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KOJIearned bits
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nox, the HR department Avatar
If you think you're gonna come in here and post my childhood as an idea then you best believe you better hurry and send the rest

pls no hurt me



an au shaman king roleplay

[brief descrip.]

❝ The plus plus effect. The complete synchronization of two souls. The awakening. Oneness. ❞

Once every 500 years, the twin shooting stars Ragoh and Keito circle Earth in opposite directions, signalizing to shamans worldwide that the Shaman Fight tournament is about to start. It is said that the "stars" symbolize destruction, which can only be stopped by the winner of the Shaman Fight, the savior known as Shaman King.
The winner and Shaman crowned king, will merge with that of the great spirit. Becoming a being of ultimate power and presence. Alongside this, the Shaman King is granted one irrefutable desire and having access to power beyond that has been seen throughout the course of the tournament. A power that rivals that of a god, some say. The Shaman King's will is only hindered by their understanding of and resistance to the energy brought forth by the twin shooting stars.
The previous winner of the Shaman fight tournament and current Shaman King, after doing his duty of besting the stars of destruction, fell victim to the twin comets influence. His desire, his newfound wish, was to rewrite the age-old tradition. To maintain his kingship and grow stronger as time passed on. To rewrite the entirety of the world as he deemed fit.
He's started his quest for unrivaled power with the rewriting of the Shaman Fight tournament as a whole.

[current features]

Playable character groups: shaman, citizen, or spirit.
Varying classes of shamans to fit various fighting styles, skills, and character creation.
Loose ranking and leveling system. Stat free battle and combat. Currency system for upgrades and linear progression
Team creation and Team based missions
Player decisions = Site cause and effect wide and small scale.


[+ +] "Plus Plus" would be a Shaman King based site with minor Soul Eater elements. Shounen experience with ample opportunities for character development and relations. Providing to both players who enjoy leveling their characters through means of "EXP" and site currency, and those who enjoy gaining the same "EXP" through threads. The decisions made (or not made) by the players in missions threads as well as overall will shape the events of the site.
Of course, all of this is optional, editable, and etc.


[newclass=.face2 img]width:400px;height:150px;border-top:9px solid #333;margin-bottom:-3px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.quicktxt a]font:bold 7.5px Calibri;color:#fff!important;letter-spacing:1.5px;border-bottom: 1.3px solid #829cd1;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
[newclass=.quicktxt b]color:#829cd1;font:bold 8.5px verdana[/newclass]
[newclass=.quicktag a]color: #fff!important;font:bold 7.5px Calibri;padding: 2px 4px 2px 6px;letter-spacing: 2px;background-color: #829cd1;[/newclass]
[newclass=.himequickcreds a]font:bold 7.5px Calibri;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:2px;[/newclass]
last edit on Jan 10, 2019 4:43:14 GMT by KOJI
106written posts
KOJIearned bits
Full Member
KOJI Avatar
virtual angel
hood Avatar
listening to the shaman king opening gives me heavy temptation to re-watch that series. such a classic.

Can we re-watch it together? I'll bring the popcorn and cheez-its?

ninelie Avatar

Shaman King was my entire childhood. I'm still holding out for a reboot.

Top 5 anime openings of all time. Don't @ me. And if it gets a reboot, I'll phoenix down my anime watcher's license.
last edit on Jan 7, 2019 16:25:13 GMT by KOJI
106written posts
KOJIearned bits
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KOJI Avatar
virtual angel
iota Avatar
KOJI Avatar
2019 and still no dislike feature? Is this really a progressive future... :thinking:

If it's that important to you, you could always go the expensive route (Invision Community / IPS). There are a couple resource sites with this host where you can react with a thumbs down, thumbs up, even a "salty" and more.

Ah, mahalo much~

106written posts
KOJIearned bits
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KOJI Avatar
virtual angel
This. Is. Gorgeous. I also would love to use this skin for Halation (currently proboards but I've been considering shifting over to Jcink for -shifty eyes- reasons).

