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idindinearned bits
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I've been making female characters with the intention of shipping wlw but?? I also like things organic so its not like I advertise them as wlw!!! ship with me!!!

(idk, pretty sure just asking for ships is kinda looked down upon, like shipping for the sake of shipping)

still love them tho. they're existing as my "i tried" badges rn when I write mlm/het(uwegh).

a thought: without the orientation column, it's still pree easy to fish out the mlm-applicable male characters... but not so easy for the women? hmmm.
383written posts
idindinearned bits
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kae Avatar
this effort to bring recent posts options to jcink has tears of joy rolling down my eyes
big rant/text incoming!!!

ngl i threw down hours/days of research just so that pb folks will have nothing against us hehe. we have recent posts now. what else does pb have that we don't!!! -pitchfork jk jk- at the very least, when people talk jcink vs pb, this is the thing they mentioned, so ya...

...but uh, smtg i wanna cry about, the facepalm moment for me is actually how my effort was largely towards the wrong direction (because i originally meant to scrap all posts from recent threads, but what if people rapid fired? and it spills over to multiple pages? also the ordering? now cycle this for 10-15 threads? also do we show everyone's M threads--) and,,, yeah, obviously it doesn't work that way. the network lag would just kill it. and i would have realized that sooner if i'd just... thought before i coded. skdfhsdkhf 

then a few months later i get back into it and ngl after i found THE answer for just entertaining a wild thought i was just

...meanwhile im guessing pb folks can go 

im actually still wondering if the big coders already knew about this/if it's actually common knowledge tbh
it's... been there for so long... m(;∇;)m

last edit on Dec 9, 2023 18:57:06 GMT by idindin
383written posts
idindinearned bits
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idindin Avatar
feeling really called out that despite my loud whinings for more husbandos in gacha games, it's always the female characters that make me download the game in the first place(if I'm not already playing it)

Nian, Furina, Qu, Selena, and ... well, the star of the show today!!! iykyk. There's also that one time I downloaded a game for a seemingly female character too only to find out they're a boy. Unisex gacha games ftw. Good designs ftw. 

383written posts
idindinearned bits
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idindin Avatar
2024, new year, new me, say no to downwards character development (for the self)

perfectly ok for the characters i write though!!! they can go to hell!! (and back!!!) :party: :party: :party:

dw still keeping myself accountable. as if i'll ever delude myself into thinking i've never made mistakes ha ha ha ha ha

but first, japan trip. sadly without the hot springs. gyah. is it even a japan trip if there's no ryokan stay--- 
383written posts
idindinearned bits
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sometimes, i wonder if i still enjoy writing, or if i am going through the motions because it's one of my longest standing hobbies

i do enjoy it, but it's hard not to reminisce about the older days and how i used to be able to write. i'm glad i'm getting back into it, but i still wonder when i'm going to put it down

i wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them
thanks for being a part of my good old days asu ;'(
383written posts
idindinearned bits
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idindin Avatar
no inspo, but also refusing to look at other designs to jog my brain just in case i forget about them and then proceed to have an eureka moment... but in truth i'm actually 'recalling' them and thinking those ideas are mine skdfhskdhf 

yes yes nothing new under the sun + no ideas are everrrr 100% original but like-- i'd rather not veer so close to people's designs, ya? ;v; intentionally or not, had it happen to me and that gut-drop feeling is so awful. don't wanna do it to other people orz 

maybe i'm taught wrong about the whole recall-ideas-as-yours thing but it's hard to drop smtg like a life advice at this point o<<
383written posts
idindinearned bits
Senior Member
idindin Avatar
caught covid because company policy needed me to go to a clinic for a medical note

asked HR what now

"please go to the clinic and have ur covid condition registered"

so they learned nothing and I'm the casualty o<< all the short responses from them makes me feel so little too -- like I'm lying about this to get vacation time
