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Staffing Confessions

31written posts
syraearned bits
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LF bleach roleplayers and staff for a one piece site for a friend
I've moved more and more towards 1 on 1 roleplays because I usually just end up being the main staff member with the drive and motivation to keep ontop of everything that the site needs. Advertising? Oh I'm the only one. Grading apps? Also only me. Planning events and engagement? Me? You bet.

I try more and more to stay optimistic and passionate for the hobby I have been doing for over a decade plus now but it gets harder and harder. I want to keep my site going and maybe do another site but staff searching is close to impossible for me these days I am unsure where I go wrong, and when I somehow do find staff I guess I am merely terrible at impressions as I the few I get I manage to get the ones who use staff for canons or quick approval or perks then they ghost their duties.

HALYCON DAYS: a canon bleach rp forum
Tidal Wave
aliasAkira, Tsunami, Tsu, Aki
4,224written posts
AkiraTsunamiearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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I've got a hurricane in my head, I can't feel a thing, but it's better than dead
As someone that does most of the staff work myself a lot of the time, I get it. Finding good and reliable staff is really hard to do. I do find though, that it's easier to do incentive based things, or hire staff out of current members that like doing certain things. If there are members that like reading everything that everyone posts for entertainment/lore purposes? Make them a board moderator. It's now their staff job to make sure that things in the rps are being kept true to the lore or whatever. Some other member loves reading apps? Bam. They now read the apps. Same with adverts, if you can find the holy grail that is someone that doesn't mind doing ads. It is hard to find good staff sometimes, but it really can just depend on what kind of people are around too.

sidenote: for me, i'm just a control freak and have the need to do everything myself and people have to pull teeth to get me to let staff do things.

aliasThe Moustachioed Greek
240written posts
Kostearned bits
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Kost Avatar
Unless a site has an insane amount of workload, I don't think hiring additional staff is all that necessary. For new sites, the community is likely gonna start out small, so there wouldn't be too much modding to do.

I'd say focus on setting up the site skin, lore, mechanics, etc. first, then pitch the concept to a longtime RP friend asking them if they'd like to be a co-admin. That's what I did at least.
251written posts
scarletearned bits
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Kost Avatar
Unless a site has an insane amount of workload, I don't think hiring additional staff is all that necessary. For new sites, the community is likely gonna start out small, so there wouldn't be too much modding to do.

I'd say focus on setting up the site skin, lore, mechanics, etc. first, then pitch the concept to a longtime RP friend asking them if they'd like to be a co-admin. That's what I did at least.
Seconding this advice! I have definitely experienced the issue of “too many cooks in the kitchen” with overstuffed staff in roleplay communities as well. Person A pitches an idea, Persons B, C and D all have input, suddenly the idea is bogged down in red tape until everyone is satisfied… months pass, until the idea wriggles its way into the universe, or the excitement dies and the idea dies with it.

I have also seen issues arise when a staff member whom has a shakier grasp of lore acts without oversight and suddenly plot holes start creeping into your wider site narrative. Always better to have few staff you trust than too many people with keys to the kingdom!

It helps I think to know who has what role. A staff who deals with day to day mod requests might look different than one who oversees events and engagement opportunities, for example. I like what has to say about that.
235written posts
hannyearned bits
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「我等の天下だ 神など要らない。」
i'm terrible at delegating. i'd rather do everything myself than ask people to do it and then they forget or don't have time (+ don't have the chance to tell me they don't have time) but i think that's leftover from my time running pokemon draft leagues... not rp. i just need to remember they are quite separate.
245written posts
Beetleearned bits
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is it normal to get mix of a bunch of anxiety + adrenaline when accepting apps or am i just weird
I definitely get this. The exact mix of feelings really depends on which # app it is for a member. If it's the first one I'm lowkey a little anxious about whether or not they'll stick around / fit with the site but also optimistically excited that there's new blood! For repeat apps it's definitely adrenaline + excitement to see what they're bringing.

But also a little anxiety for like "oh god what if I fucked something up somewhere".

Solar Waltz, an 18+ panfandom set in NYC
the chalk prince
pronounsthey / them
978written posts
yuanearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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existential execution is just a fluke in evolution.
Beetle Avatar
I definitely get this. The exact mix of feelings really depends on which # app it is for a member. If it's the first one I'm lowkey a little anxious about whether or not they'll stick around / fit with the site but also optimistically excited that there's new blood! For repeat apps it's definitely adrenaline + excitement to see what they're bringing.

But also a little anxiety for like "oh god what if I fucked something up somewhere".
fr fr i get excited for both new people and their apps and veteran members and their apps as well. but the anxiety of "what if i messed up something / missed something" is sooo hard to beat qwq
155written posts
alcoveearned bits
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ask not for whom the bell tolls
I write javascript scripts to automate claims and reserves because I'm too lazy to manually do them all.

The time it takes for me to write this scripts takes significantly longer than if I were to just manually to them. But it makes me feel smort
last edit on Dec 18, 2022 1:28:46 GMT by alcove
the chalk prince
pronounsthey / them
978written posts
yuanearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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existential execution is just a fluke in evolution.
alcove Avatar
I write javascript scripts to automate claims and reserves because I'm too lazy to manually do them all.

The time it takes for me to write this scripts takes significantly longer than if I were to just manually to them. But it makes me feel smort
you're stronger than i could ever hope to be. i wrote three lines of script last night and it turned my brain to chicken soup
155written posts
alcoveearned bits
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ask not for whom the bell tolls
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alcove Avatar
I write javascript scripts to automate claims and reserves because I'm too lazy to manually do them all.

The time it takes for me to write this scripts takes significantly longer than if I were to just manually to them. But it makes me feel smort
you're stronger than i could ever hope to be. i wrote three lines of script last night and it turned my brain to chicken soup

Aww thanks! <3 Ironically, I'm motivated by laziness a lot of time. I suffer now so I can relax later
Tidal Wave
aliasAkira, Tsunami, Tsu, Aki
4,224written posts
AkiraTsunamiearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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I've got a hurricane in my head, I can't feel a thing, but it's better than dead
alcove Avatar
I write javascript scripts to automate claims and reserves because I'm too lazy to manually do them all.

The time it takes for me to write this scripts takes significantly longer than if I were to just manually to them. But it makes me feel smort

wow... this can be done...? i need this to be done x.x

aliaspor, sef, jdawg
pronounsshe | her
548written posts
porsefearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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chichi wo moge
AkiraTsunami Avatar
alcove Avatar
I write javascript scripts to automate claims and reserves because I'm too lazy to manually do them all.

The time it takes for me to write this scripts takes significantly longer than if I were to just manually to them. But it makes me feel smort

wow... this can be done...? i need this to be done x.x

fizzyelf has a bunch of pre-made scripts on their portfolio for this.
last edit on Dec 19, 2022 23:52:39 GMT by porsef