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Staffing Confessions

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70written posts
Blossomearned bits
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Blonde to the bone
I'm always having to do some kind of chore or RL type of deal when staff-work comes up. I guess not a sin because it's unavoidable, but I still feel bad about it. ; v ;

Sometimes I use like really informal language or "idk i dont remember lol" when addressing a member's complaint or actually important questions, LOL. I mean, my social battery gets drained, but other times I'm just straight-up lazy.

not re-checking threads after they said they changed the issue to make sure they did. the greatest sin.
446written posts
wolfeearned bits
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wolfe Avatar
I do a singular @everyone ping on Discord about once every two weeks for announcements, and without fail every time I do it a lurker leaves the Discord.

I like to think that they just have a bajillion servers and wait for pings in order to figure out which ones to leave. The mental image is just funny to me. It's always instantaneous too, which makes it even more peculiar.
phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,363written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Kuroya Avatar
what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
wolfe Avatar
I do a singular @everyone ping on Discord about once every two weeks for announcements, and without fail every time I do it a lurker leaves the Discord.

I like to think that they just have a bajillion servers and wait for pings in order to figure out which ones to leave. The mental image is just funny to me. It's always instantaneous too, which makes it even more peculiar.

honestly, it's probably that they just. have forgotten that they're in the server or that they meant to leave it until they get the notification. i've done that more than a couple of times with servers.

stultifera navis
568written posts
ninelieearned bits
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VOLITION [Medium: Success]
When someone starts openly complaining about how their shit hasn't been sorted yet, like dude you just joined like 30 minutes ago. I'm sorry the staff team has lives? So when people start to complain in the Discord harrying staff, guess what asshole, I'm going to take that much longer to get around it because you made it a point to complain about, when it doesn't need to be. DM me or something when it's been more than 48 hours; then we'll talk.

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phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,363written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Kuroya Avatar
what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
iota Avatar

Sometimes I just want to LUMP everything I want on one site and treat each index forum as its own separate forum like so: [image removed for space]

it's called a sandbox site. they exist, just. not really on the animanga side since iwys died. honestly i'm not a huge fan of how they're usually organized, but i'm not responsible for it, so #notmyproblem

i've actually been kind of enjoying my time on the one i'm on now, but i'm also just using it as a way to drag myself off tumblr, so. yeah.

also i'm so sad there's not a pic of the old cat in the hat movie for "it's called a contract" so i could have made a terrible photoshop for it, don't @ me
last edit on Mar 16, 2019 18:56:23 GMT by Kuroya

phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,363written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Kuroya Avatar
what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
iota Avatar

Interesting, the sandbox sites I've seen were usually one theme, just very big and plotless. xD Kind of like Morrowind if you get lost/off track I almost forgot about IWYS, but IWYS seemed to have more features, like people making their own groups/RPs (which I wouldn't do... because you might as well RP on resource forums that have an RP section at that point).
I wouldn't actually make a site like that -points to pic- maybe... ... ...lol xD but sometimes I just... dream of having everything I want because I'm greedy, LOL.

Glad to hear you've been enjoying a sandbox. :3 I thought maybe they'd get a bit too hectic/overwhelming, but nice to hear they can be enjoyable in practise.

i was never part of iwys, but i assume it functioned far more similarly to an actual "sandbox site" than like a "sandbox" site. which the confusion is that sandbox seems to be used for two different things - there's "sandbox" sites (aka sites that are still set in a given verse, setting, fandom, or whathaveyou but just don't really have an overarching plot, ie, a "sandbox" hp site) and then there's "sandbox sites" (aka a site where it's set up as a resource site might be but is actually geared towards rping and just letting people sort it out for themselves, which is closer to what iwys was supposed to be i think).

i actually really like it since it's... no less overwhelming than tumblr is (and in some ways, is less so, since the organization is much better), and in a sense, i can focus more on finding partners to rp with instead of finding a site that fits what i want to do. which is nice for me for picking up things that just aren't super big (ie, me sitting in the corner, playing with tua) or doing large-scale things i don't want to be responsible for the whole kit-and-kaboodle (aka if i did a second "site" on the boards). plus i mean. it actually hands a lot more control over to players since imo if you want to only do one ship partner, that's fine, but if you want to try out more ships, that's fine too. (or, in my case, i can recruit all the robins into the batcave, the way batman does best.) or just. work out what's compatible ahead of time rather than finding it out 5 posts down the road.

