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aliasMek, Tak
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kiinearned bits
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i both hate and love this so much, especially since the actual song didn't pop up in my head but the meme mashup song instead
that just makes it even better
aliasMek, Tak
66written posts
kiinearned bits
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for the longest time i never knew what OTL meant and could never quite figure out the abbreviation. eventually i settled on "OH THE LOSS!" lmao

aaaand then one day it was explained to me.

p.s in my younger days i thought FTW meant fuck the world LOOOOL
okay so when i was a young lad and internet speak was on the rise, i thought OMG was like, a sound?? like i thought out loud you'd say it "ooohmguh!"

and it took me about two years before hearing it out loud in my 6th grade english class that it was an abbreviation and not just a sound

so, im hardcore feeling you right now

For the longest time, my siblings and I all thought "roflmao" was an exclamation, or an onomatopoeia, and we thought it was the funniest thing ever. I went at least a good 3+ years before I learned what it meant, and I was super disappointed.
aliasMek, Tak
66written posts
kiinearned bits
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kiin Avatar
I'm in the process of revamping my dream site (i.e. the RP I've wanted for many, many years and finally made) and that requires a new skin. I'd like one built for the board, if possible. I know that's a lot of work, and no one should want to do it just willy-nilly, but I'm willing to throw money at it because this means a great deal to me. If anyone is interested in taking me up on this, I'll put my discord at the bottom. Feel free to add me, or have me add you, and I will share deets and the site in question, and anything else you need to begin working on it. I'm also really flexible as far as rates go - again, this means a lot to me.

Thanks in advance, looking forward to hearing from y'all. Also, if I'm not including enough or did something wrong with this request, feel free to give me a slap. 

Kiin#3415 is my discord.
aliasMek, Tak
66written posts
kiinearned bits
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kiin Avatar
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Shounen school setting.

... I'm doing this, but I'm conflicted if I wanna go through the trainwreck of being an admin again. The skin is all done, but writing lore is literally the bane of my existence.
let us do the bad bitch fusion dance and put our skills together.

i'll dead-ass on the highest of keys do all the world building stuff if you keep the house lookin' nice and clean. you can be a glorified trophy wife.

shounen school setting is my shit and i miss it with the passion of one thousand frogs croaking under the glow of a full moon.

I got years of experience running them sorts of sites hmu
aliasMek, Tak
66written posts
kiinearned bits
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My own confession: when I chat about my chars on the cbox, I get really self-conscious. I worry that I come off as self-absorbed, attention-hogging, yadda yadda, but the more I worry... the more I do it. orz

I could never talk about my own characters in Cbox/Discord because of this, when running sites. I tend to be my most active member 100% of the time (whodathunkit) and do as much as I can, so especially in growth-based systems, people tend to accuse you of cheating or gaming your system if your character has good plots/stats/gear/whatever. Talking about it openly just invites that kinda garbage.

It's a reason I've veered away from stat-heavy boards and the like, though I still love them so dearly. The toxicity got to me and I stopped wanting to participate. 

My own confession: I tend to get ranty when a member attacks a member of my staff team(s). I could just give them the boot, but I feel the need to let them know how wrong they are and the degree of "screw you" from 1-10 I'm feeling for them at the time. Something I need to work on.
aliasMek, Tak
66written posts
kiinearned bits
Junior Member
kiin Avatar
Honestly, I just want to see a Pirate RP, but a fantastical one. Sail the open seas, sail the skies, give us an open world to explore to claim glory and fame or pillage and plunder. Give us the kraken, and sirens/mermaids to deal with. Witches and curses of the deep, hidden coves of treasure from pirates past. Shit like that. Kinda can go hand-in-hand with one-piece as I mentioned before, but I don't necessarily need/want super powers.

Throw an RP like that at me and I'll sign up DAMN QUICK