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62written posts
newyorkearned bits
Junior Member
newyork Avatar


[attr="class","flowers4"]my love

[attr="class","flowers5"]is like a red rose It may be beautiful now But my sharp thorns will hurt you My love is like a red rose Yes, I may be fragrant But the closer you get, the more Iโ€™ll hurt you



[attr="class","flowers7"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum bibendum lacinia orci, eu rutrum lacus porttitor at. Maecenas sollicitudin porta urna, at suscipit nulla viverra vel. Sed faucibus sem arcu, vel sodales justo pretium vel. Phasellus ac egestas neque. Vivamus nec accumsan dui, a vehicula ligula. Phasellus odio justo, blandit mollis feugiat eu, sodales id velit. Praesent rhoncus tristique enim, egestas vehicula diam pretium eget. Fusce ac orci nec sem venenatis semper eu eu eros. Phasellus aliquam at quam eget porta. Mauris ornare, erat id condimentum hendrerit, nulla mi iaculis ante, non bibendum erat mi eu arcu. Suspendisse consequat hendrerit dui id vulputate. Vestibulum in arcu et mauris finibus facilisis. Fusce nec quam rhoncus, consequat neque eu, efficitur velit.[break][break]

Morbi congue lectus quis enim pretium blandit. Vestibulum eget tincidunt libero. Maecenas lacus lorem, imperdiet quis massa sit amet, consequat laoreet diam. Sed molestie ultricies dignissim. Quisque fermentum enim finibus, rutrum erat a, commodo ligula. Proin efficitur lacinia dui sed semper. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur sit amet venenatis orci, nec porta ligula. Duis fringilla facilisis interdum. Sed in nibh at urna fringilla elementum. Nullam feugiat lacus faucibus nulla mattis, pretium pharetra quam lobortis.[break][break]

Pellentesque lacinia venenatis metus. In at ipsum orci. Mauris in leo vel neque dignissim convallis at eget diam. Fusce semper dignissim risus vitae fermentum. Quisque rhoncus sapien ac elit feugiat, vitae faucibus mi finibus. Morbi ultricies facilisis mollis. Suspendisse quis ullamcorper nisi. Nunc lacinia euismod volutpat. Sed pretium ligula sed quam finibus dignissim. Pellentesque elementum lectus lacinia, fringilla ex in, cursus sem. Nunc dignissim felis nisl, sit amet imperdiet justo fermentum tristique. Maecenas est felis, pulvinar et pretium vel, faucibus id quam.[break][break]

Fusce at nisi viverra, hendrerit purus in, varius turpis. Nullam vitae convallis libero, sit amet gravida sapien. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis varius nisl in ex bibendum, quis ultrices lectus tincidunt. Vestibulum laoreet tempus est et mollis. Integer facilisis tortor vitae imperdiet lacinia. Suspendisse aliquam interdum enim, a dapibus nibh facilisis eget.[break][break]

Duis ac sem nec nunc aliquam pharetra et non sapien. Nunc auctor risus ante, vitae ullamcorper sem suscipit a. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean feugiat finibus sapien vehicula ullamcorper. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut rhoncus sem risus, et porttitor purus pharetra blandit. Integer sollicitudin pellentesque congue.

[attr="class","copyright"]๐ŸŒผ new york station

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last edit on Apr 1, 2020 23:19:19 GMT by newyork
62written posts
newyorkearned bits
Junior Member
newyork Avatar
CLASSES: i just thought it would be super cool if that the application kind of had like an exam thing. nothing terribly intense, but something that would dictate which class that they're entered into. and then going along with how you were explaining that once a class fills up then they get put into the next class. and once a spot is open, either through an event like the sport festival or from inactivity, we can bump some people up to class 1-A and whatnot. that would be really cool.

LESSONS: and i really like the idea of lessons being kind of like missions. that would be super cool and a fun, easy way to do things. maybe even doing kind of a roulette of who is paired up with who, so that there is always a variety in characters to interact. and sometimes depending on character progress, they can be paired up to help them grow. like when they did that one test with pairing the two people with the same weaknesses or something like that to see how well they overcome the challenge.

GOING TO THE NEXT GRADE: i'm a little hesitant on the idea of quick progression and people graduating above other people depending on personal skill. really, there's nothing more beautiful on a site that is all about unity and progression when everybody progresses together as opposed to those who just over excel and leave other people behind. if a change of grade was to ever happen, i would imagine it'd have to be MONTHS ahead. like waaay months months, otherwise the plot and feeling of the site feels far to fast paced. then you have to worry about different classes and then those who graduate? you have to worry about doing two separate groups and trying to tie them together. UA seems very much a pass or fail kind of school. i very doubt they would keep first years who can't even graduate to the second year.

i'm also very much a lover of limits. that people can only progress so far before they're stopped until the next event allows them to progress further. that helps to create character motivation and not make everyone feel like they have to RUSH to get super high leveled power. cause like....come on....they're first years.

62written posts
newyorkearned bits
Junior Member
newyork Avatar
i am obsessed with BNHA. my favourite kind of roleplay experience is a beautiful meld of mechanics along with freeform roleplaying. it's really nice having stuff to work up towards, but nice to not have to worry too much about it being mechanic heavy driven that any progress has to be bought. i really prefer knowing that growth in the character is plot driven.

there was a site that i went to that i loved the tier system of power levels. each tier described the increment of power levels that a character was capable of doing, and allowed for people to kind of use their imagination in terms of how to stay within those limits, but still trying to push their character to make it towards the next level. i wouldn't mind helping if you ever need some.