel like it's not even worth it to finish. I've been so sparotic with my progress on it that I'm starting to think I'm not that passionate about it.

If it makes you feel better, literally all of my sites - from the ones that died in two weeks to the one that lasted a year and a half plus - went through a sporadic creation process. I can't think of a site I've made that had a consistent schedule of creation, and none of them were quick. The glory of an unfinished site is that you don't have a deadline, so you can work on it when you have the ideas/motivation, and you don't have to push stuff out that you might not care so much for when those ideas/that motivation isn't there. That doesn't mean you've completely run out of passion, even if you aren't immediately interested on working on it. Let it sit until the day you decide you can't go another day without playing on that hecking site! And if that day never comes? Well, that's okay, too. <3
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wolfeearned bits
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iota Avatar
(Spoiler: it wasn't easy lol. In fact, it was agony for the first 2 years lol.)

Not going to lie, as someone doing major overhauls at almost the 2 year mark to make events/DMing sustainable long term that was kind of comforting to read.

Will add just for discussion that it took about two months from creating admin account to site opening for me, and the last week or two was just waiting on a theme commission to be completed so that I could open the site before the last episodes of that season came out. I crunched really hard and spent late December/early January basically obsessively working on it with all of my free time to get it into a working condition and did much the same thing in advertising around places to force myself to not delay it to polish random things that nobody but me cared about and just get it out there.
last edit on Dec 13, 2020 22:09:36 GMT by wolfe
phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,363written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
AkiraTsunami Avatar
Why is it so hard trying to find advertising staff...? Does everyone just really hate advertising or is it just me?

if it helps any...... here's some of why i slowly transitioned from being someone who was a big ad mod into hating it with a passion.

the captchas have gotten a lot harder in recent years - i genuinely miss the days when jcink had the 6-digit authorization and proboards the silly "pick your favorite color" wheel because those were v easy to do. now though? now it's a genuine struggle to try to get the recaptchas to actually confirm i'm not a robot (legit, i had a linkback i did just a few days ago where i failed the captcha at least ten or fifteen times before i finally passed it while i was on the verge of denying the ad before i broke my computer out of sheer frustration).

this frustration is enough in and of itself to basically make me go "i'm not advertising for anyone else when i hate doing it so much just for myself" imo.... but i also just personally don't see most site-to-site advertising to have enough payoff to be worth the frustration.

on previous sites i've run, i used to do surveys asking where people came from - and of the answers i got, the four most common responses tended to be 1) word of mouth from a current member, 2) a response to a site search, 3) an advertisement on a resource site like p2, and 4) advertisement / affiliate on a site in a similar genre. of those four, far and away the people who tended to stick around longer were in the first two categories.

which i mean - don't get me wrong, i would see more traffic and pick up a few new members any time i did a big ad blitz. but when the vast vast majority of that traffic tended to just be advertisers, it just felt like such a waste of time, time that i would have much rather spent plotting or posting or doing other things that had much more tangible benefits and helped with retention. add onto this the realization of just how futile it felt after a certain point, trying to find "new" sites to advertise on after i'd already hit all the sites i could reach, and just... yeah.

i still do it (especially since i know animanga is a lot more fragmented than rl is, so not doing it has you missing a good bit of the community otherwise) but it's just.... exhausting and i don't have the time or energy to feed that black hole tbeh.

0written posts
Deletedearned bits
Deleted Avatar
I wouldn’t say I hate advertising when trying too promote a site but having too constantly update my ad block too include more websites when I only planned too briefly be on that site for the sake of advertising. Like I understand proboards needs these advertisements but I wish there was a quicker way too add them besides clicking the button and having too refresh the screen. It is just, I would have been done already and have closed the page. And yes the captchas have gotten worse, just I clicked all that apply and it makes me do it again as if I hadn’t... or they have some too close together so you can’t make out the letter/numbers so you get it wrong or skip it.
aliasnightbloom, bloom
702written posts
peachearned bits
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peach Avatar
so it goes.
I used to feel bad/awkward about mentioning how my site has been a WIP for years. But now... I don't? I'm working on pretty much all the lore and whatnots on my own with general input from people, and I am just. Taking my time. It is a project I'm still passionate about, even if it has taken me a long time. I just want it to be amazing when I am ready to open it. And if it takes another month or two? I'm finally okay with that.
Rodent King
1,735written posts
Mouseearned bits
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where fears and lies melt away.
Listen, I don't want to wait a month just to play the character I want to play on your site. Locking things like making an Uchiha, Saiyan, or some other equally popular OC option, that isn't related directly to the plot of your site. Behind a pointless activity requirement like 30 days of activity. When I'm not even certain the site is something I want to stick around that long for. Is one of the quickest ways to get me to close the tab and never look back.

And assuming I do stick around, that first character is just going to be made solely so I can play the character I actually want.
last edit on Dec 29, 2020 2:01:30 GMT by Mouse
Tidal Wave
aliasAkira, Tsunami, Tsu, Aki
4,224written posts
AkiraTsunamiearned bits
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I've got a hurricane in my head, I can't feel a thing, but it's better than dead
Making all the plot things, blowing the minds of your members to the point that they destroy your discord chat? That will always be the best feeling in the world. I love plot twists, especially spur of the moment ones that aren't really planned, even if it has me screaming at my own lore and I have to rewrite the plot sometimes. As long as the members are happy, that's what's important, right?