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147written posts
asiearned bits
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i'll take my chances on the curb here with you.
o hi my name's asiotus but people mostly just call me asi or oats or [REDACTED]. you can kinda call me whatever so long as i know you're talking to me tbh.

i'm p much nonexistent in the rp community despite having been into rp since i think middle school? and since i'm 23 now that must be just a little over a decade if i were to hazard a guess, though my first couplea years were not spent on proper rp forums. but i figured i could officially introduce myself while i'm here ovo

i can probably count on one hand the number of forums i've "properly" been a member to, if only because i tend to be very devoted to a site i'm on at the time and will remain attached to it for quite some time after it dies and won't really rp for like year or more during that time. i'm admittedly pretty darn picky about the sites i join so when i find one i wholeheartedly like, i hang onto it for dear life. but anyway! i love writing and would love to write a proper novel at some point but i would say that i'm primarily an artist! my Big Dream is to be a game artist; i went to college for it and everything! you can probably guess that i've done a fair bit of 3d art during my time in school. and i still do. i promise. i'm the canonical Procrastination Monster though so i've gotten less done for my portfolio in the past few months than i could do in two weeks during school. i'll be the first to admit that i'm a pile of garbage.

right now i work midnights so i'm often awake in the wee hours of the morning and otherwise don't have a proper sleep schedule. i've just resigned myself to being eternally tired and drinking a lot of coffee.

lately i've been having a lot of fun making my icons and hovers and honestly feel free to hmu for those if you ever need em. i've been wanting to get back into coding but i'm obnoxiously rusty so it will certainly be some time before i post any kinda template if i ever do. i'll probably be here to lurk mostly, and occasionally post some of my writing and pretending that i'm not lowkey scared of socializing.

anyway this is getting long and going nowhere so i'll stop here. apologies for all the self-deprecating humor. until next time, frens.

147written posts
asiearned bits
Full Member
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i'll take my chances on the curb here with you.
honestly it kinda feels like my whole life has been rp since finishing up college back in december but in reality i spend my weekends working the midnight shift at my job and uhhh making a lot of doodles of my ocs and doing 3d art for my portfolio procrastinating. someone come kick my ass into gear im begging you. i love video games but my attention span has been very limited in that area lately so i havent been playing much aside from botw like once a week maybe.

(seriously someone make me be productive so i can get a real boi job one of these days)

147written posts
asiearned bits
Full Member
asi Avatar
i'll take my chances on the curb here with you.
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bc the mere fact that i didn't feel even slightly awake despite getting 7 hours of sleep until after my daily dosage of caffeine suggests i have a problem