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How did you come up with your username(s)?

284written posts
kappaccinoearned bits
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welcome and well met, my brave little spark
I just... I just really like puns. And yokai.

So the yokai kappa + the drink cappuccino.

The funny part? I've hated coffee even back when I could have caffeine.  

local boogeyman
aliasbex, jeepers cats
pronounsshe/her or any pronouns
802written posts
profit of doomearned bits
profit of doom
Part of the Furniture
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they pull the axe out your face and say "was it the boogeyman?"
i've been going by a nickname of my actual name since forever, but ghoul was inspired by a ghost song lmao
aliasvee, vivi
pronounsany / they
659written posts
valkaearned bits
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do u know... la-hee?

i stopped feeling my previous alias so

since i love norse mythology a lot, i went hunting through it for an alias related to it. after some musing, i ended up going with valka.

valka is a short form of the name valgerðr; val- means "the dead on a battlefield", and -gerðr means "enclosure"/"protection" so, i've taken it to mean something like protector of the slain; plus, it's similar to valkyrie, so |D

tbh i would've changed my alias to nyx since i've always loved the night, but it's overused...

last edit on Sept 1, 2018 5:33:27 GMT by valka
if you think i haven't been keeping up with pp, think again
Lux Lucet in Tenebris
pronounsHe, Him, and His
1,226written posts
Jacobearned bits
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Mine comes from the Biblical figure in the Old Testament. It's my actual name, and I use it for out-of-character accounts whenever I can. All diminutives bother me.

Alternatively, I pull sobriquets out of seventeenth-century operas, or, books on them if I've no access to digitized librettos. They're usually Italian, but I may translate.
last edit on Sept 1, 2018 7:08:16 GMT by Jacob
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Deletedearned bits
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My original username that I used for years came from a Descartes quote/philosphy as well as an anime. I still use it for my art.

My current one (eye-oh-da/eye-oh-ta) is from the definition "a very small amount." I chose it to remind myself to be humble. ^^;

last edit on Sept 1, 2018 7:36:17 GMT by Deleted
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It was a vow to myself that I would do my very best to not muddle my words, or my thoughts, or lose my temper, as I've before had problems with all of those things. Been a good track record so far.

Also it sounds like "Claire" and that's neat. Good name.

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