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How did you come up with your username(s)?

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elgyemearned bits
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I used to go by my IRL name for RPs, but after I started getting back into animanga RPs, I decided that I would prefer using an alias. Briefly, I went by the name "elixir", which I took from various games, but primarily inspired by Final Fantasy. That didn't stick for long, however, and when I joined an RPG alongside my cutie , they went by Flaaffy and I wanted to match the Pokemon theme. Hence how Elgyem was born. ❤ My favorite Pokemon is actually Typhlosion. I love space, however, and the fact Elgyem is an adorable alien Pokemon sold me.
last edit on Sept 2, 2018 18:54:31 GMT by elgyem
the eldritch truth
1,102written posts
Phantasmearned bits
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My first username, horacedude1, was super dumb lol. I was like, 10 maybe? I would play on AdventureQuest and the other games from those people. The Horace bit comes from the Ranger's Apprentice series a long time ago.

When I was a young teen, I realized the name was dumb - I was watching Pokemon let's plays on youtube at the time, and my favorite channel was Lueroi. I thought the name was cool. One word, two "parts" - "lue" "roi". I wanted to replicate that, so I made "Rextoret". I used that for a long time, until I was 19 last year.

Again, I realized it was dumb after people asked if I had Rex tourettes. So I made my most recent one, Phantasm. This one was inspired by a guy I RPed with a long time ago - Delusional. I thought it was a cool, one word name so I choose my own.
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vonearned bits
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From my irl name. my irl names, unknown to my parents, all have deep meanings.

My first name means 'gift from god, dove, and destroyer' all from the same language. My last name means lover. I didn't choose them however, as I opted for a masculine, simpler, and easy-to-remember name- which is my second name.

irl, i wanted my friends to call me Von, but fck them they never did that.
Dark Empress
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Empress Yuki
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Do you think we can be just like you?
I have always like the name Yuki. The meaning behind it makes me adore the name even more. For those who didn't know, Yuki means snow in Japanese. So yeah, it's why I stick to Yuki as my username :D
eepy cosy
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M A E !earned bits
M A E !
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because even my darkness will shine brightly.
okay cue long post as i describe all my past aliases that i can remember.

i started out on wcrpg as blackriver, then became a weeb and went as kyoko for a while, then i got into paramore and went by looking up which was shortened to lookie, which was my first actual rp site alias. after a while as lookie, i ended up having a really bad breakdown, in which i was hospitalized for "possibly being a danger to myself and others" and then continued to be hospitalized for longer than expected after an attempt while there.

when i got out, i was happier, but also... not. so i rejoined the site as facade because i wasn't sure if i was still myself or... not. it was also because i was literally pretending i'd never been there before because i was embarrassed as fuck that i'd essentially disappeared because of my breakdown

anyways, after that, some other stuff happened, once again dealing with mental health, and i joined a pokemon site under the name of glass. my reasoning for this name was because i felt really fragile all the time, honestly, and i was always terrified that at any moment i could just. shatter. went by glass for about two years, while also being on two other sites as fate; chose that because i'd been starting to feel better about myself but things were still not that good at home. around the time i first went as fate on a site, i'd started asking myself philosophical questions about my place in life. i was 16.

when ccr was announced to be moving from proboards to jcink, i decided that i could use a change. i was feeling good. i was happy. it was a strange feeling. i remember wanting to take control of my life. i also really wanted a music related name. and so maestro was born, because conductor sounded boring. from there, my nickname was mae until i decided to officially change it to just mae because maestro didn't sound right anymore and mae did.

i think mae will stick.

i still sort of go by maestro in other spheres, but people still call me mae anyways. it's nice.
last edit on Sept 12, 2018 17:37:04 GMT by M A E !
84written posts
NULLearned bits
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I started rping when I was like. 10. So I went by Codesterbro. Ridiculous name right? I kinda kept the title for the next couple months and then I started by going by Codester, and my friends gave me the nickname Dester. I kept Codester for fourish years, and then updated it to Code, which is pretty much use as a standard everywhere. The irony is that I dunno how to code. Now im just kinda, bouncing names around until I find one that fits me. Life is suffering orz
last edit on Sept 12, 2018 18:56:57 GMT by NULL
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Deletedearned bits
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The story of how I became "Kannan" is a long one, but I can sup it up really fast like this:

Used to go by a different name, but after an extremely dark period in my life, I decided to "rebrand" so to speak. Where I was once very shy and withdrawn, I started being a little less so. Boy howdy, was that change an experience. I'm a much better, happier person than I was - so I took to searching for an alias that reflected that. The name, and yes I'm totally copy+pasting this from Wikipedia, is derived from the Hindu god Krishna who is known as "Kannan" in Tamil. In Tamil it means "playful" or "merry".
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
last edit on Sept 15, 2018 6:56:27 GMT by Deleted
214written posts
✦ MADearned bits
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One of my first original characters was named Madison, a name I got from the movie Splash. I used that as my online alias ever since I started using online things. In some places the name was taken so I added an s, and for a long time I was Madisson. Then there was a place where even that one was taken so I added the Mad, and Mad Madisson was born.[break][break]

The mad bit sticked because so many things that I liked had Mad in their names. The Mad Hatter, Mad Max, Madmartigan. Of course, I'm not entirely sane either. The art school I studied in even used to be a loonie bin back in the day. Guess the crazies stayed even after becoming a school.
Mad is just a shorter version of the name. Friends call me Madie as well.

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circaearned bits
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what did you see in that dream..? besides young legs...
valka Avatar

i stopped feeling my previous alias so

since i love norse mythology a lot, i went hunting through it for an alias related to it. after some musing, i ended up going with valka.

valka is a short form of the name valgerðr; val- means "the dead on a battlefield", and -gerðr means "enclosure"/"protection" so, i've taken it to mean something like protector of the slain; plus, it's similar to valkyrie, so |D

tbh i would've changed my alias to nyx since i've always loved the night, but it's overused...

going to make this my name on mlbb. 🙃

i’ve had soooooooo many different names. but similar to valka, i just stopped feeling those names and went with ever my muse brought me too. i am in a fish phase rn. and i really like magikarp/gyarados. so why not??
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Deletedearned bits
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Okay so I know Nova isn't too original, but I have been Nova for like.... 6 years now.

I have used different names in the past, one of them being Kari, but after that name also being in the crowd I needed something new.

I was big into skyrim, and was playing around with the word Dovahkiin. Coming up with rhymes and stuff. And I really like Novahki; so much that it became my MMO name. Thus-- Nova. And its a very nice throwback to my favorite iceskater, Elena Radionova

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