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scarletearned bits
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I personally don't view Discord RP and forum RP as the same medium.

In my mind, if a community moves to Discord from a forum, I imagine it's because the majority of its community finds real-time RP more satisfying than the slower pace of forums.

Rarely do you see Discord RP moving to forums because the people who are drawn to Discord RP want and crave the immediacy of the medium. Slowing down to a forum pace can make people irritable who are used to instant gratification.

Meanwhile, running a successful forum requires more consistent modding and effort to keep attention across a longer period of time. People have those expectations of forums, but they don't of Discord RP. Volunteers who are willing to put in that effort and sustain it for forums over multiple years are rare, making them harder to successfully run long-term.

If I were to guess, the result would be there will be many more Discord servers to serve the needs of those who prefer that writing style, while there will be a smaller group of active, well-modded forums to serve the people who enjoy the other.
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scarletearned bits
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Same! A nice and pleasant surprise tbh. Not been my usual lately, haha.
Iโ€™m currently down an arm so Iโ€™m genuinely impressed I managed to do housework
Oof, sorry to hear that. That is definitely impressive though, for sure.
206written posts
scarletearned bits
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Having the energy to do everything I need to do feels impossible sometimes. But I also know the only way forward is to push through.

I'm so slow to transition from what I've become comfortable accepting, even if it is a status quo I know I can't sustain. I try to remember I've managed it before, and I can manage it again. Baby steps are still steps.
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scarletearned bits
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I used to be one of those people who ruminated on every stupid thing I ever did when I laid awake in bed at night, and I've tried to learn not to do that because there's nothing that can be done about what's already happened. You have to just learn how to forgive yourself and move on.

It's not really the point of this thread I know, but if anyone is dealing with this, it's what I do:

1) Question if it was a malicious thing I did. If it was, resolve to right that wrong if possible.
2) If it wasn't, ask if there was anything I would do differently now, and if so, resolve to do that in the future.
3) Acknowledge that there are always things out of my control, and I cannot hate myself for being unable to see the future.

The things that usually stick with me the most are when I hurt someone unintentionally, especially when I say something thoughtless in the moment that I can't take back. This happens the most when I'm comfortable with people, and I stop thinking as much about the things I say because I feel secure.

For that reason I find it difficult to forget unkind things I've said to people, even if it wasn't meant unkindly.
206written posts
scarletearned bits
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Another confession: I lied, before. I do remember my last moment of happiness.

Mine is a faint memory, in the way all memories are fading after-images of a life that used to be bright and splendid. Still, I hold it close with a childlike selfishness -- something that wears down the very thing it adores until it is scuffed and worn, its once comforting appearance now unrecognizable.

And though it is a memory that has been cruelly loved to the point it is tatters and ruin, it is a memory I shared, once, with you.
206written posts
scarletearned bits
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I donโ€™t know who else needs to hear this, but I have found that being reminded itโ€™s okay to fix one thing at a time in your life is very affirming. We are all works in progress and self-improvement is an ongoing thing.