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aliasMek, Tak
66written posts
kiinearned bits
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kiin Avatar
Title. Got the itch again and I need to scratch it, but it's been a while since I've done a personal search and I don't honestly know where to begin. Overall, my "requirements" for a site are pretty lax, though, so I figure it can't hurt to put one of these up.

What I'm looking for:

Super Powers: Pretty straightforward. Any sort of superpower RP would be dope. Idc about animanga/irl fcs, theme, background, lore, setting, w/e, all too much. I can get into just about whatever so long as powers are/can be involved.


I've been playing a fair amount of FE3H lately, so this itch inevitably came up. Medieval setting would be dope and I could pretty easily throw myself into that.


Space? Aliens? Advanced tech? Time travel? Whatever the hell it may be, anything scifi would be awesome, as well.

Like I said, overall, I'm not too picky, and if anyone would wanna throw something my way that isn't any of these I might still be inclined to give it a look. With that said, I very much appreciate anyone who takes the time to read this and/or throw something my way.

aliasMek, Tak
66written posts
kiinearned bits
Junior Member
kiin Avatar
Heyoooo, throwing my stuff at you.

So, I'll start with what might seem like it's not what you're looking for, cuz I don't want to seem misleading. It's a space exploration site. Earth tech is advanced and and they wanna go out into the stars and yada yada yada. Now, that out of the way, here's what could potentially work for you!

The planet we are on now is certainly quite a fantasy place, in stark contrast to what the rest of the plot seems to be. The Initiative, the ones going out into space to colonize on new planets, crash landed in a place with tons of things they were never prepared for. Everything is "alien" within the site lore, but there are monsters, familiars, "summon" types like from Final Fantasy, etc. all blending together in this world. We're also currently beta testing a hunt system that should be fully implemented soon!

As for what can be played, I'm open to juuuuuust about anything. A character from Earth can be played (a human with "gifts" or advanced tech) or a native of the new world, be they humanoid or not. There's also the freedom to create your own little native race to the planet, so long as nothing goes overboard.

I'll drop the link below but I'm also willing to answer whatever questions you may have. If it's not for you, that's cool too! And in case it's simpler for you, you can hit me up on discord at Kiin#3415
aliasMek, Tak
66written posts
kiinearned bits
Junior Member
kiin Avatar
Unreliable staff teams are whack. When you get a team together for something cuz folks seem super interested, then you lay out a time frame you want to get things done with, and everyone volunteers for this job or that - and then they just don't do it? Like homie you don't have to jump on the train if you're not gonna come with us, I don't mind. I do mind people who say they'll help and then don't, though.

Also, members who complain about nothing happening but don't respond to any site events and refuse to thread with new people. They shouldn't be as common as they are.