I don't want to step on any toes, so I totally understand if it's a first come first serve deal. If available, I too would love to discuss details and things! My discord is Kojihime#9751 if that would be a better means of communication for you!
last edit on Nov 12, 2018 5:30:18 GMT by KOJI
106written posts
KOJIearned bits
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KOJI Avatar
virtual angel
Half because i'm a lazy fuhq, half because i'm inept af. But where do you, if any, find patterns to use for your codes, sites, and etc? I've literally sucked subtlepatterns dry and have no idea where else to search? Please help.

/sends smoke signals, spells SOS in coconuts.
106written posts
KOJIearned bits
Full Member
KOJI Avatar
virtual angel


a "deconstructed" magical being roleplay

[brief descrip.]

❝ With kindness comes naivete. Courage becomes foolhardiness. And dedication has no reward. If you can't accept any of that, you are not fit to be a— ❞

Chaos is known as the being that never became a star. It is everywhere and yet nowhere at the same time. Neither good nor evil, the ultimate expression of nothingness. The antithesis of the cosmos, creation itself. Although Chaos claims to be the very state of existence from which the first entities appeared, it cannot form into the entity it wants most. So it has been cursed to stay in the form of a dark and shapeless void. Floating between existence and nonexistence. Longingly watching as stars are constantly born and lives are lived. The seeds of malice had been planted, flourished and transformed Chaos into the purest form of evil.
The Galaxy Cauldron. The birthplace of every star and all living things in the galaxy, located at the center of the Milky Way galaxy, in Sagittarius Zero Star. Chaos was aware of the Cauldron's role in the creation of living things. With this, the entity could have all it wanted and then some. So it melded itself with the Galaxy Cauldron. Obtaining overwhelming power but sadly, it could still never become the star it wished to be. It was not a living being. And was forced to stay within.
The malice grew stronger, it became a deep seeded hatred. Chaos despised all who were lucky enough to live. They were happy, content remembered. So it began to lure in beings of the galaxy. With promises of power, love, fame, fortune. Each motif tailored to the individual who would come to the cauldron. Upon arrival, they would each become vessels for Chaos.
It's purpose?
To become one with the universe as everything had once been. It missed the closeness desperately. The Ultimate light. By any means, it would not rest until all of the universes reverted to its original state. So Chaos created Dark stars. The corrupted. They would do it's bidding. Plague the world until all surrendered and the energy taken would reunite the universe.

[current features]

Playable character groups: Citizens and Magic beings
Various forms of magical beings and origins. Male included.
Wish = Magic = Powers = Consequences
Loose ranking and leveling system. Stat free battle and combat. Currency system for upgrades and linear progression
Player decisions = Site cause and effect wide and small scale. PVP and PVE


Halation would be built on the negative side of the magical girl and guy genre. Hence the worth "deconstructed" in the tagline. Delving into the darker aspects while still carrying the appeal of the genre in itself (Madoka Magica meets... everything?). Different facets and pieces would be taken from franchises and meshed into one cohesive project/plot, giving the players boundless opportunities to sculpt and make varying characters. A Shounen/Shoujo experience with ample opportunities for character development and relations. Providing to both players who enjoy leveling their characters through means of "EXP" and site currency, and those who enjoy gaining the same "EXP" through threads. The decisions made (or not made) by the players in missions threads as well as overall will shape the events of the site.
If you're interested in the site or have any question, comments, concerns, suggestions, whatever tf you wanna say. Feel free to drop a reply here! Or hit me up on discord @ ( Kojihime#9751 ). Also, if it'd be more accessible to keep updates here in this thread, and you want to be tagged in those, post or like this shiet I guess? I dunno, this is my first time making an interest check and it shows 8) I'm a heathen. Tis all. Thanks for reading... again!


[newclass=.face2 img]width:400px;height:150px;border-top:9px solid #333;margin-bottom:-3px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.quicktxt a]font:bold 7.5px Calibri;color:#fff!important;letter-spacing:1.5px;border-bottom: 1.3px solid #829cd1;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
[newclass=.quicktxt b]color:#829cd1;font:bold 8.5px verdana[/newclass]
[newclass=.quicktag a]color: #fff!important;font:bold 7.5px Calibri;padding: 2px 4px 2px 6px;letter-spacing: 2px;background-color: #829cd1;[/newclass]
[newclass=.himequickcreds a]font:bold 7.5px Calibri;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:2px;[/newclass]
last edit on Oct 5, 2018 18:25:36 GMT by KOJI