my one regret is just that like. 1) i wish it was organized a little better (since both the ones i've seen aren't really organized well in my opinion, at least, not if you're doing anything other than normal "real life" rps) and 2) there was a stronger animanga presence on them. other than that, i don't really have any complaints.
last edit on Mar 16, 2019 21:33:53 GMT by Kuroya

446written posts
wolfeearned bits
Senior Member
wolfe Avatar
Just a quick rant.

I really, really dislike people who ask for line by line application reviews on Discord. I'm talking like people who will post random sections of their app in chat and expect it to be reviewed instantly, and then ask again once it's reviewed because it got buried after a day.

I've spent about 20-30 hours the past month and a half or so doing them, and they have been pointless every single time. I'm stopping them entirely, because two out of four of those reviews resulted in any sort of WIP post -- and of those two, both of them had the exact issues that I pointed out earlier or warned against.

I have no idea what the mindset is of 'hey can you review this' and then not showing me or any other staff what you are working on. Can you have a sword? Yeah, sure. Me saying you can have a sword, because come on everyone likes swords does not make me a liar when you app a meteor shooting world ending rapier with 18 points that can all rip your soul out of your body when it touches you. You asked if you could have a sword, and I said yes. There were parts left out, though.

It's been a long time since I've adminned a site, so having to relearn all of these things that I could get away with as a normal staffer but not as an admin is really annoying because I should know better. The hours I spent doing that could have been spent posting or running classes or DMing or any number of things and I just got robbed. From now on I'm just reviewing concepts and the actual profiles. A month and a half and being yanked around is more than enough for me to learn my lesson again.
last edit on Mar 16, 2019 22:02:23 GMT by wolfe
phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,363written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Kuroya Avatar
what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
iota Avatar
So, I had no idea there were non-thematic sandbox sites out there.

i mean, i honestly only found out a couple of weeks ago through browsing looking for specifically that, so. i don't think they're amazingly advertised well, which i think is more a statement of how rl just doesn't advertise the same way animanga does (aka it's almost all directory sites and tumblr now, most sites have dropped affs and many don't do site to site anymore). so. i was in the same boat.

Yeah, I can see this. Oh gosh, that reminds me of a site... a one-on-one site.. I can't remember the name. But it was kind of like that. You could RP whatever you wanted, just had to find some partners to do it with. I can definitely see where you're coming from. I wonder why they don't really exist in the animanga community. I think it's definitely possible to organise them well, but I suspect it might be... a little more involved and/or demanding than that of a single RP because it might be running like 3-4+ RP sites at once, even though it's in one place (and that's convenient /wiggles brows).

i mean, i imagine it would just. be difficult to pull one together for animanga. since y'know. there'd need to be a consistent staff team, even if it was super laidback on what they had to do (and imo you'd need a solidly respected + active staff team since i don't see it lasting long-term without those things), and obviously, there's going to be an inevitable divide because of hosting (since people can get fussy about not going onto the other) and when the community is already pretty small, a divide is gonna hit hard. even with the added benefit of "hey, you can rp all the stuff you never got to do when xyz site closed" since y'know, a static place to come back to for stuff is great. plus i remember gangnam style used to have an rp area that wasn't really used, so that might also be playing a factor in it, the fact we just. don't come back to general hubs for that so much.

i've just put a lot of thought into it since i was actually gonna make something like it before i realized that i really didn't want to have to deal with all of it and the complications of it (and y'know, being solely responsible if everyone ghosts out).

..... unrelated but omg i know that feeling so hard, it's the worst and i hate it. just. no, i'm not going to line by line approve or deny your app (or worse, look over xyz app from a previous site and tell you if it's okay or not). bonus points when they then make minimal changes to the app because you "said it was okay" even though it doesn't even remotely fit the setting or site lore in any way. it is such a massive waste of my time and energy. please just. i am more than happy to review your app. just. go through the proper channels by submitting your whole app for review at once instead of this endless purgatory, please, i beg of you.