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I like big fonts and I cannot lie
Garfield's gaze moved over the lasagna on the counter. -->
Garfiled noticed John left lasagna on the counter.
Garfield peered at the lasagna John left on the counter.
The smell of lasanga drew Garfield's attention to the counter.
The sound of a pan hitting the counter captured Garfield's attention. It was lasagna!
Garfield's stomach rumbled. John had left lasagna on the counter.

last edit on Oct 16, 2021 18:04:57 GMT by Sharp
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I like big fonts and I cannot lie
Granted. They make it so you can set the rates to 100% for whichever characters you want- but because of this the game loses its predatory addiction mechanism fun so everyone stops playing.

I wish for everyone to have a great day!

last edit on Oct 16, 2021 13:45:18 GMT by Sharp
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I like big fonts and I cannot lie
A pixel perfect personified rp based on Adira's dream.

š“›š“Ŗš“­š”‚ š“š“­š“²š“»š“Ŗ Avatar
I had this weird dream about pixel perfect. It was a building with small dorm rooms, positioned really strangely, and you could enter the rooms. When you did you'd find an site advertisement on the wall or floor like a hologram, and apparently you could click on it and take away the views it had until it reached zero and disappeared?

I did that to a girl, and she got upset with me when she came back. And I was confused telling her it's what everyone always did, that she could do it to me too. But she told me times had changed and no one did it anymore, and I had no clue. So, I apologized and using waybackmachine, to get the code and return her advertisement.

Never dreamed about PP before, LOL, thought I'd share, this whacky thing with you guys.

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I like big fonts and I cannot lie
Icyboards had some really awesome multi-mod tools that were easy to set up complex operations with, I really miss it. I like JCINKs but it does feel a bit limited, but if you design your site a certain way it can make life a lot easier.
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I like big fonts and I cannot lie
AkiraTsunami Avatar
Does advertising even work? I mean I know it has to but really. How do most people find sites these days, because it seems like ads just get buried and don't really work...

It can have a big impact on site launches. Less return after that because there are only so many people in this hobby, and only so many people who will find your site appealing. I've only ever found sites through ads and affiliates really, although I haven't really been looking for a site seriously in six years or so because I've mostly roleplayed on established sites I already knew of. I see lots of sites on here/animangads I would join if I suddenly wasn't busy, and seeing ads and buttons for them lets me know they aren't dead.

Timing is another thing to consider. I think 5 ads a week is better than doing 20 ads a month in one sitting (after launch, you should really advertise like crazy though).
last edit on Oct 13, 2021 0:28:12 GMT by Sharp
540written posts
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I like big fonts and I cannot lie
You don't need to apologize in your maintenance mode messages, good on you for trying to create something!
last edit on Oct 12, 2021 13:12:43 GMT by Sharp
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I like big fonts and I cannot lie
cae Avatar
arknights ...
but also a panfandom site for original characters...? like, characters people have written from various depreciated sites/their own, personal canon [bc i'm surely not the sole roleplayer that obsessively crafts little universes in their daydreams and unfinished gdoc drafts), idk

A foster home for character's whose forum has died would be awesome.
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I like big fonts and I cannot lie
š“›š“Ŗš“­š”‚ š“š“­š“²š“»š“Ŗ Avatar
Sharp Avatar
Proboards is used by a lot of people for more than just rp sites. Jcink is overall the smaller operation. It was just a guy and his wife last time I checked, maybe an extra hand or two. Icyboards was my favorite platform and it went poof overnight because it relied so much on one person. Iā€™m not saying the same will happen to jcink but they rely very heavily on John.
I actually recently learned that the whole of proboards is built by just 8-9 people in total. Found that out during the harder times of covid that they asked for donations. I thought jcink had a lot of people working under it. It's crazy to know that apparently it's just one guy. It might have changed now, but I'll have to look into it. Lots of respect for both sides since creating something alone or with a small group and maintaining it sounds extremely hard.

Yea, they aren't mega-huge either on payrolled employees but they are developers. I just vaguely remember prior to the alert system launch people were complaining about how long it was taking to get features and John explained that he was doing a lot of the development by himself.

But that feels like yesterday to me and I realize that was like 5 years ago now. John is a really cool guy though, I explained to him that people were having to do 2 ads for proboards and jcink and he parsed [center] as an alias bbcode into all of jcink at my request. Way more approachable than proboards on things like that.

I worry that a day will come where both platforms become unprofitable and shutter. Server costs are going up.
last edit on Oct 10, 2021 18:06:49 GMT by Sharp
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I like big fonts and I cannot lie
What are everyone's thresholds for banning someone? I know most people do a "strike" system but is there any time you would just forgo that because someone is just... So awful?

I personally think if someone is causing disruptions in the community, maybe not breaking rules but going into an active safe space and handing out passive aggressive remarks, but also just being rude to everyone. I say cut the loss, if they're harming the community's vibe. But I'd like to get more opinions about such things. It is always great to hear other ideas!

Yea, I trust myself to be as patient as I need to be. I'm not going to give someone a roadmap to how many times they can be disruptive before I'll let them go.
540written posts
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I like big fonts and I cannot lie
lrhaine Avatar
I can't believe proboards is still here...

Proboards is used by a lot of people for more than just rp sites. Jcink is overall the smaller operation. It was just a guy and his wife last time I checked, maybe an extra hand or two. Icyboards was my favorite platform and it went poof overnight because it relied so much on one person. Iā€™m not saying the same will happen to jcink but they rely very heavily on John.
last edit on Oct 10, 2021 16:19:57 GMT by Sharp