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aliasJen, DeJener8
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Me. Most of the time. I only read the profiles if my character is supposed to know the other character or if I'm trying to see if I'm trying to see if the two fit together for a specific plot. If they're just meeting for the first time I prefer to go in as blind as my character is. It makes for more genuine reactions.
I'm pretty much the same. If there's something super important in the bio that I need to know about as a player, or if makes sense for my character(like my character running a background check on the other character with player permission) then I'll typically take a look. Otherwise I enjoy going in as blind as my character.

Genuine question: if you're treating a "get to know you thread" as equivalent to starting a conversation with a random stranger at a bus stop, how can you be sure that you'll enjoy writing the thread with the other character? (Or rper, for that matter, assuming they're not a preexisting rp friend?)

(of course, it's entirely possible that we lie at opposite ends of the "willing to talk to a random stranger" scale!)
aliasJen, DeJener8
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I guess I'm struggling to understand where would you put it, if not just a section at the beginning of the profile? (And who threads with other people without reading their ocs' profiles anyway?)

+1 to language like "content notice" instead of "trigger warning". I don't have triggers, I'm desensitized to fictional content in general, but there are still some things I don't want to rp (or that I'm ok rping with some characters but not others).
aliasJen, DeJener8
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I generally try to post as I get replies, but if a bunch of them stack up, I'll try to set aside time to take care of the entire stack at once. I feel bad leaving some people on owed but not others.
aliasJen, DeJener8
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People take it literally when they describe characters as wanting or doing things against the author's direction?

I've always just meant it jokingly as "whoops I wrote myself into a corner when trying to make X personality interact with Y plot and now I have to figure out a way to reconcile the two." And I'm a fairly extensive plotter (to the point that my rp confession is whoops, I have a habit of outlining entire plots that never end up getting threaded, maybe I should rein myself in on that).
aliasJen, DeJener8
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idk how people who force their characters to follow the plot do it. mine throw a fit and do what they want.

A lot of yelling, cajoling, and bribery tbh

And sometimes I rewrite the plot to let them do what they want but end up at the same destination anyway
aliasJen, DeJener8
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Hoarding problematic men for fun and profit
I loved "Meet the Skills" in DE and I'm loving it here.

Be interesting to see how you translate some of the skills (like Authority and Esprit de Corps) to a setting where all of the OCs aren't expected to be cops.
aliasJen, DeJener8
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Hoarding problematic men for fun and profit
Honestly I prefer a mix of both fast and slow posters.

Someone who posts once or twice a month = fine.
The entire site only gets a new post once or twice a month = I think people have lost interest, and can't stay invested in my own plots.